This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

PBEM - Episode 384. Ghouls, Lairs, and Vaults



Abraxas pointed out the door. "The way miro ese amigos, es tenemos uno,” he held up one finger, “course de action, por ahora. We check out los rooms de Sparrings y Smoplocks. Let's find que necessitamos y leave. No sé donde, pero somewhere not aqui. Vamonos amigos. No tenemos tiempo mucho antes de Gobs come back.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” Kovid said, bringing the lantern around. “We good to go, Brendon?”

Listening one more time, Brendon gave a thumbs up and the dwarf made his way to the front.

From the middle of the pack, Lyra commented, “Sounds like Smallpox’s posse is split into threes and the other is still out there. Any chance you guys think we can try to intercept them and take them out while they’re a small group?”

"I don’t know,” Lannis shrugged. “This was wholly unexpected, really threw off my groove..."

“Let’s check out de rooms first, an keep a weather ear out for dem if’n dey tink to come back,” Wyn suggested. “Best we kin do at dis time.”

With the door open, we looked down both directions, seeing a wide blood trail running north, more evidence of the Walkers taking the bodies with them. The party turned south, Abraxas shutting the door to the Ogre chamber, looking behind them constantly on guard for any pursuers. At the intersection Brendon pointed out at the oily stain in the center where the bladder had been, “Don’t step in any of that shit on the floor.”

We turned to the west and saw the two bodies still here. Both had been well gnawed upon; the face, guts, and most of the soft tissue had been ripped off and eaten. The chests had been torn open and the organs within had been ripped out, ropy lengths of intestines running from the bodies and out. “Ugh,” The Cleric held her cloak over her nose as we picked out way through.

The door to the Goblin room was closed still and looking in the Sparring chamber, the same could be said of the western door in here. Brendon went over to check it out while the party waited. Wyn tapped Kovid and said, “Dwarfriend, mayhaps you cen assist moi in checking de Hob room fer any secrets?”

“Aye Wyn lead the way,” Kovid hitched up his pants, sheathing his Theystran Hammer. “I’ll help you search the sparring room.”

“Bonne.” He turned to Brendon and offered, “Good luck, du Lac.”

It was only another minute before Brendon (no roll needed) gave a thumbs up, and nudged the door open the rest of the way with his foot. “It wasn’t even fully closed. This is the door I would say they came out of.”

As the other 4 entered the Goblin chamber, torches still lit in sconces around the room, Abraxas pointed to the north door and said, “Bronsent, por favor, check todos los puertos por traps y alarms. Yo will take ese Bell tambien. Let's find some clue y cosas useful."

Both the Scout and Fighter looked over the north door while Lyra made her way south, giving the room a solid once over, Lannis entering tentatively, helping the Cleric to look around. The fire under the cauldron was smoldering now, the laundry that had been within was out and on the drying racks along the south wall. The cutout to the next smaller chamber was again, a warren as Lannis had seen through his crystal ball. There were some differences though – most of the weapons from the rack were missing including the 2 crossbows and the bill metal ball on the chain the goblins had called the “Spinner”. Also, the cage with the mice was empty of the vermin at this time, and the wooden chest that had been wrapped closed with ropes was also nowhere to be seen. But there were tons of other things on the shelves to look at and the party began searching the area in earnest (<Wis Search, White 9).

As for the north door, there was a chair jammed under the handle, preventing it from being opened as well as a battered rusty spike driven under the door. “Looks like they didn’t want us to get in,” Abraxas noted.

“Yeah,” Brendon finished his check over the door and then nodded to the Fighter, “All good, Doc.” Heading to check out the other room with Lyra and Lannis, Brendon asked, “Anyone spot any secret doors, holes, notches?”

From the Barracks chamber (<Wis Search, Yellow 5), Kovid whispered back loudly, “Nothing like that. But the Hobgoblins have a tone of personal belongings still in here,” he was tapping on the walls, “Wyn is checking them out and I’m giving the area a solid once over for any secret doors or the like, but right now…nothing.”

Over the next ten minutes, the group in the goblin chamber did manage to find some material that might be of some aid in the future, gathering it up and bringing it to the Sparring room as soon as they were done. “We’ve got some stuff,” Lyra began.

“They took the chest,” Brendon moped.

“Not surprising,” Lannis shrugged. “They suspected we might be around, whereas the hob’s were a bit arrogant and didn’t plan on keeping their shit from us.”

“We have 3 vials of liquid soap, 2 flasks of oil, 8 torches, and 3 of those elven towels! But these are blue, and they have been cleaned and laundered.”

"I took the bell off the door and have it my pack," Abraxas said. (Add metal bell [15] to inventory (make it 2 for the other room as well)

“Laundered by goblins,” Lannis shrugged. “I’m sure they did a piss poor job. Greenskins are not my default go to when I want my whites and delicates scrubbed.” He looked over at the dwarf and elf, “How about you, Gruesome Twosome? How’d you do?”

Bristling his beard, Kovid shrugged. “Well, there were no secret doors or levers in here, too damned bad, I must say.”

“Dere were some decent clothes de Hobs would wear, which I wouldn’t of course. But de boots! Dey are calfskin ‘eavy leader sole boots. Too big for moi, but Offop, Salazar, and Du Lac – any of you should be able to fit in dem easy.”

“None with Size 11 horseshoes on the base?” Lannis asked with a smirk.

“Har har,” Lyra nudged the Magic User. “Keep it up.”

“’Owever,” Wyn did drag a heavy metal box out from under the table. (Hobgoblin lair: Treasure type “D”. 10% 1-8k copper (46%), 15% 1-12k silver (28%), 60% 1-6k gold (52%) – yes: 4,760) Emblazoned on the front were the words, “Pay Box” in both Goblin and Common. “I did find dis.”

Brendon gave it a once over and nodded (<Find trap, +25 no locks, Red 52), “No lock, just a closed lid, no trap.”

He turned it around and lifted the lid slowly. When nothing happened he opened it the rest of the way. Inside was a nice looking large sack, looking about halfway full. He lifted it up and grunted a bit. “About 20 lbs” he said.

“What the hell is a pound?” Lannis asked.

“200 coin weight,” the Scout sighed. “Better?”

“Marginally.” He sighed. “Great, more gold we have to carry.”

“You are so ungrateful,” Lyra scowled at him. “Let’s see how we did, Brendon.”

The Scout smiled, untied the top, and tilted the bag over the now open metal box.

And gold poured out of the bag, quickly filling the box and then overflowing beyond with a twinkling cascading roar as THOUSANDS of gold coins scattered all over the floor, spinning and twinkling until the bag finished upending with a few stragglers that bounced to a slow stop.

Pointing to the obvious now empty and deflated bag of holding, everyone in the party said, “DIBS!” at once, smiles breaking out on their faces.

Time now is Day 9, 10:44 AM


XP: Explore Goblin Room, 45 xp each. Sparring room, 45 xp each.

Treasure Xp: 4,760 gold divided.

Lannis and Brendon add 884 xp each

Everyone else add 883 xp each.

The bag will hold about 10,000 coins worth of treasure – and was about half full! Reloading the bag is easy, scoop it around one side of the pile and then sweep the stuff in – so reload should only take 2-3 minutes with 2 working on it. Let me know if you guys want any of the stuff we found, also whoever holds the bag will have about 200 coin weight worth of weight just an fyi.

DING Kovid!

5th level Dwarf. He only thing you get this level is hp. Rolled 8. Plus 3 for Con = +11. Total hp – 48 , and you are fully healed!

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