This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, April 12, 2021

PBEM - Episode 378. Scouting and Slow



“Whew!” Brendon wiped his forehead with the back of his hand slowly, “That...close...I...don’t...feel... too...great.”

Giving the dead goblin a nudge with his shoe, Lannis looked around the secret hall. "So if we need to wait like 30 minutes for Captain Bilgewater, or 2 hours in his time, let's do some housekeeping."

“Fifty,” Lyra offered.


“I said fifty minutes, Numbnuts.”

The Magic User shrugged. “All I heard was whawhawhawhawha and something about a period when you talked. Unless it’s about how you were going to make me a sandwich, I really didn’t give a…OUCH!!!” He dropped to one knee as Lyra whacked the Wizard in the back of the head with her shield, the metal gonging upon impact.

“I’m so sorry!” She said getting real close to his face. “You know how clumsy us girls can be.” She then stepped on his fingers and walked over to the dead goblin, staring down at it as Lannis groaned and held his hand to his lips, blowing on it. “What do goblins taste like? Maybe we can eat him?” She mused, smirking down at the dead greenskin. “I’m kidding that was a joke.”

Pointing back behind him, the Scout suggested, “”

Wyn glanced north in the direction of the Throne Room and shook his head. “Let’s not open dat door as of yet. Salazar, you want to deal wit dat gob?” He turned asking the fighter.

"Si! Amigos, limpiamos el area donde Brendino mueres el Gob.” Abraxas stood up and looked over the dead greenskin. “Yo will take el Goblin body a el Barracks de Orcasas y make el bed.”

“Maybe cover it in bedding or out it in one of the chests in there,” Wyn suggested.

Abraxas nodded, “Maybe piensais que el Gob es asleep cuando they see him again.”

Lannis took out his bloody towel and offered it over. “Make sure we don’t leave any tracks back to here, and see if Reverse Flash over there didn’t leave a fountain of blood all over the floor.”

The elf took the towel and nodded his thanks. “Merci. Salazr, I cen keep an ear out at de hallway door.” He turned to Kovid, “Keep dis door opens crack, s'il vous plaît.”

The dwarf nodded, heading over there while Abraxas picked up the dead goblin, Wyn listening to the wall.

Brendon gave a slow sigh and said, “”

Giving the Scout a cheeky grin in return, Lannis replied, “"

“We’re clear,” Wyn said and Kovid stepped on the release, opening the secret door. The Summoning Room looks as it did before, the door on the south end of the room was still open. Wyn stepped out, heading over there to listen (no roll), hearing some voices echoing very far in the distance and nothing nearby. He gave Abraxas a thumbs up and the Fighter strode swiftly and silently to the former orc’s barracks.

“Hey, sloth-man,” Lyra offered, holing her wine bottle up and shaking it, “Good job not getting killed out there. Want a swig of wine? Got about half left.”

Holding out a hand, he took the offered bottle and swallowed a slow gulp, sighing contently as a little bit of it dribbled down his chin. “Thanks, Milady.”

“You never offered me any,” Lannis noted.

Meanwhile Abraxas was looking around the room eyes squinting and head shaking slowly. “Oh.” He said softly. “I forgot.”

The room was a burned out shell. Charred furnishings, bare skeletal remains of beds and boxes, is all that remained amidst the piles of burned ash and overscarred lengths of wood and piles of what seemed to be flesh and cloth in places. “We did a good job on el fuego,” he noted, placing the goblin face down in the hollowed remains of a bed, the mattress was almost unrecognizable as a sooty mess beneath it. He turned back around and gave a thumbs up, Wyn rejoining him, wiping the ground clean of any footsteps the fighter might have tracked as well as a few blood splatters that had fallen during Brendon’s assault with the goblin. Once inside, the door was shut and Abraxas said, “I put him there. But the room did not have a bed anymore.”

“At least it’s not in here anymore,” Lannis noted, thumbing through his cat book again.

Settling down, Wyn leaned up against the wall and said, “Let us wait fer du Lac to shake the poison.” Giving the wizard a pointed look, he asked, “Offop, anytin interesting about dat cat book? Is it like different cats? All de same cat? What's de deal wit it?”

Bringing it closer to his face by lifting his knees, he balance the book there and replied, “It appears to be different cats doing cat things in different places." He made sure the book was tilted in such a way that no one else could see the contents.

Brendon chuckled at the wizard’s pettiness. Moving his hand in front of his face, he asked, “Lannnnnis,” He then gave a slow deep chuckle.

