This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Meet 85, Adv 12, 4/13/24

It was Heatmonth the 13th and the party was trekking through the many small fiefs and demesnes in Freemantle. Some 316 of them. At this point we had stayed at Fargone Inn in the Fargone Demesne and were making our way through Melthas and Strang fiefs respectively. During the walk, the party had bandied many possible ideas around on how to enter Gamade’s Demesne and eventually Coverdale Ranch.

The consensus was that Godrick was the most “skuzzy” looking of the party (the word pervert was bandied about), and Dizzy would be acting as his Eunuch – a situation the bald dwarf had been accused of and derided for by the populace of Freemantle. They would enter the Ranch and arrange to discover the location of Elaine and Lori Miner and see if there was an easy way to spirit them out. The hope was to get them in the same room together. Once that was the case and we learned where they would and could be, the party would head back to Grymeria and Dizzy would get a Portal Stone from the Office of Portals. Then he would open a portal up BACK to Freemantle and Coverland Ranch, and spirit the 2 women away instead of running or trying to escape Fremantle with 2 zombie women on foot.

Sounds like a plan. Gryg would go with Dizzy and Godrick, but would be invisible and stay outside, seeing if there were other ways to enter and or exit the Ranch. At no point should we mention the Vanguards of Ragnarok or our real names – just in case anything had come across the border from Grymeria about us or our newfound fame and abilities. The other 3 of us (Thalin, Brading, and Captain Asher) would enter Gamade Demesne from the west and get a lay of the Demesne outside the Ranch if we needed to come up with another alternative. By 10:15, the dwarven ranger was made invisible and the party split up.

The 3 of them vaulted the low stone wall and found themselves @ Gamade. There were verdant fields here: hops, lettuce, and turnips. The peasants working the lands gave furtive glances at the group but ignored them for the most part. We traipsed along the area, nodding to the overseer and making a beeline for the main road. The center of Gamade had a grist mill, a trading post, an inn and a post office, as well as some dozen or so peasant’s huts. Beyond was a rise of a hill with 2 acres cordoned off with a 3 tier split rail fence. In the center of it was a 3 story building, a long stretch of outhouses, a hitching post, and a small 3 or 4 horse stablery.

As we were looking about, a local called to us and Godrick and Dizzy came over. He discounted Dizzy as a Eunuch and asked Godrick what his purpose was in town. The wizard indicated he was looking to get his ashes hauled and Coverland Ranch was supposedly the place to do it. The man nodded, identified himself as Hews, and asked, “And you are?”


“Godrick, eh?”

“No. I said Geldrick. Geldrick.” He pointed to the Ranch. “Just looking for some information is all.”

“No problem, Geldrick. Tell you what, give me 5 coppers and you can mention my name to help get you in.” Hews stuck his hand out, got the money, and eventually Godrick and Dizzy (and Gryg!) moved on. He apologized for his slip up, saying that it just fell out. They made their way through the “town”, seeing many feral cats, and eventually up the road to Coverland Ranch. There were 3 riders riding circle around the interior perimeter, clad in scalemail and sporting a lance. A pull rope attached to a chime was here and we rang it, alerting the closest horseman to close.

Dizzy spotted a 4th person on the roof of the Ranch who had glanced over and then dropped back down. In addition a 5th figure stepped out of the Ranch house , an 6 and a half foot tall scarred looking greenskinned half orc (heave on the orc part), with a heavy flatbow that he held at his hip, pointing skyward. The rider came up and we bandied some words about. Mentioned Hews’ name and that ‘Geldrick’ was here to sample the wares. The guard’s name was Zalor and after getting our particulars, advised us that no weapons larger than a knife was allowed past the front door. A box was there for any weapons. We agreed to the stipulation along with the follow up one – no harm to the girls.

He let us in and once inside Gryg faded away from the other 2 and took measure of the Ranch. The lower floor had standard looking windows but the 2nd floor had narrow slits less than a foot wide by 3’ tall. And the 3rd floor had only 1’x1’ windows – and none of them looked like they opened. 2 Chimneys, 1 was in use – the other not. There were 4 steeds at the hitching post, 2 mules, 1 donkey, and a tired looking nag. The path the riders took was an obvious trail of battened down dirt devoid of grass. Gryg tried to make sure he stayed on the lesser grassed areas and made his way around to the back of the ranch.

Godrick and Dizzy entered and were met by the proprietor, a grinning somewhat sleazy looking frat boy named Garrin Coverland. He was happy to meet with “Geldrick” and had only scorn for Dizzy as the Eunuch. They were escorted into the main room past a number of couches where patrons were relaxing and smoking and drinking. We could see the great hall with various women (and a few men) scantily walking about. Alcohol and pipes were in abundance. A jester was dancing a jig and there were at least 2 tables playing cards.

Godrick allowed Garrin to direct the conversation about types of girls and eventually brought up undead girls. He said he had 6 on premises – 5 women and 1 guy. Talked about the proximity to Grymeria and that he has special aid and dispensation from Lord Gamade to house and offer the girls here. So Godrick asked for a review and was given a price of 20 nobles for 20 minutes. How about a 3some? Maybe – let’s see what we got.

