This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, November 5, 2021

PBEM - Episode 583. Wrapping it up. Final Post


For those who might want to know - some breakdown of this Covid remote PBEM game:

583 posts starting March 27th, 2020 when I sent everyone the adventure and had them pick dice colors, ending November 4th, 2021; making it 588 continuous days of playing and posting. Meaning we missed a total of 5 successive days, two of which were the last post I was working on.

Including the 5 homeworks, the entire adventure takes place over 1,277 Word pages, and numbers 730,812 words.

For help, that is the equivalent to roughly seven, 300 page novels.

There were 1,263 pictures taken as well. 

It has been my honor to go with you all on this journey and guide through it to the very end.

We are back at the table now for regular game and have had a few small one shots, but for this PBEM - it had truly been Epic. Again, This was a modified B3, Palace of the Silver Princess.




The group found themselves driving through the Duchy of Karameikos, loaded on their purchased wagon, deep in thought. They passed larger and larger towns along the way, opting to continue on until the mules grew too weary to trudge any further and the light fell too much to guide their way. It was 2 more camps, and amongst the many things that were strange to the party, was the number of citizens they passed. Cheery waves and wishes of “good morrow” and what not. As they were travelling along on the 30th day since they had left Specularum, 23 days since their adventure had begun when they first crossed under the rainbow ward, the group was musing and pensive as the distant alabaster walls of the capital city drew closer.

"Well our long long road is almost over,” Lannis muttered. “I've said a lot of mean things to all of you, some more than others, but to be perfectly honest... I meant them all. Still at the end of the day I couldn't pick another group of people to be forced to adventure with.”

“Wow, Big Brain,” Kovid chuckled. “You’re getting me all misty eyed and choked up here.”

“I... I can't believe it's finally over!” Wyn gave a weary sigh, the elf seeming to deflate slightly. “It's, um, it's been a real... Adventure? Trek? Um... time? Yep. It's been a time.”

“Amigos, ese es it! Estamos finito!” Abraxas pumped the air once with his fist, the other still gripping the reins steadily.

“Aye, Lad. By Thor’s balls, we did it!”

Lyra gave a sad sounding laugh, looking around at the party. “I’d say it’s been fun… but honestly it hasn’t. I hated every second of it and honestly I’ve grown to hate the whole lot of you. BUT - I’m grateful it was all of you that had my back, otherwise I’d be dead. Probably. Maybe, I don’t know. That was an exaggeration. I would have been fine, it’s the rest of you that would have been dead without me.”

“It sure had been several weeks that felt like a year and a half huh?” The Magic User took off his hat and checked the brim before putting it back on. “I'm sure we'll all be seeing each other again some day, I can feel something pulling us all together against our will.”

“I can think of other places that would have been more fun,” Brendon offered, watching the walls grow larger. “But traveling with you all is well worth all the aggravation.”

They arrived at the gate where eventually a bored official took their name and purpose for visiting the capital before letting them through. From there they travelled the wide and crowded streets to the Guild District where they eventually came to the Academy of Explorers. An officiate was there to meet them and after some discussion back and forth, had them drive their wagon to the private lot and stables. The group checked their wagon and mules with the teamster there and then, groaning under their loads, made their way through the halls to the Office of Recipients.

They entered their name and quest onto the record log and waited only a short while before they were called to meet with the Second Council and report their findings and present the Prism Crown. There were 5 members on the council in session, 2 clerks, a stenographer, three guards, and the Academy Loremaster on hand. But as the group went through the details of their astounding and fantastical adventure, each person further expanding on the last point and then adding another, the chambers swelled with other adventurers and members who wanted to hear the mission first hand. A group of at least 10 halflings were the most put out, many of them grumbling that they WANTED to be on this mission but felt they had been Kyle’d and missed out.

But at the last, after the party detailed the demise Corfard…twice, Wyn withdrew the scintillating Prism Crown from the depths of the bag and placed it on the table at the front of the room; the rainbow light bright enough to be seen in all its brilliance even in the light of day.

Applause followed as well as ratifying each member of the party as a permanent member of the Academy of Explorers. 6 identical large pouches of gold were presented along with certificates of merit and completion for their job well done. The group all thanked the councilors, chatted with the others who came to hear the tale, and when it was done, laughed a bit at the small “reward” they had just gotten in relation to the sheer amount of treasure and goods they had on them.

“Remember when we thought 200 gold crowns was a big deal?” Lyra chuckled.

“I’ll still take it,” Kovid laughed. “I have a good idea where I want to break ground for my alehouse. I’m going to check to see if the site has been claimed or homesteaded.”

“Yo will head a Jector to meet con El Carcinera - Shy'shisheer - y hago mis dreams de una shipping company con mucho success una reality.” Abraxas sighed. He swung his bag around and patted the side of it, “Also, Si no one minds, yo will take los scales de Corfard y put them a use bueno.”

