This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

PBEM, Episode 27 - Halls, Stairs, Barracks


“Four moved chairs might indicate only Four uglies stayed here,” Brendon whispered, pointing to the other door. “Maybe we give a look before we become distracted in our search of this room.” He crept in that direction while Wyn nocked an arrow and crouched low, looking under the beds.

Abraxas and Kovid crossed the room near Brendon who had his ear to the other door (>>Hear Noise, Red 99), and Lannis and Lyra entered last, eyes peels and hands ready. After a moment Brendon nodded that the door was quiet, and the Fighter came over next. He held the handle, turned it, and opened the door towards in and into the room.

And what?

Set of stairs. Going down!

"Thor's balls,” Kovid swore. “This place really wants us to go down deeper. As comfortable within the deep ground as we dwarves are, I feel like we should not rush down too quickly. We may not be ready for this castle's darkest places just yet." He shut the door and turned back to the group. “Ok, let’s fan out and look around.”

“Ah will shut ze door,” Wyn offered, giving the hall a last look before closing the door and making sure it latched.

"Si,” Abraxas agreed, crossing the room. “La Puerta primero. Then the loc-hairs de feet.” The group spread out.

Kovid walked up to the STONE CABINET (<Wis +2 bonus, Yellow 3) giving it a serious look over. The stonework was almost master crafted but he could tell it was in the elven style. There was no latch on the doors and they were counter weighted to shut on their own accord. With care he opened the two stone doors and took a look inside. There were old wooden targets and larger bundled wooden plugs used in weapon practice. In fact looking at the contents, he was confident that this most likely the castle’s original barracks weapon training cabinet. He looked through everything in there and although it was interesting, there was nothing of value.

Wyn replaced his arrow and went to the table with Lannis. The elf righted the dropped chair and gave the items and food on the table (<Wis +2 bonus, Orange 9) a once over. Although there were 4 chairs in here, there was enough food plates and cups for 6. The cups held beer in it, which he smelled was still fresh. The bread had been baked this morning and the tomatoes were ripe, the same variety as he had seen in the garden. The bread had been toasted and the tomatoes had been sliced and placed on the bread along with a lumpy butter. As far as Wyn was convinced, this was lunch and was most likely interrupted and the people eating it got up and left.

Lannis looked over the flower pots. They had scratches in the sides (Int>13, no roll) in the elven pattern and seemed to be similar to ones found near the garden outside. There were two candles here, and as far as Lannis could tell, they were slow burning candles and were most likely lit 2 hours ago. Nodding to Wyn, he then walked over to the two crates where Brendon had just looked them over and gave the thumbs up. The Magic User lifted the top of the smaller crate (<Wis, Pink 3) and it was filled with…toys. Stuffed dolls with ugly greenskin and orange hair. Crude burlap balls, and similar items. A toy box? Imported goblin toys?

Brendon meanwhile lifted the top of the larger crate (<Wis, Red 3) and it was filled with shoes. Lots of shoes. He began digging through them, and there were a mix of elven style and goblin style shoes. The elven shoes looked older but still in good repair. As he dug down he found crude goblin made scarves as well. What was going on? Why was this here? Finally though, at the bottom he could smell vanilla and there was a stone jar here that rattled loudly. He opened it with care unlatching the top and it had 2 lbs of Vanilla Beans. “Holy shit,” he muttered as the smell hit the room and he guessed (<Int +2 Thief bonus, Red 2) that the jar had a market value of FIFTY Crowns as it’s a highly sought after commodity.

Abraxas started looking through the footlockers while Lyra was going through the beds. The Fighter flipped open each lid and using the tip of his sword to avoid problems, looked through them (<Wis, Blue 4). They had homespun goblin style clothes, hobgoblin size. Mostly pants but a few tabards. They were folded and neat and clean, meaning someone laundered them at some point. As he was looking though he did come across silver coins in 5’s and 10’s, until after the last locker was looked through had amassed 87 silver coins.

Lyra meanwhile was checking out the beds one at a time (<Wis, White 15), flipping back the top sheets and blankets and looking through them, folds and covers, tops and bottoms. The beds were near and made, but was obvious they had been slept in. The sheets were clean and the pillows were a mix of duck feathers and straw. Plus, the beds all had a faint vanilla smell to them. She also was convinced as Abraxas was that the bedding was laundered and done often.

The party all discussed what they had learned together and discussed what was to happen next. Kovid did shake the lantern and let the party know that the current flask of oil he had put in was now HALF gone.

Time now is: 1:17

Great job everyone, everyone made their looking and searching check.

What would you like to do and would you like to look around here some more?

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