This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

PBEM - Episode 251. Frying Pan, and Fleeing.

The party deactivated the other crystal which had the obvious effect of dropping the entire Rainbow Ward - and alerted the entire castle that someone was in here. So it was game on and go go go for the party.




Kovid reached out and slid the now inert Corfard’s Crystal (30) off the pedestal and into his backpack.  Lannis gave the dwarf a hard stare and asked, “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“What’s it look like? Going to take this one with us so Corfard can’t reactivate it.”

The wizard nodded, brows rising. “Oh!”

The cleric smiled, clapping Kovid on the shoulder. “I agree with him - let’s take Conford’s crystal, that way he can’t decide to put it back to use.”

Once it was away, the dwarf replied, “Thanks Lyra.” Giving the Magic User a critical glance, he asked, “What’s next Big Brain? Are we doing the other crystal?”

"Ya know Szalinski,” Lannis sighed, “it's rude to not call people by their names. But since you asked, yes, let's do the other one, repeat what we originally did over here, assuming you heard what I just said from all the way down there, I imagine there's an echo."

Lyra moved to the other pedestal, taking her flail back out and giving the prismatic gem a serious once over. “Um…shouldn't we just leave the good crystal? Do we know EXACTLY what will happen if it’s removed? 

Abraxas had also moved over, keeping his Scythe away from the gem at this point. "Si! If we remove this other docadexaheadroom, does the Rainbow Ward completely fall? Es que malo o bueno? Do we want the Ward up or down?”

“I tink dat Monsieur Offop has indicated and I agree wit him, dat our chance to come back in ‘ere again later to do dis might not be possible and since we are ‘ere now, we should just get it done.” He pointed towards the wall and presumably outside. “De ward is already comin’ down afore dis and it didn’t stop all dose beasts and baddies of coming in ‘ere.”

The Fighter nodded. “I'm good with what ever el grupo decides.” He spun his Scythe about so it was blade forward and bounced the butt once against the floor. “Let's do este.”

“Thanks for the help, Elf,” Lannis tossed towards Lannis.

“Sometimes you ‘ave good ideas, Monsieur Offop. You ‘ave to dig trew de bullshit to find dem, but dey are dere.” HE shrugged, “If you din’t ‘ave any idea, I would be also willin ta lissen to de dead snake an’ just watch de Throne Room door. So you aren’t too far ‘bove the minimum base line, ya know.”


“Don’t mention it.” He waved his hand and sat back on the throne, leaning to the side and waved imperiously while grinning broadly. “Now go do your trick, mon ami.”

“Say what you will, this is pretty damned exciting,” Brendon commented.

“Ugh,” Lannis took up his place around the slowly oscillating crystal. “Ok, we’ve done this twice before so you all know you places, marks, and things to say. Do what you need, say what you gotta, and touch the crystal with the Goddess Weapon. Let’s make it count, everyone ready? Adventurer’s…Assemble!”

“Ready!” “On it, Big Brain.” “Ugh, you are such a spazz.”

“Bite me, Broodmare.” Lannis lifted the ritual of the Dawnlands one last time and read it, each subsequent party member taking their turn and touching the gem as applicable.

“The Sun Rises in the Dawnlands

It is our charge to keep the Darkness at bay

By the Bounty of the Princess of Grain do we feed the hungry warriors

By the Brilliance of the Moon Goddess do we illuminate the shrouding dark

By the Children on the Queen of Monsters do we fight the devouring hordes

By the Love of the Wanting Mother do we balance the weave of magic

The balancing power of the four watch over the elven nation and protect its people from harm

The Dawnlands in return promise to ever hold the hordes of Jector in the Dark.

May the Eye of Ishtari make real the will of the prism crowned

When the jeweled Light’s shine is needed most.”

With each passage and touching of the gem the light PULSED around the room, and the rainbow light grew washed out and weaker. Until finally it was only a faint ghost of its former self, a mere flicker in the heart of the crystal. And then Lannis’ voice rang out for the last verse and the light flowed up one last time and then ended with a crackling sound and a diminishing spray of sparks, reducing the illumination in the room to JUST Kovid’s lantern. There was a back splash of power and the four around the pedestal were rocked back from its coursing.

But it was done.

“Hot fucking damn!” Lannis swore. “We did it!”

“Good job, Big Brain!” Kovid smiled and then his gaze dropped to his hammer and frowned. “Ah…fuck.” He looked at the Scythe, Flail, and Rod in turn and repeated himself. “Fucker fuck. I hope we have time to fix it.”

All 4 of the goddess weapons were covered with a greyish black tarnish from the expiring power of the crystal, similar to the way Corfard’s Statue appeared. “Ok, I can clean it,” Kovid assured the group, “It’s just going to take time.”

“How long?” Brednon asked worried.

“At least an hour per weapon.”

Lannis looked at the Rod and shook it. “Until we get the tarnish off, the magic of the weapons is currently dormant.” He sighed. “It’s still a hammer, flail, scythe, and bashing stick – it’s just not capable of doing its magic at this time.”

“Well, what are we going to do?” Lyra asked. “We doing the horn and Guardians? We have some time to come up with a plan, don’t we?”

From somewhere else in the Castle, we could hear the mournful blast of a trumpet ringing out. And then from elsewhere, another horn called out. And from somewhere else we could hear the pounding of drums. And deep in the stones of the Ispan’s Castle, we could feel the rocks themselves shaking as something massive stomped its feet and shook the walls with its cries.

To Lyra’s vision, the points of evil were swirling and swarming about, and others were coming up from the south and making their way through the halls east of this chamber, making their way north.

Already heading for the Secret Door, Wyn was waving his hands rapidly. “I tink Priestesse dat we ‘ave even less time den we tink.”

“Shit,” Lyra cursed. “2 minutes tops people.”

“Vamanos!” Abraxas called out, pushing the group ahead of him.

“Wait, we running, staying, hiding?” Brendon asked, letting his bow drop to his hand. “What the hell is the plan exactly?”

Time is Day 7, 9:45 AM


XP: Deactivate Ispan’s Crystal – 400 xp Each

And it’s down. But the alarm has been raised. And lots of shit is coming this way. What is the plan? And please, be specific. Good luck!

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