This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, May 18, 2020

PBEM, Episode 29 - N Hall, Hanged Hob

Kovid lowered his voice, "Abraxas, what do you say we open the door that smells like blood together? It's too curious and worrisome to go left unchecked."

The fighter nodded his head and the group headed down the NORTH passage, stopping near the door on the EAST. Lannis turned to Lyra, feeling uncomfortable with the situation, and said, "We should stay back this way, just in case, so we aren't potentially forced to back up into unfamiliar territory.”

The Cleric nodded, hand gripping her holy symbol. “Yea, probably for the best.”

Brendon had his bow out at one end of the hall, Wyn was closer, his own bow at the ready. Abraxas looked at everyone and whispered, “Uno…dos…” and opened the door with a steady turn and push.

Revealing what was at one point someone’s private room. There was a bed, a small oak table, a wooden chair, a footlocker, and a pile of papers. The table had been toppled over, the chair was smashed, the foot locker had been broken into and the papers were scattered all over the room. The bed had copious blood stains on it and it looked like the pillows and mattress had been hacked with a sword at some point.

“Madre de la Dios!” Abraxas swore as he took in the chamber. His gaze swept up to see a hobgoblin hanging from the ceiling, dead many days, numerous holes poked in its body and slashes running around its neck, chest, and stomach. A wooden sign hung down from a rope around its neck with writing on it. Both Wyn and Brendon (Int >11) were close enough to note that it was written in Goblin.

When Abraxas and Kovid looked at them they read “Corfard’s Blessing” followed a moment later by “Theft and Treason”. Brendon spat on the ground and cursed, “Fuck.”

As for Lannis and Lyra, from somewhere FAR to the WEST of where they were standing (No listening check needed), they heard briefly the sound of something metal falling on stone, and then the raspy sound of said metal item rolling a few seconds before coming to a stop. The Magic User looked at the Cleric and the two of them shook their head and cursed silently, “Fuck.”

Time is 1:42


Ok, What the hell? Let me know!

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