This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

PBEM, Episode 64 - Mosaic Spa, Rod, Collapse


After discussing with the rest of the party what had been learned, the group discussed options, settling on checking the steam door before actually trying the key and keyhole. “Monsieur du Lac, if you would check de steam door, s’il vous plaît? En den Monsieur Salazar cen open eet... I stand ‘ere wit me bow in case dere be more stirges about.”

"Si, Señor Wynder,” Abraxas replied. “Miramos las puertas ultimas. Make sure all doors are clear. Maybe Señor Kovidios could update his map a bit."

“Let me make sure the door that leads to the steam isn’t trapped,” Brendon offered, walking to the door and giving a solid once over. “Thou I don’t believe it would be. After I’ll accompany Lannis to the center room and await the outcome of the key. Might I suggest if the shit hits the sails, you yell out which door we should exit.”

Making her way to the back of the Mosaic Room, Lyra asked, “I know we have potions, maybe two blessings of health from Aine left. Is everyone in adequate condition to fight again if we need?”

There were some gruntings all about, but Lannis made the most of his many many injuries, the Magic User looking pretty worn out. Holding his torch with a less than steady hand, Lannis said, “Yes, yes, fine for now. You know I'd rather not be waiting in THAT room when that key is turned, in case there is some kind of...unpleasant reaction.”

Brendon who was in front of the door shook his head and motioned Lannis to relax. “I’ll be right there, Lannis.” Looking at the rest of the party, Brendon continued, “The door is not trapped. No lock, handle pushes into the room. Steam is warm, not scalding. Doc?” He motioned to Abraxas, “It’s all you.” From there he followed Lannis to the pedestal room where the two of them waited with the torch, door closed most of the way. Lyra with her sling and Wyn with his bow were in the back of the Mosaic chamber, Kovid standing near the fighter, his Theystra war hammer held loosely and ready.

“Hokay?” Abraxas had his shield up, sword in his hand, gripping the handle and turning. “One…Dos…Tres!”

Steam billowed out, very warm…but harmless. Once it cleared a little, the group could see the room was similar in size and shape as the others. Two long wooden benches were along two of the walls, and the air was moist. Kovid looked in with care (Stonework, no roll) and nodded. “Natural vent from below ground. Suspected something like that after the sulfur vent on the other side of the castle. Natural geothermal vent. Elves tapped into all of this centuries ago and set this up.” He grumbled. “Pretty smart…for elves.”

There was one other door on the other side of the room that according to Kovid’s map led back to the main cave.

“Ok, that’s it for rooms in the Ishtari area.” Kovid said. “So..key or not?”

Time now is 10:06


As Kovid asked, what’s next?

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