This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

PBEM, Episode 166 - Bees and Bear!

Never tell your players NO if you can avoid it. Always try to answer with Sure or Sure But! Even if they are being foolish. :)




Taking in the tableau, Wyn shook his head and sighed, “A bear? Really? Ok dis ees gettin ridiculous.”

Unravelling her sling again, Lyra stomped her foot. “Really Abraxas? Aine Damn It. We couldn’t just let this bear go?? We’re going to get caught by orcs.”

"Of all the outcomes I've been witness to before, this was the least surprising,” Lannis lowered his hands, ear tilted backward to hear the horns growing louder, magic beginning to trickle down his fingers.

Kovid ran forward, snatched up his tossed war hammer, sheathed it, and then wound up his Theystran one. “You really wanted to have a rug for your girlfriend’s room, huh.” He shouldered the Fighter back and caught the bear’s next attack on his raised weapon, deflecting it to the side. He faced the bear as Abraxas reached into his pack with shaking fingers, feeling light headed from the damage and blood loss he had taken.

He took out the potion of Extra Healing and uncorked it, drinking it down. "Pendejo, it's either you or me. Let's finish this,” he yelled at the howling ursine. “¡Ándale! I WILL have that Bear fur, or my name is not Abraxas Servantes Salazar. And once I beat you, BEAST, I will make a monogram'ed cloak from your hide!"

Meanwhile Wyn was pushing the 6 Giant Rats forward, trying to get them to the bear fast enough to help out in the fight.

And that left Brendon. The Scout was looking back down the dark hall at the distant orc dancing on fire, the sounds of the horns and rocs coming, and the bees, so so so many bees in the hall over the dead Beekeeper and the entire area. “Poseidon’s Trident,” he swore, pulling his fur up over his head and holding it tight. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” and ran BACK into the hall making for the fallen Hobgoblin.

Kovid was trading blows with the bear and doing terrible damage to it. His hammer blows were sure and solid (>+3 to hit, Yellow 17) and they cracked again and again against the badly wounded animal. “Hi Ho!” he sang, hammer hitting a beat. “Hi Ho!” (1d8+2 Damage, Yellow 8 – 10 Damage and killed to 0 hp!!) His silver warhammer hit the bear full in the side of the head, staggering it and dropping it gasping to its haunches.

Lyra meanwhile had loaded up a stone and slung it out, “Aine Agua Rhapsody!” she cried out (>+3 to hit, White 18) as the stone flew off and smacked the bear between the eyes (1d3 Damage: White 6 – 3 Damage – and definitely dead) and the bear grunted and fell over dead.

Meanwhile Abraxas felt like his blood was fizzing as he gritted his teeth, his body going through a massive amount of healing in a short period of time (2d8: 7+4 = Heal 11!) gasping in surprise as it coursed through his body.

“You done hitting stuff?” Lyra gave him a whack on his back. “Done now? Orcs coming? Lots of them? Ring any bells? Let’s get the hell out of here. Aunt Delay and stuff. Go!”

Meanwhile Lannis finished his spell “IN SANCT EGO” and the air in front of him shimmered into a mostly transparent shield. “I’m ready! Let’s go team!”

Back at Brendon, trying to stay in the shadows he ran down the hall (>Hide in Shadows +20%, Red 67) and slid to a stop by the fallen body, bees all over the place. He kept the fur tight against his face, head and shoulders, clutching it with one hand while his other dropped to the Beekeeper’s waist and encountered odd lumps and many folds of robes, clothes, and cloaks. “Where is the damned belt?” he cursed, feeling bees start to crawl over his hands.

Finally he managed to untwist some clothing and felt something lumpy down there (“Belt pouch! Gotcha!”) and pulled. (>Save vs Breath Weapon +1 bonus, Red 18) and as he did so, over two dozen bees flew out of the beekeeper’s clothing and proceeded to sting the hell out of the Scout. (Take 1 Damage, and -1 on all to hits, saves, and the like). Many of them were stinging clothing or the scout managed to knock them free, but he was having a problem of too many bees and it was hurting. (Random belt grab: 1d6: Red/Black 3). Whatever it was he grabbed was hard to see in the dark but it was sticky and soft feeling as he pushed himself to his feet, more bees coming over to him.

From down the hall, another orc stepped out of the opening and hurled a large bucket of sand on the screaming flamed orc, dousing it as he yelled over the pain filled cries, “Shut up! Shut up! Patrol Coming! Shut up!!” With the light dying in the hall, Brendon ran back for the corner whatever was in his hand seemed to be stuck to it, his fingers sinking into the viscous feel, and from behind as he turned the corner he heard, “Hey! You runner! Stop! In the name of Corfard, STOP!!”

The Scout was very much at the back of the party as they were ready to run south, the sound of the horn now down the hall and orcish voices getting louder. “Um,” he said, “Ok, go time!” Looking down at his hand, he was holding a very sticky small honeycomb hive, crushed in his fingers and oozing all over him, gluing it to his fingers…

And at least 50 very angry looking bees.

Time now is Day 5, 8:14 AM


64 of 110 expired minutes. You are out of time. Where are you running to? Right now party is: Kovid, Lyra/Abraxas, 6 assorted Giant Rats, Lannis (w./shield 20 mintues), Doobie/Wyn, and then 10/15’ Brendon @ the corner with a honey filled beehive crushed in his hand and spewing bees. 

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