This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, April 2, 2021

PBEM - Episode 369. Bandages, Chimney, and West



Looking about the Garden, Kovid nodded slowly and suggested, “What do you say we start on the southeast side and work our way west, filling in the gaps in the map?”

Brendon gave a thumbs up, “I with ya Kovid. Let’s go.”

Head shaking slightly, Wyn began with, “Er, um, dwarfriend... I know ye took a nasty fall...and, well, are you ok?”

“Well” he shrugged, twisting his shoulder up and down, “that DID hurt. Dwarves are not natural climbers, don’t let any one of us tell you different.”

“Noted, Monsieur. But I tink it may be betta to try en take out some hobs before travelin towards de crazy magic lady en de crazy goblin guy. What if we went west... far from Corfart bum, en try our hand at killin’ some hobs. Anyone else?”

"Amigos, we should go west,” Abraxas pointed that way. “Away from El Lab, away from Mirrorball's room, away from Corflap's wyrm trail, y away from donde they last saw us.”

Lyra nodded, put pointed the other way. “I agree with all of that. But we can do all that and go southeast. Perhaps away from the very angry dragon that wants us very dead.”

“Si, Senora…”

Lannis held up a hand, interjecting, "I was talking to Abraxas and he said 'pour kay los sowt eaaast. Vamonos west much nachos' which I think means he wants to go west, who the hell really knows. BUT, after some careful consideration I agree with him, so let's go that way. Right big guy?"

“Exactly. El west may have Roberts, si, pero no majik o Elf head takers. We can clear out the Robertses' barracks, scry in el room de el Ogre muerte, y check out the Goddess sign at the intersection. Then we could head south and wrap it around. Hay es dos pesos mio."

(Combative CHA check: Kovid/Lyra/Brendon Red 11 (@ best, Under 2) vs Lannis/Wyn/Abraxas Blue 4 (@ best (-1 penalty Lannis), Under 8)

The group discussed it quietly for another half a minute before deciding that West for now would be the better of the two choices. “Anyway,” Kovid said with a grin, “we’re here to explore the rest of this castle before we kill this dragon.”

“Dat’s right,” Wyn agreed, shield out. He turned back to the Scout and gave Brendon a clap on his bicep, “Also, du Lac, when we get out of here I will make you a continual light stone.”


“Fer now dough, I may need doze spells for sometin else.”

“Works for me,” Brendon said.

“That reminds me, serious wizard question here,” Lannis asked the elf, "What would happen if Abraxas ate a continual light cake?"

Wyn closed his eyes, thinking. “I tink…iffin you destroy de item wit de light…de light goes away... so notin. Maybe 10% chance of cancer.”

"No glowy poop? Lame."

“Senor, if glowy poop is an option, I say si, si, si.”

The group opened the door to the hall (no roll needed, checked earlier), and looked both ways. The hall was clear and following the Scout and Dwarf, they turned to the west and proceeded quietly and with care. In a short time they came to a 4 way intersection, various arches in place. There where arches of stone on the north, east, and west passages here, the south one had fallen to disrepair. The arches showed three of the elven goddesses in bas relief, Lolth to the west, Morrigaan to the north, and Theystra to the east. The Ishtari one to the south was broken some time ago.

Once again looking down the passages, south went on at least as far as the lantern light and kept going, west revealed two doors on the south wall (NOT a double door, 2 distinct doorways) as well as more passage beyond and north had a single door on the west wall that had led to the Ogre room as well as the passage continuing. It was quiet down the north and south passages, but to the west, they could hear the tink and clank of metal hitting metal with various force, as well as the lighter sound of tin and clay.

(Fighter, no roll) “Sounds like sparring practice,” Abraxas muttered from the back of the group.

“Yeah,” Kovid nodded, “You’re right.” The 2 doors were closed but the party could see light coming out from under them. “I’m feeling rather exposed just standing here people. Ogre room so Big Brain can scry, or do we pick a hall and start filing weapons in various hobgoblin orficies?”

Time now is Day 9, 7:45 AM


Don’t tarry. Where to?

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