This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, May 1, 2020

PBEM, Episode 10 - Hall and Kobold Library



The group mostly wanted to start with this door, Lyra echoing Lannis’ thought earlier about being quiet. “I don’t think we’re the only ones in this place.”

Lannis, standing next to Lyra, agreed, head bobbing and the end of his hat flopping. He kept looking behind us, straining to listen.

Brendon, Kovid, and Wyn conferred briefly, the dwarf taking out a torch and lighting it, handing it to the elf who was filling a small pouch with loose stones from the crumbled castle floor. “Wyn and I are going to check ahead,” Brendon said. “Do NOT open the door with out us. Wait for us, Abraxis.”

"If not back in 10 minutes, somet’ing went wrong. Please come,” Wyn added with a nod. “If we are fleeing from something coming for us, I will whistle the sacred song of Aine down the hallway.”

We watched them as they walked down the hall, proceeding with care, their torchlight giving them a bubble of light as they traveled further and further away. Moving with care, Brendon (>Move Silently, Red 76) and Wyn (>Move Silently, Orange 61) made their way down the old castle corridor. As they traveled they listened, trying to hear anything of interest (>Hear Noise, Red 49..>Hear Noise, Orange 12).

About 15 to 20 paces from the party they came to a door on the left, but another half dozen paces showed another door on the right. And then beyond that they continued finding another door on the left about 10 or so paces past that. And still wanting to finish their checking, found a fourth door, the third on the left, easily 100’ past where they had left the party – and STILL the castle went on.

As for the doors, they did stop to listen briefly at each one, only hearing noise behind the 2nd door on the left which sounded faintly like things being dropped on the floor. Maybe wood? Hard to tell. It was infrequent at best, but heard if standing near the portal. Blocking the torch with his body and turning away, Brendon was able to douse some of the light enough for Wyn to hazily make out via Infravision that the passage continued for another 40’ beyond even this door. Wyn took out one of the loose stones and tossed it down and we waited…Nothing happened.

So he did it again and the two of them waited…and again, no noise.

Gone now easily 10 minutes, they turned back down the passage and headed back to the party where they were happy to see the two scouts return. In quiet voices they shared what they had seen and their concerns.

Meanwhile Lannis had kept a ready ear out behind us (WMC – Red/Black 3) (>Hear Noise, Pink 10) but was sure nothing was there at this time.

Brendon gave the door a solid check (>Find Traps, Red 39) but was sure the door was ok to open. So Abraxis, shield up at the ready and holding it before him, grabbed the handle, turned it, and shoved hard (>Open Door, Blue 4) the door sliding open and shoving a number of dumped over CHAIRS out of the way. We waited…and looked.

The room was large, 50’ x 50’, and at one point was a LIBRARY or classroom of sorts. Old pens, dried ink wells, littered paper and torn books littered the floor. A number of TABLES had been overturned and tossed haphazardly in the far CORNER. There were still two BOOK SHELVES standing on the SOUTH wall, the others had fallen away to refuse and loose boards. The SHELVES appeared to be empty. A CLOSED FREESTANDING CABINET was just inside the room and on the EAST wall.

Time now is 10:56


Ok, lots to think about. Room is as described, plus long hall and 4 other doors, 1 with a noise behind it, and this door Brendon thought he heard something some time ago but it never repeated.

What’s the plan?

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