This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Meet 61, Adv 12, 7/22/23

While some of us were training and the rest of us were doing local jobs, we discussed what the next step would be for us. There was talk about heading east to Bork Keep and plumbing the depths a bit, but Dizzy had an alternative idea. The place was already fairly overrun with Adventurers, like too many. Pickings would be slimmer, and we’d have to delve deeper and risk more dangerous foes to make the trip worth it.

Instead, there were still things up here we should follow up. Captain Asher was keen on this, wondering what local things we could take the chance on doing. And that’s when the idea of heading to Grymeria was brought up. Admittedly there was initial push back – no one wanted to willingly go to Necrolord Duncan Eternal’s land. In fact on further looking, outside of the first 6 months of the establishment of the Sovereign Land – no adventuring party had gone to visit the location. Most likely there would be serious work waiting for an adventuring party there.

Plus, we know that Granmund was working with Shadowthyrst and had sights on impacting Grymeria. Alright, it was decided. We would put together a good group to go and offer our services, in exchange for some coin and hopefully a good relation with the distant kingdom.

While all this was going on, Shim had tried to visit the Tower of Water in an attempt to sell or offer his skills and service to the Wizard there, a half-orcish arcanist named Bogron Thrice-Born. HE was eventually escorted to the magister and after going through his spiel, was rebuffed firmly and with the understanding that he had already apprenticed himself to a tower – and seeking to offer his services to another was disingenuous to both Bogron and Shandrilar. He got the hint and left.

And on returning to the Tower to the Winds, got a solid reaming from the Wizardress about his actions; going so far as to offering him the ability to leave and leave now if he so chooses. But don’t ever dare come back. Shimlagesh did his best to ameliorate the Tower Master and the matter was allowed to rest.

During this time we learned that Varilay “Vicious” Penwelter had been released from 15 years imprisonment. She was a notorious figure who had been a member of the GRSAG and had been in one of the first groups to go into the Terror Dungeon. It was after they returned to town and she was cheated out of her share that Varilay put to death every member of her party and absconded with their gold. Only being arrested at the gate and then thrown in prison. She was released after 15 years this week in recognition of prison over-crowding as well as time served.

There was a Bequeathment dinner for the Sunrise Rabbit’s Orphanage and Eoghan had gone as the party’s representative. It seems that our good works and efforts had cascaded elsewhere and some 15 small lords and merchant houses had but together a donation to the Orphanage system, signaling out the Sunrise Rabbits as the largest benefactor. It was a nice affair but Eoghan was upset to see the Gorokian Arcavist for the Underthane Hylf, Hofning Tworock, there at the table. The corpulent dwarf was dabbing his sweaty face and smiling oily at the people he was talking to.

When he had the chance, he went to Taskmaster Hisvild and asked what the heck was going on? The Gorokian Underthane tried to buy the children and take the Font of Lathandar some months ago and was now here? At this point Eoghan learned that the Gorokian’s had tried twice to donate funds to the Orphanage but their donation was returned. Here at the half year bequeathment, the situation was different since it went through the Duke’s coffers.

Chancellor Angers had commented that the Orphanage had taken the Underthane’s funds in the past, including so much to afford 4 Practicals at the time. And the system was not so flush with coins that any donation, including a generous 5,000 noble donation could be ignored. So the bequeathment went through and the Underthane’s people were allowed to visit the Sunrise Rabbits during the monthly walkthrough. They have kept them away from the font and the children of the Skein were never present during visiting days – but Hisvild did not trust them and Eoghan mentioned he would continue to offer his help in the matter.

Finally we decided on 6 of us to head off to Grymeria: Brading, Asher, Dizzy, Thalin, Godrick, and Shimlagesh…no…Grygmiir. The idea of having multiple Clerics in an undead friendly kingdom was a “Just in case” move. Worth it.

We went to Pha-iyr Carom, noting the serious lack of…anyone at the Guild. Pha-iyr was expecting us to say we were also heading to the Terror Dungeon but was surprised to learn we were not. Was even more surprised to note WHERE we were going. We explained why we were going to Grymeria and he agreed it was a good idea and made sense. We asked for a letter of introduction and after getting it, we were on our way.

It was a nice late spring day and the fields were full of locals and sharecroppers and peasants working. The Traderoads were in fantastic shape. The Reetersbeard Engineers had already been through fixing the roads, they were in terrific shape. As the day wore on and we approached evening, we opted to head for Paxian and get a place to stay for the night. Passing through Canaslan we went to the Capital and after getting through the gate, headed off to Whiteshadow where we took a place 1 block off called the Fiery Beehive.

We got a room, some food and drink, talked about the upcoming trip to Grymeria, and then went to bed, ready to face the day on Birthmonth the 23rd, the next morning.

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