This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Meet 86, Adv 12, 4/20/24

We went over the plan again and again, refining it and eventually coming up with the idea that Thalin and Asher go in this time, fronting for a nameless Gorokian dwarven lord with a kink penchant and shop the wares at Coverland. We would then try to make sure we knew the rooms so that when we return to Grymeria – we would INSTEAD portal in and get the girls out.

Once more Gryg was going to go around back to the Bilco doors and try to arrange a time to open them without being seen. The riders and their pace would make that difficult. Brading was going to walk around town and look about. Meanwhile, Godrick and Dizzy were hoping to find whoever was shadowing them from Coverland.

We split up and everyone went out doing their part. Godrick and Dizzy (again acting as his Eunuch), wandered about until they felt they spotted their shadow. A 10/12 year old boy playing assorted games with other children. He was watching the 2 with some care and when he felt he was being noticed, played off somewhere else. They walked around a while until they were sure of it and then headed back to the Gamade Inn and went upstairs.

At the gates Thalin and Asher, using fake names, pretended to be envoys for a Gorokian Lord who would be here tomorrow to maybe try out one of the girls. The guard was taking names and notes and this allowed Gryg the chance to sneak in and make his way around to the back of the Coverland Ranch. At the doors to the cellar, once sure the last rider had ridden out of visible range, he opened the bilco doors and went down into the dark.

The other two made the front door where they were met by Garrin Coverland. As Mr. Smith and Yojimbo (quickly shortened to just Jim) were let in, Thrag, the guard, had to let Jim (Asher) know to leave his stuff here. There was some professional bodyguard chatter back and forth and eventually, Peace Tying was an acceptable alternative. We talked about Coverland and Garrin popped some holes in their dwarven lord coming to get laid in a day story but the pair managed to smooth it out enough.

They let the conversation wander about until it came to undead. And we were told there were 6 on property. 1 Male, 5 females. There was 1 older one (in time here), 2 mid, and 2 fresher – and they were a variety of ages – 1 of them being elven. We took a tour and spotted Lori (Betty) and Elaine (Samantha). They were not ever released from their chains and would just stay there until they had no more use and then would be discarded. So they came about that the dwarven lord would be here tomorrow @ 5 PM and would want to use one of the 2 undead women – and to reserve the other one as well for Mr Smith (Thalin) to use. It was 20 nobles for 20 minutes and we agreed and thanked them, looking to leave. Thalin used the medallion to communicate with the party that they should get ready to leave town – head west.

As for Gryg, in the basement his infravision was able to pick out some boxes, barrels, and other store stuff. But there was a figure in the middle, large and heavy, and she was sleeping . A prisoner? She woke up and began to glow, smothering Gryg’s infravision but giving him the ability to see. It was a woman. Drunk and heavy, 6’ 3”, 280 lbs, her body was soft and flabby in places. She had dirty blond hair, wore vomit and stained raiments, crudely tied gladiator sandals, and she had a notched sword at her waist. She was also sporting a 20’ set of dirty and ragged grey and white wings. Holy crap – an angel. A Valkyrie! But, a slovenly version of one! She was also wasted.

She sensed Gryg immediately but he was invisible so she could not see him – only hear and smell. He said he was her god and that she should go about her business – a poor drunk check later had her nodding – made sense. Freya was disguised as a male dwarf smelling faintly of pig. He suggested she go and get laid. She agreed and bottle in hand, went to the door, pushed the bilco doors open, and as the sun hit her, she faded from view. But Gryg could tell she flew off.

He snuck out of the cellar, shut the doors, and made his way around to the front, eventually joining the other 2 as they made their way out of Coverland. Dizzy and Godrick had packed up and were leaving. And Brading was coming down from Lord Gamade’s garden gazebo party where he wandered over to listen to the lord and blend in. And steal a mug.

Gryg couldn’t exactly explain what was going on in the basement but did his best to lay it out about the Valkyrie. She was there of her own will, not a prisoner, drunk and slovenly, and looking to get laid.

As we were leaving, Asher felt that he was being watched and Thalin, seeing the weather, had a desire to leave Asher for a few minutes and just go into the trade house and “buy a cloak. You know. For the rain.”

And Asher felt time slow down around him, a ball of light 30’ around him, grey beyond. He was lifted off the ground and something was grabbing him, kissing him, fondling him. He felt his ardor rise uncontrollably and returned the unseen passion. Gryg was on the periphery of it and climbed onto the post office for a better look as Asher had his pants removed and dropped to the ground.

It was the Valkyrie – and she was having her way with the captain. Being in Freemantle and the open display of sex had Gryg lose control of his own passion and it was trousers down and self pleasure. And through it all, it was separate from the town. Eventually Asher was done and the Valkyrie thanked him, and then dropped him pantsless in the field. Gryg tried to climb down and fell off the roof hitting the ground and wounding his pride. Thalin tried to help and said that Ahser needed pants. The trader didn’t have it but maybe a local peasant had a 2nd pair to trade?

