This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, April 16, 2021

PBEM - Episode 382. Plans, Hobs, and Tuna Cans.



Wyn tapped Kovid on the shoulder, voice pitched low. “Dwarfriend... cen you shield moi? Wyn needs to jump out to sleep does hob bitches.”

Keeping his lantern covered by his cloak, he handed it over to Lannis who looked at it and said, “Do I look like a fucking garden gnome? Why should I be responsible for your shit?”

“Should I use a human shield instead?” the dwarf growled.

Lyra and Brendon both nodded, smiling at the wizard who held up his hand in mock surrender and took the covered light. “Yeah yeah yeah , whatever. I still want my fucking leaves. Let's get killin’ before the ghoul gets here, okay Crow? Lead the way Baldin."

Wiggling his finger to make them nimble, the elf added, “I tink I cen get deux of dem... maybe all trois. If we cen, den we should coup de grace dem... en continue on to de Hob room.”

From the darkness, Abraxas asked, "Do we want to move los Roberts' bodies a este room despues de mueremos todas de los Roberts? O do we leave them in el Hall?"

“Let’s take them down first,” Brendon suggested, “and get a better handle on how close the ghoul might be and if the goblins hear the ruckus.”

“Let’s do this.” Kovid held his hammer tight, felt Wyn right at his back, and took a deep breath. “Quiet. I’m a quiet dwarf,” he muttered.

“He’s so got this,” Lannis whispered.

Grabbing the handle, the dwarf steadied himself…turned the knob and stepped into the hall, feeling Wyn right behind him, the elf already casting his spell. And just as his infravision flared to full effect, he could hear from down the hall. “Target.”

(<+3 to hit, Black 7) And a crossbow quarrel ricocheted off his chest and TWANGED off into the darkness. “Thor’s Nuts!” he swore just at Wyn wrapped up his casting, filling the air with the scent of rose petals.

“ZU!” (4d4 hd: 1+3+1+4=9 HD!)

An orange tinged stroke of sparks slapped into the hobgoblin there, pitching it aside as it fell over asleep; the clattering sound of two other armored figures also dropping to the ground as well.

“About fucking time,” Lannis muttered stepping out of the room along with the rest of the group, Abraxas leading the way to the mass of sleeping hobgoblins, his Scythe slamming down to coup de grace the sleeping brute. There was an open animal bladder on the floor here filled with seeping fluids and rotting entrails that had spilled all over the floor. Holding their breath amidst the horrid stink, Kovid and Lyra joined the fighter in the hall, dispatching the last of the sleepers while Brendon stood in the intersection, his head tilting, listening to the sound of the distant…and closing…ghoul (<Hear Noise, +25% direction estimate, Red 48). He turned back north down the corridor we had come from and gritted his teeth.

“That way,” he pointed. “And I can’t be sure, but I think maybe…two of them?”

(Double effect potential Goblin heard WMC: Red/Black 1 – yep! Thanks Kelly!)

And from down the hall in the direction of Smallpox’ chamber, the group heard the sound of a door gently closing, followed by the rasp of a wedging type sound.

“Well…shit,” Lyra groused.

Time now is Day 9, 10:04 AM


Monster XP: 4 Hobs @ 35 each, divided

Brendon, Lyra, Kovid, and Lannis add 23

Wyn add 74 xp

Abraxas add 24 xp PLUS 150 xp for HW 5 = 174 xp

You have 2 minutes before the running undead comes. What do you want to do?

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