The group was silent, looking through their belonging idly while waiting. It was after a short time though that they could hear voices coming closer and then people entering the summoning room. “Starin? Where you at?”

“Oh…dear,” Brendon muttered, the group being quiet, straining to listen.

“Optio! Come quick!”

“What you find? Ah…FUCK!”

“He’s dead, sir.”

“I can see that!”

“How’d they get past us?”

“I’m telling you, they portalled.”

“Listen up, Ladies! Not magic! No portal. Invisible. Got it?”

There was some excited chatter as they all talked over each other until the hobgoblin called out loudly, “Enough! It’s time we track them down. Get the wolves in here, Pronto.”

“Optio, Smallpox was working on some invisibility potions. They should be done today.”

“Excellent. Get him to bottle them up, I want 6 of them doled out. Griz, make sure the best 6 skulkers get them.”

“Will do, Optio.”

“Wolves, sir.”

“Alright. Get them to sniff about. Track. I want to know if and where these invisible fuckers are.”

The party all gathered their weapons about them as the sound of rattling chains and goblinoid voices were mixed in with barks and yipping sounds.

(Scent/Search: Black 5-yes)

“They’ve got something.”

“Let them lead.”

“Follow them!”

The voices were getting more distant as the wolves were walking out of the room. It was harder to hear but a few snippets came back.

“Get that door open…”

“…the Garden, sir…”

“…a few tracks…edge of the dirt…”

“…Decapus get them?”

(Half Wis check, White 3 – yes – ah fuck, sorry guys!)

“…down there?”

“…rip it open…”

“…pins and goes down…”

“…three of you down…”

“…Grimtooth know what’s…”

“…plug this hole up…”

More voices getting louder again.

“Griz, take a 12 count of goblins and a 6 count of hobgoblin warriors and get your asses down to the first floor. Let Grimtooth and Rampant Zealotry know what we’ve learned. I’d bet coppers to crumpets, their asses are downstairs right now, waiting for an opportunity to sneak back up here. We have a solid shot to get these fuckers and get them now.”

“We’re on it, Optio Fury.”

“Good, man. Someone take Starin out of here and bring him to Smallpox. Poor bastard didn’t deserve to die like that.”

“Deep wound, tore his throat out, Joe. Shitty way to die.”

“Remember that. I want the same thing done to one of them. Make it that pink hat wearing moron, he’s got shifty eyes, most likely his knife work.”

The voices grew faint as they hobgoblins and goblins left the room, shutting the door behind them.

The group let out a ragged breath and looked around with worried expressions, “Well, that sucks,” Lannis noted.

“Oui, dey know about de chimney now.”

“No. I mean they think I killed the goblin, Starin. Me!” He pointed to himself, eyes wide. “It was Brendon. It should be him they want to stab in the neck and rip out his throat.”

Looking at the lantern, Kovid asked, “Do I need another light spell for this lantern? Is the stone still gonna be lit or should we replace it with Brendon’s coin?”

The Magic user shook his head, “The rock in the lantern is like diamonds, forever.”

“Dwarfriend! You be 'appy to know dat ye stone en du Lac's coin will be lit... forever! Or maybe 300 to 400 years. Dey don't run out or get replaced by a subsequent castin'. Dis not be any of dat cantrip la connerie.”

“With a number of them going downstairs,” Lyra asked, “And us not chancing that chimney again, by the way, GREAT idea on getting those bandages cleaned, huh? Anyway, what’s the plan?”

Abraxas rubbed his chin, whispering, “Originally I thought we should check out the East. Maybe Mirrorball's room, grab that chest, bring it back aqui. O we can run down the hallway y miramos que hay es. Uno o de otro." He shrugged. “Now things have changed a bit and we should take advantage of this opportunity.”

Brendon stood up faster than he did earlier, holding his head and wobbling a bit. “Whooaaaa.. Whoa. Ok! Glad as hell that’s over!” He listened to the south wall (WMC: Red/Black 6 – no) and then stood up again. “No one out there right now, way is clear for the moment. Can’t promise the hall is clear though unless we open up and I go take a look and listen.”

Time now is Day 9, 9:35 AM


Slow effect is over. Good rolls for them, the Chimney path was discovered. But a bad deduction, assuming the trail the wolves smelled was fresh – they have removed 18 combatants from this floor and sent them to the first floor. What’s the plan?

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