This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

PBEM, Interlude 4 - Wyn

This was the 4th character background, and one of the longer players at my table - Wyn D'Endee. As for the "voice" of his swamp elf, think of a mix of Leatherface, Gambit, the Cajun Chef, and the coach from Waterboy to help you get the cadence down pat.


Many miles from Specularum and a number of hours after Kovid had told the party about the origin of his surname, the group was trekking their way along the eastern edge of a fen; the sight of skunk cabbages, along with their smell, permeated the air.

“So, Wyn?” Lannis asked. “Does this swamp remind you of home, eh Dundee?”

Lyra gave the Magic User a shot in the ribs and hissed, “Knock it off. Damn, do you have to insult everyone?”

“I’m the smartest person you’re ever going to meet,” he replied, rubbing his side and straightening his flopping hat. “It’s not my fault you can’t keep up on what I say and feel put upon about it.”

“It’s alright, Lady of Aine,” Wyn replied, holding his hands up. “As for you, it’s D'Endee. T’is the name of my entire tribe o’ swamp elves.”

Lannis laughed. “Swamp elves.”

Wyn ignored him, continuing. “Most swamp elves we be nomadic, movin’ around bog terit’ry, harvestin’ from nature and helping to maintain the natural order of t’ings. We swamp elves, we be big on order an’ rules, ya know. Rules that we live by. It explains how they interact with each other.”

“Rules are good, Elfling,” Kovid said, hand on his hammer hilt as he strode along. “Keeps everything in order.”

“Oui. Some though, they t’ink of the D'Endee rules more as guidelines... but nah, they be rules. Otherwise it all gits confusin’ and people get angry. Better to follow the order of things. Sometimes members of the D'Endee tribe split off to form new tribe.”

“Like when it gets too big?” Brendon asked.

“Nah. Size o’ tribe don’t matter to no swamp elves. Some, they want more in life and t’ink splitting and adding more class to life and giving new names to their skillz is important. That is too complicated for Wyn.”

Lyra frowned. “Are you still talking about swamp elves? Sounds like you might be drifting a bit off topic.”

Wyn nodded. “Aye! Tryin’ ta git you ta’ unnerstand the way of my life and stuff. I is from stem of original tribe. Other D'Endee tribe live by different, more complicated rules. Too many rules lead to confusing times. People get angry. No one gets angry in Wyn's tribe.”

“You’re talking about yourself in the third person,” Lannis interjected.

“Wyn is a third person?” Abraxas asked. “I didn’t even know he was a second person.”

“He’s an elf,” Lannis offered. “Not a person – second or third.”

“Now you’re just being racist.”

Meanwhile, the elf was continuing his story as if no one was interrupting him, his strides long and his eyes looking beyond the road ahead of the group. “Everyone lives to have a good time. They follow the rules. No one gets angry. Wyn sometimes dreams of other families and other tribes, as if he was part of them in past lives. They make good stories.”

“Rules are REAAALLL important for you, I get it.” Lannis sighed, “What if things get hairy and you need to defend yourselves? Elves are typically pretty rich. Are swamp elves like that or are they as poor as the name sounds?”

“We swamp elves, we have no need for money…”

“Poor,” Lannis muttered, getting another piercing look from Lyra.

Wyn continued, “Except when it may be nec’sary to protect family and home. The swamp provides and the swamp abides. If we need something, we gets it. If we want something the swamp does not have, trade is an option. Sometimes need to get treasure to trade for bigger things.” He bent down a plucked a long length of field grass, plaiting the end of it as he walked. “Sometimes family must all go and quest for treasure at same time. It is for safety of family to find treasure and resources to help rest of family. But must stay away for in-dee-ter-min-ant time amount. I hopes to be back with family soon... though I is enjoying adventures with you, my current family. You make game of life inneresting.”

Abraxas nodded. “We be brothers in arms, Senor Wind. I am honored to be your brother and hope you would come over next family night for some cervezas.”

“I would love it. Family be important. Unlike other races of elves, we Swamp Elves we live in the present. We lives long, but we know time moves from season to season. It helps us to connect with other races  without being too much of a dick. No more dickishness than any other race.”

“Speak for yourself,” Lannis muttered.

“We trade an’ sometimes live among other races. In some cases, we invite other races to live amongst us for a spell and to learn them rules of life. In these ways, I has grown to appreciate certain characteristics of each race.”

“Holy shit,” Lannis leaned next to Lyra, voice pitched low. “Is there an off switch? I’m feeling like he’s talking down to us.”

Wyn continued, (and yes, continued in 3rd person), “Wyn appreciates the human quest for knowledge, aptitude magical gifts, ability to adapt to many situations, your compassion for those you care for, and your music... but loathes the human lust for power at the cost of the natural order.” He beamed at Brendon while saying this, the scout just giving him a neutral blank stare in return.

