This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

PBEM, Episode 15 - B and G Storeroom



Brendon wiped the last of the dirt away from his wound, Lyra giving it a once over. “By Aine’s Red Blessings, you’ll live, Brendon It’s just a bruise, didn’t even break the skin.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said wincing, eyeing the wine bottle hanging out of the side of her backpack, “but a little nip wouldn’t hurt.”

Shaking her head, Lyra reached into her back and held the bottle just out of Brendon’s grasp, “ A nip. Not a swig or a glug. You have more work to do before you can get inebriated. But here.” She handed it over, the thief uncorking the top and tilting it back. “And let me know if you start to feel unwell and I will take care of that for you.”

Sighing contentedly, Brendon wiped his mouth and recorked the bottle, giving it back. “Aine indeed. Thanks Lyra.” (Reduce Wine from 2 to 1 ¾)

The rest of us got ready to leave. Abraxas stuffed the Silver Mirror and Hand Drum into his sack, tucking the cinnamon stick into the fold of his shirt for safe keeping (add Silver Mirror (10), Hand Drum (5), and Cinnamon Stick to inventory). Lannis took the other sticks, as well as the 10 incense cones, (Add 4 Cinnamon Sticks, and 10 Incense Cones (10) to Inventory) looking over the cloth with Maestro’s symbology for a bit before handing it back to Lyra (Add Maestro Cloth to Inventory). And finally, Wyn put the 10 mushrooms into his wooden box and then took the leather necklace with the elf ears, “These vermin will pay for diz,” and wrapped the worn pants around it, before putting it into his backpack (Add 10 Edible Mushrooms (10), Old Pants (2) with Leather Necklace 3 Elf Ears (3) to Inventory).

"Okay everybody,” Abraxas asked, hand on the door out of the room, “We good? We should uh... how they say... get a move on? Let's go."

After making sure weapons were drawn, lantern in place, and the group ready, we opened the door, verified the hall was clear, and then Brendon leading the way, turned NORTH and continued on our way. We travelled slow and with care, watching and observant. As we closed on the first door on the LEFT, we could see in the lantern light a door on the RIGHT a half dozen paces onward, and then the next door on the LEFT another half dozen paces beyond that one. Even from this distance, we could faintly hear the occasional sound of something wooden (light?) hitting the floor. It wasn’t consistent, it wasn’t loud, but it was audible and occasional.

“Nothing behind us,” Lannis whispered. “Let’s check out this door first.”

We reshuffled in the hall, Kovid ready to open the door here, Abraxas and Wyn just north of him, sword and bow out, the rest of the party also on high alert. Brendon gave the door a once over (>Find Traps, Red 99) but was sure it was fine, patting the dwarf on the shoulder. Feet braced as if ready to receive a charge, war hammer held over his shoulder, Kovid grabbed the door handle and pushed with a single fluid hard shove, in and to the left.

Revealing a STOREROOM. The chamber was 20’x20’, and the shelves were filled with bulging SACKS. Along the north wall were almost a dozen BARRELS. Kovid and Brendon inched into the chamber looking around (>Find Secret Doors: Yellow 6) (>Wis, Red 16) but saw nothing out of the ordinary besides the sacks and barrels.

As for the party, they were being as quiet as they could while on alert in the hall (<Silent, Red/Grey 5), with both Lannis and Wyn very happy with the party’s efforts so far.

Time is 11:38


Do you go into the room and out of the hall to look around the storeroom, or not? Right now, no one has made any noise to attract attention, but you should decide quickly what the next step is.

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