This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

PBEM, Episode 1 - Exploring the Grounds



The Party has traveled north and east from Specularum for almost a week. Four days ago you passed through the Barony of Ferk and have been travelling in unclaimed lands ever since. Some crofters make a living out here, the odd hamlet of thatched huts clustered together for warmth and safety while wolves and other more dangerous beasts hunt in the dark spaces beyond the dim light of civilization.

This morning your group crossed the original watchtowers that marked the borders of the Dawnlands, but the fetish markings of Goblin activity signaled to both Brendon and the Elf that greenskins of sizable numbers were still about. So your progress has slowed as you’ve kept to forest and brush and avoided open ground. Lyra has proven to be a deft hand with the sling and numerous rabbits and birds have been knocked unconscious to flesh out your meals without the need to use precious arrows.

You are aware that you are in a unique situation as being the first adventurers from the Academy on premises. This means that if the ward around Halgafar’s castle is indeed fading, you have the best chance to find any treasures as well as the Prism Crown.

For this last day, the ground is a mix of blasted heath and naked cracked stone, but green shoots are pushing their way through the poisoned soil, showing the new life is breaking down the 30 years of corruption. You have camped outside the broken city of Acreage where you can see Halgafar’s Castle rising over the city, a thin play of rainbow lights encircling the structure. The Castle itself appears to be whole and undamaged behind the shimmering field when seen from this distance. The town, much less so.

Acreage is a maze of broken streets, collapsed buildings, and marauding wild dogs. The group made the call to not enter the city at night and to camp instead in the relative safety of the surrounding woods instead. Lannis is sure that at some point during the night he heard Ogrish voices in the maze of toppled buildings, and something about “Corfard’s Blessing” but nothing else was forthcoming.

After the sun’s rays broke the horizon the group broke camp, finished their prayers and studying, and snuck their way into the city. Abraxas was concerned we would have to fight either goblins or ogres now, but Lannis and Kovis assured the fighter that those races do not like to fight in the sunlight and instead prefer to fight in lesser lit areas instead – so we should not run into any now.

Even so it has taken the group an hour to arrive at what once was the Ispan’s Castle.

The Castle is situated on a HILL and from Kovid’s guess, measures at least 200’ square. The Outer Walls are 30’ tall and crenellated, with guard towers every 50’ connected by a parapet. The gates, 20’ tall double doors, are CLOSED and there seems to a PORTCULLIS in front of the gate in the DOWN position. There is a number of pale white ROSES near the walls of the Castle and the underbrush is thick around that area. As for the rainbow field, it IS weak along the bottom and it is possible to crawl under the field without too much trouble. From the tracks in the area, according to the elf, many animals have been doing so for weeks…and in a few places, goblin footprints can be seen as well.

There is a GARDENER’S SHED along the EAST Wall, closed and locked with a length of chain and rusty lock. There is a WELL, the wellhouse has collapsed over the well but could be moved. There doesn’t seem to be any noises coming from the Castle but sound seems to be muted this close to the rainbow field.

Along the SOUTH of the Castle are the remains of a GAZEBO that has slipped off its foundation a bit and lies at a 15 degree angle with the ground. A wildly overgrown garden is here where numerous TOMATO plants are growing, many of them showing the red vegetables sitting fat on the vine. The ground near the garden is damp and wet. The time now is 9:00 AM

What would the party like to do?
Dean, Magic User, Lannis Offop
Kelly, Cleric, Lyra Adder
Mike, Elf, Wyn D'Endee
TJ, Fighter, Abraxas Salazar
Rik, Thief, Brendon Lake
Adam, Dwarf, Kovid Manslayer XIX

I need to know what EACH person would like to do. Right now the group is at a collapsed building about 40’ from the rainbow field, and then another 50’ from the walls of the Castle. You have circled the area and have gathered the information given. You CANNOT do everything by yourself so discuss what you would like to do and then reply to all here what your character might say and do I/C and what might need to be further explained OOC.

As soon as EVERYONE replies, I will answer and move the game forward 1 turn. Outdoor exploring turns might be 15 minutes, Indoor/dungeon turns might be 10, Combat turns would be 1 minute. Let’s try to keep this first exchange to within ONE day in between emails.

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