This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Meet 56, Adv 11, 6/3/23

 Ah yes. This meeting. I remember

Got cut short because some guy sped down the block and crashed IRL into my friend's car in front of my house. Fucked up night! We ended up playing Villagers afterwards.


As for plans, we had a few that we tossed around, trying them on and then discarding them. We had some conversation with Benson and he was willing to help us a bit, there were some things sitting around that we could use. A shipping manifest or 4 over the last year from Wendover Brewers and Apothecists gave Shim something to copy as we were looking to sneak into town via the docks and then have a reason to get into the Building.

It has been 4 or 5 days now and we had little idea what had been going since we had left. We were able to get a few sets of craftsman clothes and a couple pairs of shoes that would fit a couple of us. The big score was 2 coffins…make that 3. And if did not return them, it was 140 nobles per to replace them.

Benson was also begrudgingly willing to lend us the lone horse and cart they had here (a 2 wheel seriously reinforced and upgraded conveyance that Rhygar practiced with before we were going to leave). Tentatively, the plan was to have us arrive as representatives from Grymeria, bringing some “raw materials” that the place might need since their “accident”. We would have Rhygar and Shim in a coffin, Connal would wear the Shroud and pretend to be a revenant, Eoghan would be the foreman, Darius and Wilhelm would be the “strong backs” and laborers, and Grendel was going to be the boatman and for now, not enter. Since he had the Terrain Boots, he was the best to handle the water and wait since the boots allowed him to walk on any surface.

We left on Birthmonth the first after some talk with Ygraine and proceeded to follow our path back through the Central Canaslan lands and Rye fields until we were far enough north of Wendover and Dark Lake, that we were able to finally come back to the Highway Forest. Once here we relied on Eoghan to look for his blaze markings that he had made when we had hidden the rowboat, and the ranger was having a rough time. He slowed us down, spent some time crouching and looking about, maneuvered around trees, and generally was so lost and frustrated looking that Darius had to ask him flat out if he knew where the hell he was and is he really a ranger or just pretending to be? “You don’t like the rain, the wind, the cold, you get unhappy when you’re outside for any length of time, you trip and stumble often, and now you’re looking around the forest for a boat that you marked where you put it, and you can’t find your own markings.”

At this point we were debating climbing a tree or anything else and Shim was going to speak with Jessie to see if the rabbit might be able to help…

…when a guy in a pickup truck speeding down the block lost control of his vehicle and tried to stop with a squeal of tires before slamming into Rik/Shim’s parked classic vehicle, driving it back 17’ feet up the driveway, as the driver came to horrific stop breaking his collar bone, ripped his door open, and fell unconscious slamming into the ground and breaking his nose in the process before everyone came outside to see what the hell was going on.

So yep – game sort of ended and we could have picked it up again an hour later, but Rik was not in the right frame of mind so we played Villagers instead – and Dean lost because he sucks.

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