We went up to the 2nd floor and it was hot up here – temp was over 80, and it was stifling and smelled of body odor and sex were prevalent. Took us to a room not too far from the end of the balcony and showed us “Mildred”. She was in her late 20s and was not either of the 2 girls we were looking for. There was a chain around her ankle, tight, mabe 2-3’ in length and chained to the bed. And the bed was bolted to the floor. Fuck. That makes it difficult. She was also starring sightlessly, something…white. Coming out of her mouth, and was left in whatever used position her last customer had left her in. Room was small – 8’x8’ – with the bed, a chair, and a hook on the wall – that was it. Oh – there was also an open tub of greasy butter by the headboard.

Godrick indicated she had looked beaten up a bit and Gerrin let us know she had been here some 6 to 7 months so far. Anything else? Maybe…fresher? He nodded and led the 2 of them up to the 3rd floor to go see “Betty”. Another small room here and we looked in – the figure was younger and the description matched what Charles told us of his daughter Lori. Hoping to find the room again later, Dizzy tried to rip off a piece of his tunic but made too much noise. Garrin was angered and wanted to know what was up. Dizzy made a show of holding up the fabric and Garrin wanted him out of the room. So he made an attempt to toss it under the bed and it was seen.

Garrin now wanted him out and told Geldrick not to bring him back. Also, the price has now gone up 50% and it was time for them to leave. Godrick kept trying to redirect the conversation but Garrin was having it and had Thrag, the half orc at the front, to lead them out and make sure that “HE” (Dizzy) is never allowed back in. They were taken out and Dizzy used the medallion of telepathy to inform Thalin and then Gryg what had gone on.

Meanwhile Gryg had gone around to the back of the place earlier in his scouting and the grasses here were taller and more wild, in addition there were an abundance of flowering wild plants and flowers here also. No cats or dogs, but he felt field mice were all over the place. There was a Bilco door here, thin and unlocked, leading down to a basement below the Ranch. He got a heads up from Dizzy at this point and watching them leave, stayed on the site until he could sneak out on his own.

As for the rest of the group, they entered the town proper from the main road and looked at each location as they walked along. The road was room, rutted ,and had horse dung aplenty in it. They walked on the edge if at all possible. The trading post had maybe 20 or so simple items in bulk for trade and they passed on. The post office was willing to send a letter anywhere in Freemantle and even a few places beyond the border. But it was the Gamade Inn where they stopped.

The common room was small – 20 people tops could fit there. It was also mismatched and smelled of body odor. We had gotten way too used to Grymeria and it was showing. The proprietress, a 5’4’ woman over 200 lbs with blond/orange hair and a too tight corset with much breast fat spilling over, got our names (lots of “Smiths”) and allowed us to rent a room for 5 coppers. It had a bunk bed and a full bed, a table, open shuttered window with wide mesh screen and little else. Lunch was either braised goat or tuber salad – each was a copper. And they had a local brewed beer for another copper. We ordered lunch and took the room and waited.

Eventually we heard from Dizzy about their predicament and told them where to find us. On entering Dizzy said hi and was given a silent admonishment that we were not supposed to know them. So he played it off in Brading fashion. Gryg eventually came in as well and Godrick was able to get a room. His Eunuch can eat on the floor. We snuck some food to Gryg (still invisible) and Dizzy let Godrick know that he needed to look like he was disciplined if the ruse as a Eunuch and Garrin and Coverland was going to hold.

So he had Godrick go with him outside to the slit trenches and told him to punch him in the nose. Hard. Godrick took aim and smashed Dizzy in the chin. Ouch, fuck. No, he said rubbing his face, my nose. So I look like black eyes. Got it. Godrick took aim again…and rolled a 1.

Dizzy got punched in the throat and gasped hard, choking and falling back (rolled a 4 on his Reflex save), and landed in the slit trench, shit and piss from his mid spine down his left ass cheek to mid thigh. He rolled to his knees and needed 5 minutes to get his breath back (yes, it hurt) with Godrick really sorry. Not wanting to risk getting punched again, he instead went to the back door, placed his face at the jamb, faced the door edge – and smashed himself in the face with it.

Sif DAMN it!

It didn’t quite work so hurting and bleeding out of his face – he did it again and this time his nose broke and he’d have 2 black eyes. HE then went out to the rain barrel and cleaned his ass. He had the group make a distraction inside so he could sneak past the proprietress and upstairs to change into clean clothes.

We went upstairs in 2 separate groups until we were sure not bothered and then all got together to discuss the entire day and the plans so far.

We agreed we’d have to go back, Thalin would go with Godrick after making it look like they bonded as strangers over cards in the common room here at the inn. Dizzy would stay outside and visible with Brading watching him as Dizzy would pretend to be sad and forlorn. Gryg would remain invisible and at this time we weren’t sure what Asher’s role would be. But getting back to Coverland and seeing if we could find Elaine or not and arrange to get all together was our next mission. It was about 1 PM on Heatmonth the 13th and we were getting ready for the next phase.

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