He went across the street to the peasants working in the turnip fields and told the first guy there, “I need your pants. Now.” The peasant was unsure what to do and his wife was giving him the stink eye. “Why, good sir? Why do you need my pants.”

Thinking quickly, Thalin replied. “Taxes. You owe more.”

With the wife nagging him, the peasant let his pants drop and Thalin took them, leaving him there in his underwear in the field. He shook them out and crossed back to Asher and offered them to him. “What are these for?” “You need pants, can’t walk back to Grymeria without any.” “You’re right. I have a spare set in my backpack, so ..I don’t need those pants.”

Holding them awkwardly as Asher got dressed in his own clothes, he handed them back over after glancing across the street, and said. “Keep them just in case.” “Oh.. Ok then.”

We left and shared all we had learned (To Asher, sloppy fat aggressive unwarranted valkyrie or not, it was his greatest sexual experience he ever had.) and that we would need to portal back here tomorrow to 2 locations. Thalin, Asher, and Gryg would trip back to Freemantle and Gamade Demesne, while Godrick, Brading, and Dizzy would be in the Heart of Vitalia and watching the clock for 5:10 to portal in and free one of the girls. They needed 2 portal stones. And Dizzy was allowed to get one.

It was some time till we got back to Grymeria and then arrived at Fair just before nightfall. We rested and were out @ 5:30, heading to Vitalia where we went to the Office of Portals and Dizzy spoke to Moud, one of the administrators there. He was given control of a stone with the knowledge it had to come back within 30 days.

As for the 2nd, Thalin was willing to give up his spellbook temporarily for the ability to borrow the other portal stone. It was agreed and we left the office, heading off to the council building. Once there we went off to Councilor Mide and let them know about the grate issue that Magistrate Fedoger is having in Somber and that he would really like it fixed. Wow, a big mission and still helping out other people? She was impressed and agreed to have a sample of the grate build to Fedoger’s specifications as well as send it back with 2 other engineers to see if there was a better fix for Somber’s draining problems.

We then went back to the Heart of Vitalia where we arranged with Amathadwan that we would have some traumatized people back soon. Council business, can’t give details now. We also impressed Annalee Mason to help out, the business matriarch thrilled to have time with Captain Asher before the 3 of them were to head off.

We used the 1 portal stone to portal down to the bar, knowing that when it was opened again in Freemantle, it would bring them back to this exact spot. Dizzy held on to his. We made sure that a set of Enlarge spells (on scrolls) were at the ready and then wished our other half of the group good luck. Gryg had given himself a Mohawk and was wearing a helm to hide it, making him look more like a Gorokian.

It was some hours back to Freemantle, and then considerably more across the Sovereign Land until they arrived at Gamade’s Demesne. From there they walked to Coverdale Ranch and with Gryg as the visiting dwarven lord, were let in just before 5. Garrin was happy to see us and shared a Stonepiss Ale with Gryg. Asher once again peace tied his weapon and Thrag thanked him for being a good sport about it.

As they were going to the rooms, Gryg made a show of wanting to go to Betty’s chamber (Lori) and allowed Thalin to go to Samantha’s (Elaine). Asher went with Thalin to stand outside the door and eventually the clock was started and Garrin went back to the main floor.

At about 10 after, Thalin called Asher in the room to “help out” and he came in. Dizzy opened the portal in Grymeria – and Godrick and Dizzy stepped through to Gryg and Lori’s room! Success. Godrick looked at the manacles as Gryg was slathering Lori’ foot with the greasy butter – and Godrick cast Enlarge from the scroll on the chains. In Elaine’s room, Thalin was doing the same.

It worked – the chains and manacles each grew to 80% larger than they were, the hole was also larger. But the presence of a spell in the Coverland Ranch, fired off an alarm in the main room. And bedlam ensued. What’s going on?! What the fuck?! Guards! Thrag!

Shit, we needed to go. Both sets of people twisted and pulled, pried the chains, hurting the two women but each of them got free. We could hear a crashing sound and bright light was pouring through the door. The damn Valkyrie was here. Each team activated their portal stones, opening the passage back to Grymeria, and setting the alarms off to new warbling heights. Pounding feet and yells. And then, propelling the girls ahead of them they all stepped back through the portals and ended up in the Heart of Vitalia.

For a moment everyone was just stunned, getting out with a handful of seconds to spare. Then the cruel passage of their experiences fell upon Elaine and Lori as their mental faculties returned and they both broke down, horribly wailing and busted. Holding on to each other and their rescuers. They were inconsolable, small, tired, and beaten mentally beyond human comprehension. Annalee helped out as did Amathadwan. The spa was on standby for them as well as clothes and food.

We returned and did the job, but the two Miner women were going to need some help for some time to come. We would do what we could tonight and then try to put this mess to bed and talk to Inner Circle Councilor Marrions tomorrow.

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