This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

PBEM - Episode 189, Orcs and Fire

And we have it - standard "Plan B" D&D - set something on fire! So proud! 😁




Looking at the arrow sticking through the shield, Wyn pulled the shield off his arm and broke the arrow out of the shield. “Fuck this shit,” he cursed, turning back and marching up the stairs. Stepping over Lannis’ trip line he walked right to the bedroom past Abraxas and snarled, “Salazar, de time for sneakin’ be over. We be chargin’. Just need to get us a shield of sorts.”

“Senor,” Abraxas said pointing, “You have one. That one.”

“Oui. But deese be orcs and fuck those dirty ass chompin’ goat fuckers in dere blow hole wit’ a spiked bat an’ no lube.” He shoved the door open, sweeping the straw mattress off the bed and holding it up lengthways in front of him. "It’s time. I'm running down the hall after these pig fuckers. Whose coming with me?"

Lannis rubbed his chin and then swung his pack around, taking out one of his flasks of oil. "Running right into their potential traps seems dicey, but I don’t see as we have much choice at the moment." He broke the seal and jammed a torn bit of cloth the mouth, shaking it up. “I’m in.”

“It’s time for plan fire?” Lyra asked, pulling her sling out. “I’m always down for plan fire.”

Brendon was grinning broadly. “I’m down wit’ y’all.” Turning to the Cleric he asked, “Lyra, can you cast Resist Fire on Wyn and the Mattress?”

Lyra placed a hand on the elf’s shoulder and prayed, “Aine, bless my companion with the ability to resist fire.” He was covered in a faint red glow that faded after a few seconds (20 minutes from this mark).  “Remember,” she said, tapping the elf once more, “I know that’s what the mattress is for but fire isn’t protecting you from arrows... honestly it might just make it worse, I don’t know.”

“I’ll be fine, Priestesse,” Wyn said with a growl. “Dose Orcs dough, dey are gonna feel me hard.”

“I don’t know if that sounds gay or not,” Lannis muttered.

“Fuck you,” Wyn answered back, momentarily stunning the Magic User to silence. “Monsieur Kovid, Light me!”

The dwarf pressed the hot glass of the lantern against the front of the mattress as Wyn set himself up at the top of the stairs, the sheet beginning to brown and smolder as he tilted the glass to allow the flame to flare out. "Amigos, perhaps we let Señor Wynjes go a few steps ahead,” Abraxas suggested, Morrigaan Scythe held easily over his shoulder. “Give him a diez foot berth. Let him and Bribdirn go Prime. They will clear the traps, I will follow diez feet behind, you all follow behind me. ¡Vamonos!"

With a chorus of “aye’s” the watched as the mattress began to smoke and Wyn was shrugging his shoulders. “Un moment,” he muttered, slinging his back aside and dropping his shield (100) and second sword (60), lightening his load. “De Lac, si vous plait?” he asked, Brendon nodding in reply.

And then the mattress ignited after a solid minute and holding the sides tight, Wyn pulled it towards him (<Dex BX Baby -2, Elf +2, Orange 9) and then RAN down the steps, the weight of the mattress adding speed to his stride as he took the steps two at a time, the running causing the fire to spread FASTER along the front of his full body length shield. “Ah Ahm Comin’ Orcs!!” he cried out as he pounded down the steps at full speed.

Meanwhile, laughing aloud, bow out and arrow nocked, Brendon followed a few steps behind, the rest of the party following beyond them. The Scout was chanting at full volume, “Burn out the day! Burn out the night! I can't see no reason to delay this fight! I'm living for giving the devil his due! And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you! I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you!”

Unseen beyond the burning mattress, the lone orc had returned to the steps and rose up to fire again (<+3 to hit, -4 cover, Red/Grey 3) the shaft burying into the burning mattress. Seeing the wall of flame coming his way at ridiculous speed, and the bellowing singing of the Scout behind the roar of the flames (Morale check, 10 – failed) caused him to turn and RUN down the steps, squealing and shouting, “Coming! Coming!!”

(Initiative: Party Steel 2 vs Enemy Red/Black 1)

Crossing the hall and running blind, the stones of the walls ringing against his knuckles as he held the now billowing still somewhat held together mattress ahead of him, Wyn was counting off the paces as he approached the steps, glancing past the flames to see them RIGHT here…and the orc at the bottom of the steps running at full tilt. (>Wis check, racial hatred, Orange 13 – failed).