“Nah, that’s a good idea,” Lyra said. “Let’s get what we need sold off, maybe a day or two tops. The Council gave us some names of possible buyers and I know the Church is pretty good at making purchases for interesting artifacts and treasures.”

So the group spent the next day selling off the majority of the unclaimed items, Brendon helping make sure we were given a fair trade for the items in question. At the end of it all, we netted an additional 5,790 crowns. On top of the 16,786 we had been carrying, AND the 200 crown reward (each) we had all gotten, there was a tremendous amount of gold for each person. Some of the party had taken a few items they had wanted but when it was over, the break down was:

Lannis: 4,730 gold, 6 silver, 6 copper.

Lyra: 4,706 gold, 6 silver, 6 copper.

Wyn: 3,686 gold, 6 silver, 6 copper.

Abraxas: 4,286 gold, 6 silver, 6 copper.

Brendon: 1,598 gold, 6 silver, 6 copper.

& Kovid: 4,766 gold, 6 silver, 6 copper.

The sheer amount of coin was almost mind boggling.

After it was all finished, the group was at the local inn, drinking deep and thinking about what the future was about to bring to them. “Listen,” Lyra said, voice heavy with emotion. “If any of you guys ever need me, look me up. Not for adventuring, of course. I think after this, I’m done with all of that. Maybe I’ll retire a bit south and get knocked up and become fat and miserable and sick.” She gave a short laugh, “Who knows. The sky’s the limit.” She handed over the magical shield to Wyn, taking the normal one back from him. “Thanks for that.”

Laying it at his side, Wyn asked, “Prêtresse, may I accompany ye to de Church of Aine? I figure ye be going right away, but if not I just go later. Dat fine, too. Merci fer all de healin' en blessin'. Good luck wit de horses en tryin' ta find yer way in de Nord-most of Carolinas. Oh... um... en merci again fer de shield. It be appreciated.”

“Sure, as soon as I’m done here, I’m going to make my appearance there and then probably join Kovid at the assayers office and see about getting some property.”

“Dwarfriend, keep in touch s'il vous plaît. I be lookin forward to tryin' ye ale en brews once yer done buildin' en brewin'. I figure we keep in touch best out of de lot of dem, anyway.”

“You’re always welcome, Elffriend.” He looked at his Theystran Hammer and smiled. “I am going to visit a few weaponsmiths for sure though. Get a duplicate one made sooner rather than later.”

Wyn turned to Lannis, the Magic User was drinking heavily at this point, almost grimacing as he tossed shot after shot back. “Monsieur Offop, do ye need someone to accompany ye to de apothecary? Or de physician? Or de young cleric en old cleric? Ye be hit in de head far too many times ta be healthy while we be on de road, en I tink ye may want ta get dat personality disorder sorted out soon. If not, den would ye be willin' to stay in touch by writin' in case eidder of us find interestin' spellworks? I know ye just said doze very Lannis tings, but figured it be wort de ask, as I figure we had common ground in dat interest, at de very least dere.”

Staring around with eyes watery and head lolling back and forth, Lannis eventually focused on the elf and his frown deepened. "Did you just call my personality a disorder Keebler? And I don't even remember hitting my head, sure there were a couple of times where things got fuzzy for a while but I'm fine.” He gave an absent wave and slouched further in his seat. “I guess I'll write if I find something good though, you were the fifth worst member of this group."

“Your words are like honey, Monsieur,” Wyn smiled.

Brendon had been fingering his necklace of stones for a bit. He finally took it off, unstrung 5 of the pirate stamped stones, and put the necklace back on, fingering the tokens before leaning over and handing them out one at a time to the party. “This stone will help you if you encounter trouble while on the high seas,” he said. “Piracy, privateers, or the like. Just present it and you will be unharmed.” He sighed and then poured himself another mugful. “Who knows what’s going to happen next. Whatever it is, Please, Stay Healthy, stay safe… and above all… stay the same.”

“Hear hear” the party replied, toasting his remarks. Lannis looked at the stone, glanced at Brendon, and as soon as he could do it without being seen, flicked the rock towards the spittoon where it fell in with a wet clunk.

“Merci fer de stone, Monsieur du Lac. I hope ye find sometin out dere dat holds yer interest more den a sloshin' bottle. Ye be too young ta trow yer life away to de drink, mon ami. Ye not be yer fadder, en ye don't gotta act like 'im.”

“You got that right,” he replied. “I am certainly going to get myself a bit of land and some apple trees as soon as I can.” He looked over at Kovid, “I’ll come with you to the Assayers if that’s alright.”


As the drinking was winding down, Abraxas clapped his thighs with the palms of his hands and stood up with a stretch. “Amigos, parting es un sorrow dulce. Hasta la vista. Yo will be en Jector si to need me.” He reached over and gave each party member a firm hug and a number of back slaps, the group doing the same.

