This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

PBEM, Episode 38 - Hall, Barrel & Sulfur


After Wyn and Brendon returned, telling the group of their discoveries, Lyra offered, “You know we could always go back around and search the more western part of this place at the beginning? By the sitting room and jammed door?

"Checking to the west makes sense to me,” Lannis agreed. “I'd like to know if and where this connects to the floor above. If we do find such a path and want to check out the other side of the castle.”

The dwarf nodded, fingering his worn map. “I agree let’s explore the western halls here.”

“Either way,” the cleric shrugged, “whatever you guys choose we should put some distance between us and them.”

Sheathing his nocked arrow, Wyn straightened his armor. "Ouest it ees. We go up dees stairs, den south to sitting room, en ouest ov dere."

Brendon looked north up stairs briefly and added, “I’m still interested in the dining hall. Could be the crown we’re looking for is on the one sitting on the far end of the table.”

Lannis shook his head. “No, remember? We’re never going to go back in there. So since we’re never going to go in, it doesn’t matter.”

“Besides,” Lyra added, “Gorgons tend to sleep and make their lairs in caves – so she won’t be in there.”

“Seriously,” Lannis frowned, giving Lyra a withering stare, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m in a group with you?” Lyra replied, getting a brief laugh from the party.

“That’s the same problem I have in regards to you.” Lannis gave Lyra a deep look. “So, if medusa has snakes on her head instead of hair, and you seem to know all about gorgons, does that mean she has short wiry snakes as pubic hair?”

Lyra opened her mouth to reply before squinting her eyes and giving him a solid stare. “I…I am not…”

Lannis turned away, muttering to Abraxas, “That’ll keep her mentally occupied for at least an hour.” He elbowed the fighter comraderally, before he noticed that Abraxas also had his brow furrowed, mouth pursed as he muttered, “Madre de dios, I dunno…Maybe?”

“Great,” Kovid shook his beard, “you broke two of them.”

The group drew up together, Brendon and Kovid taking point as the rest of the group followed behind, closing the door to the LOWER BARRACKS as tight as they could without jamming it in place, and headed off to the door on the WEST. Brendon opened the door after giving it a good listen, and the group followed behind, heading up the stairs with exaggerated care. Once at the top, the scout and dwarf listened to the next door, were sure they heard nothing, and then opened that door also.

The passage here ran NORTH and SOUTH, NORTH heading towards the KITCHEN and the DINING ROOM and then eventually to the “T” intersection. We waited, but any sounds of the kobolds were long gone. From here, they turned south and walked in formation. The next room was the STOREROOM, the door closed, and as they walked on slowly, the next chamber was the library where we had the fight with the kobolds.

According to the lantern, we could see the door was ajar and after making sure there was no noise (no roll needed) approached cautiously. A look inside showed the room was pretty much as we had left it…except the kobold bodies were missing. Only bloody spots and splotches showed where they had lain. The smell of cinnamon was redolent in the air. “The dead,” Kovid whispered, “they took them.”

“Filthy bugs,” Lannis cursed.

“Monsieur, zhey are vermin, not bugs.”


The party continued on to the corner, Brendon sneaking forward and peering around the edge, satisfied that no one was there. The party inched along, heading west for some time until they finally came to the last turn that lead to the SITTING ROOM. Breathing a sigh of relief, they looked around, seeing nothing had changed since they had been there last – the ballista room and the other stuck door were still closed.

“Hokay,” Wyn whispered. “Monsieur Brendon and I will go and check out ze west passages where zee smell of water is coming from.”

“Ten minutes,” Brendon added. “Not a minute longer. Wait here. Weather eye and cocked ear.”

Nodding to one another, the man and elf drew their bows, nocked arrows, and taking the torch from Abraxas they worked it for a few minutes until it finally lit. Then they checked both passages and started walking to the west. Moving quietly like ghosts, Brendon (<Move silently, Red 20) and Wyn (>Move silently, Orange 9) travelled along eyes peeled. The passage proceeded as they had noted earlier, a bit over 20 paces until there was a side corridor heading north. Brendon inched closer and peered around the two them straining to hear (>Hear Noise, Red 48…>Hear Noise, Orange 14) anything before looking closer.

The passage to the west continued along and then went down, the stairs going at least as far as the torch light (30’). To the north, the passage was also some 20 plus long, a door on the west wall, and ended at a “T” intersection. Brendon snuck closer to the door and checked it out, while Wyn went to the stairs and crouched low to look.

Brendon (<Int +2 thief bonus, Green 7) listened to the door, giving it a solid once over, also glancing down the passage to the “T”. The door was closed, not locked, hinges on the other side and door opened away and to the right. There was an acrid odor to the air but he heard nothing and felt no vibrations through the door. As for the end of the hall, he looked at the “T” and had the thought that the eastern turn most likely met up with the other cut they had seen down the longer north hall.

Wyn (<Int +2 elf nature bonus, Black 6) was more convinced there was the scent of water down these steps. With Brendon taking the torch with him, his infravision flared up, showing the stairs were blue/green and the air at the base of the steps (30’?) was a bit cooler and moved strangely, giving him the believe the air below had water vapor in it. The walls of the steps had only the thinnest of dampness, adding credence to his thoughts.

Brendon returned, his torch burning low and flaring, and the two of them returned back down the corridor and returned to the group again, sharing with them their discoveries and questioning where to go now.

Time now is 3:02
Ok, which way to go? No noises to be heard yet. What’s the plan? That torch is now spent and is removed from Abraxas’ inventory. Also, Lyra and Abraxas, what do YOU think? Do medusa’s have snakes in place of their pubes?

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