“FUCK YOU ORCS!” he cried as he ran past the two open doors a living column of fire, pounded down 2 paces taking multiple steps at a time, and JUMPED holding the mattress ahead of him like some burning veil as he plummeted like a comet and (<+3 to hit, -2 BX Baby, Black 20 – AHHAHAHAH!) SMASHED on top of the fleeing orc, covering him in the now exploding burning mattress and driving him to the ground (1d6 Damage, Critical 6 Damage + 2 damage fire – 8 Damage) amidst the sound of his leg breaking and covering him in burning straw and furious elf.

And following right behind, Brendon slowed at the mid point of the stairs, burning straw littering the stairs as he saw Wyn grappling with the brute at the base. And down the hall, barely illuminated by the fire in the hall, was another orc with a bow. And an arrow loaded.

But the Scout drew back, aimed, and fired (>+4 to hit, -4 penalty dim light, Red 16), the clothyard shaft slamming through the orc’s leather cuirass (1d6 Damage, Red 5) and causing him to bark in pain.

As both the Scout and Elf had run through the area at full speed, neither one noticed that coming out of the secret area and the Spy’s room were two and another 4 goblins, armed with a couple of flasks with wicks in them as well as crude stone axes.

But the rest of the group did.

Abraxas hit the lead one first, a rather rangy looking greenskin with an oversized lesion on his scalp and an axe hoisted back to smash down at Brendon. “Huuu…” he grunted as the Scythe arced about (>+6 to hit, Blue 11) and then streaked across (1d8+3 Damage, Blue 6 – 9 Damage and killed!) passing through the goblin’s neck and cutting most of the way through, leaving only the spine still intact as its head flopped back and green tinged red blood fountained up and then across the stairs in a gory spray. “…uuuuwah!!” he finished.

Lannis, already with his own prepared flask, had scooped up a burning ember earlier and lit the wick, hocking back, and (1-3 Secret door, 4-6 Spy bedroom door – Pink 2 – Secret Door) called out, “Plan B!” hurling the glass flask (>+2 to hit, Pink 14) with deadly accuracy, causing the 2 goblins there to squeal in terror and try to back up (<Save vs Death Ray Green 2, Teal 16); one of them getting the full scope of the splashing fire and the other being partially covered in it (1d8 Damage: Pink 7 – 1 takes 7 and Killed! The other takes 4), both of the screaming loudly.

“Three or more,” Lyra muttered, jogging hard behind, pulling her holy symbol out. “Aine! Once more, last spell of the day. HOLD PERSON…er…HOLD GOBLIN!” (Random 1d4: White 4, Save vs spells: <White 8, <White 5, <Red/Black 5) all three of them freezing in place, one with a club held at his side, the other 2 with un thrown flasks of oil. “Got you ALL!” she crowed.

Kovid charged up, Theystran Hammer held aloft and smashed one of the held goblins in the head, the one with the club, bursting its skull open and slamming it to the ground. “Gotcha Greenshit,” he snarled. “Get those flasks from these two and pull the burning brands out. We can use the oil and the containers.”

Lyra began to smoke and glow, the Cleric looking worried. “What the hell is going on?” she asked fearfully. The glow got brighter and stronger and then there was a crackling noise and something in her backpack began to smoke. “Ah! Did fire get in here?” she asked, flipping the top open and digging on the side pocket to pull out…the Manacrystal. “Huh?” she asked. The Crystal looked more shot through with black cracks and appeared to be about half its former size and illumination, but it still glowed as she looked deep inside of it.

And then she smiled, feeling her holy symbol. “Guys,” she announced with a deep grin. “I had just cast all my spells…well…I have all my spells back RIGHT now.” Looking at the manacrystal she frowned. “And it looks like this thing half burned out to do it. Which means if I’m carrying it again when I run out, I should get another recharge at least once more.”

Abraxas smiled. “That’s great, Senorita,” he pointed down the stairs. “Can we talk about that later? There is a howling elf on a burning bed on a broken orchido and Brinedown is shooting at another orchido down the hall.”

Time now is Day 5, 2:13 PM


Secret of the Manacrystals (at least here) finally came up. Five out of six goblins held back to attack the rear have been killed or neutralized (Scythed, burned, held, held, held and killed, and finally 2/3rd dead on fire in a small room on fire). Two visible orcs – 1 under an exploded burning mattress and stabbity elf, and 1 far down the hall with an arrow in its chest. What’s the plan? Far orc is real far away.

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