This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

PBEM - Episode 270. Wandering Heroes

At this point the groups were not together, Lannis was lost in the halls, and although we were all in Discord and email together, I didn't want them to just bee-line to the Magic User and pick him up. So they had to come up with a valid plan and allow some randomness to figure in to it. And Lannis had to stay away and alive and yet still try to find the party.




Holding one hand to his ear as if trying to understand what the Salamander was saying, Wyn gave an inquisitive look at Brendon who was digging through his pack for the manacles he had picked up. Not getting an immediate answer, he smiled down at the Adept and then ran his sword forward (>+2 to hit, +2 prone, Orange 18) straight through the amphibian and to the stone floor below (1d8+1 damage, Orange 4 – 5 Damage and killed!). He watched as it squirmed and grasped at his legs, clawing at his pants before gasping silently and then dying.

Seeing Brendon staring at him, he looked back and forth from the dead Adept and them burst out in silent laughter, wondering why the Scout looked disgusted and walked away, dropping the chains to the floor. Still chuckling, Wyn began searching the closest Adept’s clothes and belongings.

Brendon looked into the pool at the dead Adept down there, uncoiled his rope and held one end, looking to attach the other somewhere when he noticed Abraxas had washed most of the hobgoblin’s blood off his face from his skin. When the fighter went to bend down and fill it again from the spoiled pool, Brendon stepped up and waved he hands about, shaking his head, “NO!” Abraxas looked at him and made a mad face, pointing at his skin when the Scout pointed at the dead salamander in the pool and mimed drinking, then bending over choking and spitting. Abraxas furrowed his brow and then nodded, giving the thumbs up.

The scout handed him the free end of the rope, held the other end, and then dived once again into the cold water, swimming down with powerful strokes to the sunken Adept. Once there he wrapped the rope around it once and then swam back up, salamander in his arms as he surfaced again, motioning the fighter to help him drag the body out, before rolling up to the stone ledge again and shaking the worst of the water off his body.

Everyone continued to look around the 2 hobgoblins and three adepts, Lyra and Kovid sharing a towel as dried their faces and arms, but the 3 party members were pretty cold and Lyra’s movements were lethargic and spastic at best. At the end of it all, when they were searching the last adept furthest north, the group was satisfied to find the edge of the spell as Abraxas’ voice rang out VERY loud, ¿Donde SeƱor Lamppiss?!” Surprised at that, he motioned the group up to where he was standing and they all gathered up there along with everything they had found so far.

“Thor’s Balls, we need to find a place to get warm,” Kovid exclaimed. “Maybe the frog-man has some suggestions?”

Wyn laughed, “He’s not so adept anymore, mon ami.”

“What’s that mean?”

“It means he stabbed him,” Brendon offered with a small frown. “I had manacles in my hands and everything.”

“True, true,” the elf said, “and I had a sword in my ‘and an’ ever’ting as well. So it’s all good. Besides, ‘e was a Corfard zealot an dat worm dunt need to know bout where we are or what we doin’ yet. So I solved de problem.”

“Whatever. We got hosed on this ambush,” Lyra sighed, still looking pale and poorly. “Where’s Lannis? Did he just ditch us? What a piece of shit.”

“He ran north at the start of the battle,” Abraxas shrugged. “Was screaming como una nina.”

“Yeah, wasn’t very cool,” Brendon shook his head frowning. “I tried to grab for him but he lifted his skirt and ran.”

The Cleric shook her head. “Great. Damned coward. Did he bring a light?” The fighter and scout shook their head and shrugged. She gave an exasperated scowl and suggested, “Maybe a few of us should go peek down the hall and see if he’s outside dead somewhere.”

“Oui. Dat is a good idea,” Wyn pointed to the gathered goods. “We did manage to do pretty well. Dere was 71 silver, 34 copper, dis silver holy symbol dat looks like a dragon, 4 healing potions…”

“They ended up drinking 2 of them, otherwise there’d be six. And that trinket could fetch 75 gold crowns back in Specularum when we get there.” Brendon noted.

“Oui. Dere was also a potion of invisibility and according to Monsieur Du Lac, we managed to save Trois Arrows.” He looked around. “Let’s divide up de stuff and I know de trios of you are cold and tired, but we should find Monsieur Offop afore de putain Roberts or worse do.”

Meanwhile, Lannis rolled to his side and groaned, opening his eyes and looking around, seeing nothing but darkness all about, the air cold, his forehead tight and blood trickling down his face. “What was I hearing,” he muttered, pushing himself upright. There were ghostly voices in his head, sounding like himself and yet not. He pushed himself against the wall and stood on shaking legs until the feeling of vertigo faded. “Now,” he muttered, “Where the fuck am I?”

As he was looking about, trying to make sense of where he was in relation to where the group might be (WMC: Red/Black 2 – Patrol.), he picked up the sound of marching feet coming from (1-3 north, 4-6 south: White 4 – South) up the stairs, and approaching with a measured cadence of rigid militarized walking. “Fuck,” he cursed, “Hobgoblins.” (2d6+2x10 feet away: 100’)

Taking no time to think about it, he pushed himself away from the wall and run off to the north, hands outstretched until he encountered the opposite wall. He felt around quick and realized he had no option but to go to his left, so he turned and ran off (Move silently, Pink 16 – no), feet slapping at the floor, grunting each time he stumbled, and cursing as he dinged the walls again and again. He jogged in the pitch black for some time until he came upon something wood closed and barring his way. He fumbled around trying to find the knob, gripping finally as he picked up the echoing sounds far behind him of over a dozen booted feet marching down the distant stairs behind him.

“If I get out of this bullshit,” he thought to himself, struggling to open the door, “I’m going to pay more attention to how Brendon walks so damned fucking quietly all the fucking time.”

Time now is Day 7, 3:57 PM 


XP: Monsters: Adepts 3 @ 85 per divided.

Hobgoblin Elite Warriors 2 @ 120 per divided.

Treasure xp: 82 xp divided

Kovid – add 125

Lyra – add 135

Abraxas – add 145

Wyn and Brendon – add 155

Ok, who is taking what, and what is the plan? Lannis, what’s your end goal to try to reach?

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