Turning to Kovid, he pressed on. “Wyn also appreciates the dwarf's ingenuity, craftsmanship, knowledge of the world of stone, and general determination... but does not understand their lust for treasures and all things shiny. Treasure useful for what it can be traded for. No use holding it in hordes for dragon to take. No ‘ffence.”

“Little taken,” Kovid replied.

“Kobolds and goblins? They be destroyers, though. No redeemin’ qual’ties. Only take. No give. Many a tree have been hacked. Many a bog have been drained. Many a stream have been poisoned. Many a forest have been burned. No redeeming qualities. You cannot invite them into your family. There would be nothing left.”

“Well, that’s great.” Lannis looked to the west and turned to address Abraxas, “Sun’s getting pretty low, big guy. What say…”

Wyn continued his tale, voice carrying strong and undeterred as he spoke over the magic user’s attempt at silencing him. “Wyn know much, yes. But Wyn not be Chief yet. Chief of family changes from time to time. Each new elf chief takes Master's Mantle, and gives it a go at overseein’ them rules of the tribe in family group. Sometimes they give it one shot. Sometimes the Master's Mantle is worn for years. Sometimes members of family go to live with other families and try new variations and brews. Wyn tries new variations sometimes. Not as good as what he knows. Some brews do not agree with him.”

Lannis stuck his finger in his mouth and mimed vomiting, most of the party ignored him except for Brendon who was giving the magic user a blank neutral stare.

The elf still continued on. “Wyn gets to live his life how he wants to when not with family. It gets complicated sometimes, not having the rules to follow... but Wyn can deal with it. He learn from humans how to adapt to new things. He learn determination from the dwarves. Even when away from the family, he know there are other rules to live by. He not make it too complicated for himself. Survive and be happy. Those are good rules to live by!”

His voice trailed off and the group continued to plod along, digesting the elf’s story and in some cases, worried about him saying anything else. After almost 2 minutes of silence, Lannis drew breath to ask Abraxas about setting up for camp again when Wyn once more started talking. “Oh, fuck me…” Lannis cursed.

“Family stories can be com-plee-kate-ted at times. While family enjoys rules of life and living in the moment, most stories that come up explain dreams of past lives and adventures that were had in other times. One of my favorite was an elf from a great wood. He good at killing dragons. Great with shooting bow.”

Sticking the grass between his teeth, Wyn let it bob as he continued his tale and walk. “Great elf, he was not always great at shooting a bow. Could hit crossbow out of hands of enemies. Some boasted he could even hit wings off of a fly... never proven, though, yah? While he was good with a bow, past life elf did not know how rules of life were played at first. Had to learn as he went. Like how torches make good clubs. And dwarves can fight with scimitars. And rakes are not to be trusted. And you should never call yourself "Dragonslayer"... dragons don't like that, yah? Which is really too bad. Past life elf was good at killing dragons. He was undefeated and got a head in life. That is how I remembers it, anyway.”

“Wow,” Lyra said as Wyn took a moment to breathe deeply. “Hell of a story. So much history. Just how big is your tribe?”

Tilting his head back, eyes closed, Wyn made an effort to think before answering, “Swamp elves is not about big clan. Enough elves live there in family home. Not too many. Maybe 7. Sometimes they are not all there, but they can still call it a D'Endee family home.” He shrugged. “Sometimes the home members have other things to do. Then they do not come to D'Endee family home. When is less than 4 in the home, the remaining members play games they would not normally play. It is fun, for a time. Sometimes people get angry. Sometimes there are too many rules. It is ok, though. Wyn knows it only temporary.”

He sighed. “Now family & tribe must be distant. Things not like always. They must stay apart to keep each other safe. Is complicated, but Wyn understands. It is the natural order of things.”

“More rules,” Kovid said.

Wyn nodded. “Aye. Now we all look for treasures hidden elsewhere... or hope to find magics that would help the tribe in other ways. If no find the magics... at least it will be a good story to tell later. All family members will eventually return. They will play game of life together again soon. Stories will be told. It will be good again soon.”

He turned to the party and struck a pose, hands on his hips, wind carrying his hair, cloak billowing, sun behind the crown of his head, bathing him in light. “Then Wyn will live up to his name, yah? I WILL Wyn D’Endee. I guar-ran-tee.”

Looking back to the west, Lannis could see the party had passed the edges of the fen almost 2 miles back and were once again walking in grasslands heading east. “Got it. Remind me Wyn to never ask you about swamps again?”

“I’ll try, Monsieur Lannis. But in that case, I cannot guar-ran-tee.”

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