This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

PBEM, Episode 7 - Sitting Room and Armory

Lyra shook the rat free, trying to back up, “Shit! I should have had my sling out. A little help here?”

Sword leading the way, Abraxis took three mighty steps and slashed his broad sword hard at the giant rat that was harassing Lyra, "Die Vile... uh.... how do you say... Vill... Vas... Ver... Ah Yes, Vermins!! Die Vile Vermins!"

Meanwhile Lannis, closer to the door, sidled westward and looked around nervously, gripping his staff. “Yeah! Good job! Kill them quieter please. Not so loud Abraxis!”

Wyn slid his short sword from his cross sheath and stepped past Brendon who pulled out and arrow and nocked it. “Dwarfriend, I ‘ave your back,” he said. “Yes, Wyn. Finally a little action!”

Kovid already engaged with the giant rat in front of him swung his war hammer in a wide arc, and the rat skipped backwards before running in again. He beat around the rat, heavy hammer chipping stone and clipping the rat, but unable to land a killing blow (<+2 to hit, Yellow 2). However his actions did force the rat to sidle too much to the left and Wyn gave it a deep stab in the flank. The rat tried to pivot but its side gave way, and the elf scored a second, then a third and fourth blow, his sword blade quickly going red (>+3 to hit, Orange 19) as he pricked, poked, and bled the rat to death (1-6+1 Dam, Orange 4: 5 Damage and killed!) until with a final squeak it fell over and ceased to move.

The Fighter hacked down hard, slicing the end of the rat’s tail as it skipped forward, and Lyra hit it on the other side, the two of them working in tandem on the Giant Rat. Hemmed in and before it could think about fleeing, and all the while Lannis kept saying, “Quieter! Kill it quieter you louts!” Abraxis growled deep and slammed his sword down dead on against the rat (>+5 to hit, Blue 19) but the sword turned and it was with the flat of the blade (1-8+2 Dam, Blue 1: 3 Damage) hurting the vermin badly but not killing it. Lyra took advantage of the stunned monster to line up her club and swing (>+0 to hit, White 19) hitting the Giant Rat hard across its back (1-6-1 Dam, White 4: 3 Damage and killed!) and crushing the last of its squeaking cries.

As the growing silence of the post battle stretched out, the group caught their breath and waited (WMC: Red/Black 3) but nothing seemed to have caught wind of the battle and Brendon put his nocked arrow away. Lyra checked out her wound and after wiping it clean, commented that it “would be ok for now.”

The group cleaned their weapons while Brendon looked into the now open room. The WEAPON’S ROOM was 20’ square with a pair of dilapidated racks on the EAST wall. The racks appeared to be empty. On the SOUTH wall was a rusted BALLISTA with a single BOLT, 6’ long, finned, and heavy, under the machine. After giving the room a once over, Brendon gave a cocky grin and announced the room was safe from traps (>Find Traps, Red 31).

Lyra stayed outside the room watching and wary, while Lannis and Wyn took up position in the hall, listening to make sure we aren’t surprised by wandering monsters. Abraxis and Kovid, both fighting men, came in on Brendon’s say so and looked over the machine making appreciative noises and grunts about the size and thrusting power of the BALLISTA while Lyra shook her head ruefully. Abraxis (> Wis, Blue 16) and Kovid (=Wis, Yellow 13) talked about the machine and checked it out before coming to the conclusion that the Ballista was in POOR condition and could probably only be fired ONCE more – but the firing spring and wheels were rusted and before moving or firing the machine, would need 1 FLASK OF OIL to effect enough of a repair to move and then shoot it. Since the Ballista weighed 175 lbs it was unwieldy to carry and looks like it had been here for at least 30 plus years.

Giving the room one last look over (Blue 3, Red 4, Yellow 6) they found nothing else of interest in the chamber and considered this room finished for now. There are EXITS @ WEST DOOR, NORTH and EAST Passage and NORTH and WEST Passage. Lantern had 5 ½ hours of oil remaining.

Time now is 10:16

Good job! TWO Areas Complete and Combat finished.
Base XP: 15 per explored area, Each Rat 15 xp

Lannis, Abraxis, Brendon, and Kovid: Add 35 xp
Wyn and Lyra: Add 40 xp

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