This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

PBEM - Episode 246. Doors and Decision



The group was silent, mulling over their options. Hesitantly, Abraxas started the discussion, whispering, “Amigos, we have the element of surprise on these Orcasas. The Undead Snake maybe not so much. It knows we killed it maybe? If Señor Laziness is looking for revenge, perhaps he can take out the Snake again. Tambien, there may be Guards outside of the Throne Room now, so we have the Undead Serpente, who knows how many guards, and who knows what else just to get back to aqui.”

Kovid shook his head. “I disagree. "I say, if we want to keep the Vault a secret, and a possible safe room for us while we are up here on the second floor, we don't disturb the orcs this way. Let's back out of here and close this stone door and go through the Throne Room again.”

“Senor Manlayer,” The Fighter pointed south to the Teleporting Room, “perhaps we can loop around going through the South door to line back up with the Throne Room, getting a better... como dices... 'lay of de land' y que awaits us on the other side of the throne room.” He lifted up one foot and put it down firmly as if squashing something. “Or we could get the jump on those Orcasas, using surprise to our advantage. Or try to split them up and lure them into this room, where we can divide and conquer. Yo no se,” he shrugged, face troubled, “pero I am not convinced heading back to the Throne Room in este momento is correcto.”

The dwarf sighed. “There is no clear and perfect answer, Abraxas. But, if we want to fight the Orcs later, fine, but.” He raised one finger, making a point, “we circle around to find the known entrance to this Summoning Room first. I want to see if we can get the statue from the Guardians on the northwest side of the Throne Room anyway. Big Brain may want to examine the crystals again as we pass through.... Either that or get killed a third time by the raised snake."

“I dunno,” Abraxas answered, voice low. “Corflargon is aware of something happening there recently. I am prepared to follow what the party y que they decide. Pero, going back into the Throne Room seems more peligroso que I think we have all been thinking about. Just my dos pesos."

Brendon pointed at the south door, “Whispering is all fine and dandy but at any time the doors can open and here we are discussing what to do. How about closing the secret wall so no one sees us?”

Kovid nodded, frowning as he realized there was no handle to actually shut the door. “Damn thing is one way. Best closed from the other side.”

“Well, that’s not going to work for us,” Lyra hissed.

“Hang on,” the dwarf replied, pulling it as closed as he could by gripping the edge of the portal before reaching down to try and grip on the original opening block. “Gonna have to strong finger it here.” Gripping as tight as he could, he pulled, fingers shaking (<Open(Close) Door Check, Blue 2) as it slid closer and closer until it finally met the wall flush. At that point the opening block ‘clicked’ out about a foot and the door was sealed. 

“Thanks,” Brendon said, getting a weak smile from the dwarf as he shook his fingers a few times to ease their ache. “I agree with Kovid. Let’s go back to the throne room.” Brendon suggested. “They don’t know about the secret room and they probably think we left for the first floor to sleep. We can lock the doors again. Lyra, Wyn and Lannis can work on the orbs. Lil man and I can listen at the locked doors. Lil man knows orc and I know goblin.  Doc can take his seat in the throne ready to set off the guards. If illusions worked on them before it might work again gobs are stupid.”

“Intelligence of the greenskin aside, there are other factors in play to either decision,” Lannis mused. He looked over at the two fighters. “Shockingly you both raise good points. We may have our best opportunity to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war upon the orcs. However if we do that we are fully committed to it once we close the door behind us, would have to find a new shelter or make it all the way back around to once again try and get to the Vault Room.”

“Yea, I REALLY like that cake room,” Lyra sighed, looking within. “I’d rather keep it a secret while we can. That was the first actually safe feeling rest I’ve gotten in days.”

“Speakin’ o dat, let me close an’ lock it so no one accidentally finds it,” Wyn pulled the other secret door closed and then locked it again with the Vault Key.

Nodding, the Cleric continued, “I’m for going to the throne room... but again, what about the snake? Lannis wants round 2?”

Lannis shook his head no. "Point of order: I don’t want to fight the snake again, at least not right now"

“Got it,” she replied. “I guess if we can take out the snake quietly enough and fast enough we could always get the jump on the orcs after. I wouldn’t mind taking a few out myself. I’m feeling pretty good, but maybe for now,” she paused, mulling it over and then indicated north with a jut of her chin, “Throne room.” 

The Magic User glanced that way in response. “I have a suggestion for the other way. I think the snake presents us an opportunity to learn some important information. I want to just observe if we can, without attracting the snake. For one Corfards magic may have resonated with his crystal somehow. More so the snake is an undead, so it is more likely to be drawn to or stay near the negative energy crystal, and at the very least avoid the positive energy crystal. So that's what I'm thinking, watch the snake the learn about the crystals.”

“Not a bad plan, Big Brain,” Kovid grunted.

“Thanks. But if no one likes that I guess I'd throw soft support behind Abraxas's plan for now."

The party talked a little bit but there was more support for the Throne Room now so they drew their weapons again and turned north once more. “H’okay. Let’s go. Throne room,” Wyn offered. “Did we listen to de door? I dunt rem’ber, seems days ago.”

Brendon nodded. “Yeah. Nothing there,” he said. “At least nothing making noises.”

He gave Kovid a hand wave and the dwarf reached down and grabbed the metal dog toggle and twisted it, unlocking the portal from this side. “Hold onto your butts,” he muttered and pulled the portal open.

The cracking energy of the dueling crystals along with their prismatic opposite cascading rainbow lights filled the hall we were in and illuminated the entire room. We stepped in with care and looked around. One of the snakes had been laid out around the box on the east side of the room, very dead and unmoving. The box on the west end of the room, the cover was removed and the top 1/3rd of the snake was sticking out of it, its head turned in our direction.

It had a blank stare, its body beat up and bloody, but after a ten count it turned its gaze slowly back to the main door and stared at it with a singleminded intensity. As for the bodies on the floor, some of them had been shifted about as if something large had come in here and moved them in its passing. And there were an (1d4-1: Blue 3 – 2) additional 2 red scales the same size and type at the 7 that Abraxas had already picked up earlier.

Any sign of the red armored elves were long gone.

Time now Day 7, 9:00 AM


Ok – yes the snake has been raised (1 of them) but although it noted the group’s entry to the chamber, it did not express any other interest in the party.

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