This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

PBEM, Episode 170 - Bandages and Barracks.



Brendon took a deep breath, the Scout’s eyes looking past the group. “Since we’re on this side of everything and have time to kill, let’s fill up our water before moving onto the barracks to check on our hidden items. Then clean off in the pool area.” He shrugged absently, “It might give the orcs time to settle in a bit before we fuck them over.”

Lannis lifted one eye brow and pursed his lips together in surprise. “Shockingly Brendon has made several good suggestions in a row. Water, the barracks, and baths all sound like excellent.”

Wyn drew his sword and swung his shield around in place. "Round de southern side of de castle en to de lower barracks? Dat works." He motioned Kovid, "Let's go wit de fighting hallway formation to keep Beefist du Lac safe along de way."

“Ha, bee jokes,” Brendon sighed, waving his swollen hand. “Never gets old.”

Lyra growled, “Wait. Let me know if after 3 days of bee jokes don’t piss you off as much as his horse jokes do me.”

The Scout looked her up and down as he walked, smiling. Glancing back at Lannis he said, “Lannis, your teasing the lass is getting to her. She’s becoming more…Abrupt lately.” He grinned, “Keep it up and she’ll probably stampede your ass.”

“I am so proud of you,” the Magic User said. “Lyra has plenty enough horse sense to know that hurting me would hurt us all in the long run.” He glanced at the dwarf who was growling softly. “Kovid however seems to be getting rather beeleaguered by all my bee puns, I'm starting to worry that if I continue to beefuddle him he might just come over and rock me one."

“I dunno,” Lyra stage whispered to Kovid, “Would it hurt us? One less noisy mouth to feed. One less liability. Especially such a WEAK and PUNEY liability.” 

“Ya don’t want to get blood on your armor, Lady,” he smiled, spinning his hammer, “Otherwise I’d say go for it.”

“I can hear you,” Lannis replied singsong.

“Go—od!” Lyra answered in a matching tune.

The part had made their way back to the south cavern with the pool and after making sure the FOUS were not around, everyone took a refreshing drink and made sure their skins were topped off. From there they climbed back to the main level and took the passages east past the Sitting Room to the long hall, beyond the library and near the storeroom.

“Kovid,” Brendon whispered, “Wanna stop at the cask for a swing?”

“Good idea, I’d like to stop at the storeroom to get that cask of ale before we rest tonight too. We’ll drink to our health, the promise of treasure, and killing a dragon.”

Wyn snorted, pushing the Scout gently ahead to the eastern door, "Dere be orcs about dat would rape yer mom and make you watch, en you want to grab a swig of piss shit goblin beer? Cen we just get down dere, get our stuff, en continue on?"

“Fine, fine,” Brendon smiled. “But if things go well later, we come back for a small cask.”

“Eef, Monsieur.”

“No drinking,” Lannis admonished and then flinched as Brendon and Kovid fixed him with a stare. “Now. No drinking now.”

They went down the steps to the bottom where they could see the door here had been kicked in. Proceeding slowly and with caution, Brendon listened (no roll needed) but heard nothing. They entered the hall by the barracks and saw the local door had also been forced in to the lower barracks AND the door at the top of the stairs going down to the catacombs had been forced as well.

“Orcs,” Wyn said, face set and firm. Even though the group was still and listened hard, there was nothing at all nearby (no roll needed). Finally Brendon led the group to the lower barracks.

The door had been forced open and the room looked mostly as we had left it, some of the mummified elves looked like they had been shuffled about but that’s it. The far door was ajar and we looked…nothing was there, just stairs going up. We went slowly, weapons ready, and the door here was also ajar.

We entered the upper barracks and looked around. The door in had the cabinet shoved aside and the door looked forced. There had been a cursory and quick search about the room. We looked and our food stores we hid here were still here, but some things were missing. The 2 dresses, the spare chainmail, and the Ishtari crate with the two books and the coins Lannis had hid in it. Brendon’s 2 days of Iron Rations were still hidden, Wyn’s 2 days of food, silver coins, and assorted items including the prayer books were still here as well.

“Well, shit,” Lannis cursed.

“Ditto,” the dwarf muttered.

What was still here we took and bundled up before heading out again. “Sonovacrap,” Abraxas moaned.


“They took the wooden dog and puppy carving.” He moved the bed twice to check to make sure. “That…was…MINE.”

“Relax, relax,” Lannis said gently, “We’ll find it again.”

“Well, we will sleep well tonight amigos. We sleep back at the Butcher's, it is decided. At least with the Butcher's we can lock the door. And there is comida mucho. We could definitely use more of that. Ribs, Beef, Pork, Chicken... mmmm... I can almost smell them cooking now. I vote we sleep there again tonight."

The party moved on from here and went south, down the stairs and to the Catacombs. Again listening (no roll) revealed nothing in the area. We crossed the cave to the Ishtari baths and BOTH doors had been kicked in. “Fuck,” Lyra hissed, weapon ready.

But a search of the bath area showed that the orcs had moved on. The Cabinet had been kicked and the wood dented and splintered. The oils were missing from the shelf but the bath was still full and clean. The mural room and pedestal room looked no different and the steam room Wyn cursed. “Zoze bastards took moi pillow!” Sure enough, the pillow he had put here cleaned over a day and a half ago was gone.

“Ok,” Brendon said after we returned to the catacombs again. “The orcs went looking for us and checked out this area while we took the slow and long way around to the sulfur room and then left, heading back I assume to their area to report in. Because let’s all remember, the orcs are not in charge. Corfard is. And the hobgoblins are his ‘preferred’ henchmen.”

“Si, they are the patrol, not the captain.” Abraxas offered.

“In addition, the Barracks have served us well for a few days but right now, as Abraxas said, it’s no longer a good idea to stay there. We’ve done what we said we were going to do, and have what we have – so are we heading back to the Beekeeper and Orc area or doing something else?”

Time now is Day 5, 10:04 AM


Orcs did what they did, I made 2 WMC earlier about it, and then they went back to their area. They found some of your stuff, missed others. You are in the Catacombs outside the Ishtari area, where to now?

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