“Monsieur Salazar, you goin' to make yer way to Jector to meet up wit de Butcher first ting in de morning? Or you hangin' out a bit? I'd like ta go offer to buy de 'arp off 'er. I dontink she'd listen to or rememba a random elf iffin I go by myself. Whenever ye be goin', let me know when dat be... por favor?”

“Let’s go to the docks and see if there is a ship making trade run to Jector. We don’t have to leave until manana.”

Nodding to the group, Lannis righted his hat, gave a half assed salute, and said, “Well, until then, so long dick weeds!"

The party watched him go, the wizard was walking with a limp, emphasized by Lyra twisting the doll’s leg almost entirely backwards. “He is an infuriating shit,” she muttered.

“True,” Kovid nodded, “But he uses these spates of hate and invectives to stave off what he assumes is going to be hurt and abuse. It’s a bit sad, but I hope that he finds what he is looking for.”

“I don’t tink dat is de last we ‘ave heard o Monsieur Offop.”

The remaining 5 party members all shook hands and hugged one last time, promising to keep in touch as they parted with heavy and wistful hearts to the next steps of their lives.

Wyn followed Lyra to the Church of Aine where we thanked the Matriarch in question for their effort in helping to sell off the party’s treasures. He then made a generous donation of 184 crowns to the church. They thanked the elf for his kindness and had his name added on a brass plaque in the foyer with other high ticket donors to the church.

He went next to the Tower of the Arcane where he spoke with the magisters about the Butcher’s harp and what an item such as that might be worth. His hope was to possibly buy it from her. He was given a number of 1,000 crowns, which was, thanks to his largesse, well within his means. He then went to the bazaar, filled his quiver with arrows and met up with Abraxas at the docks.

For his part, Abraxas had gone to his old dockmaster and officially turned in his pink slip, quitting. There was some conversation as to WHY he was going but once he explained he was looking to do some work in Jector, he was given the name of at least 2 dozen ships and crews that ply their trade between the Karamiekos duchy and the wilder goblin lands to the east. Thanking him for his help and time, Abraxas let a few of the choice men he knew of his plan to emigrate and let them know that if they were looking for work and a change of scenery, to come there and look him up!

They booked passage on the “Sea Robin”, a merchant-class vessel that was making its rounds along the Dyrian Sea, and expected to dock at Jector in 8 days. The trip was without issue and the two men laughed and joked with each other, talking wistfully about their time at Halgafar’s Castle and the adventures they had. Eventually they arrived at Jector, the two men disembarking, packs heavy, and made their way through the crowd.

Wyn was an anomaly, the only elf he could see in any direction. He was given open stares and some scowls. At one point a scarred looking hobgoblin with a 4 count at his back braced the elf, demanding to know “What the fuck a pointy eared piece of shit like you was doing here other than trying to get killed?!”

With Abraxas at his side and a well placed sleep spell, Wyn had the brutes knocked out and then idly walked past them and the other watchers, their bow and Scythe visible and ready should need be. Abraxas asked for directions to Jowass, being guided to a warehouse that had a heavy kobold staff present. It was only a short time later that Jowass was found and the Fighter and kobold reunited with back slapping and laughter. Even Wyn was invited to join in, as other kobolds and the lizardman foreman came out to meet Jowass’ friends.

They talked for hours, Abraxas making no secret of his desire to stay, asking questions about the docks, ships, and wondering if any of the shippers was in poor state of affairs. He was given a few names to hunt down and thanked the bunch. Jowass then took the Fighter to his home where he met the kobold’s clutchmates and some of his brood. Food and drink flowed and when it was deemed time, the kobold fighter took Abraxas to a nicer part of town.

A butcher’s shop, large and well positioned in relation to the slaughterhouse, was doing a robust business. And it was here, that the large red haired bugbear was working on a half a side of beef.


On seeing Abraxas and Wyn coming up, she buried the cleaver she was using into the cutting board, vaulted over the counter, and slammed into the Fighter, lifting him easily off the ground and flinging him around in a circle. The two of them kissed and laughed, tears of joy and happiness flowing. The two gnomes, Standard and Typical, both shook Wyn and then Abraxas’ hands and the lot of them were invited back to the shop where Shy'shisheer introduced Abraxas to her staff and workers.

As the days passed, it was obvious the two were in love and the seriousness of the relationship was never in doubt. Wyn was known as a friend of theirs and the elf was begrudgingly accepted and left alone. As for the harp, there was some haggling back and forth, but she was willing to let it go for half the expected price (500 crowns), and Wyn was the proud owner of the Ice Harp.

Abraxas had the Ring of Spell Storing scribed with Shy'shisheer’s name and gave it to her as a betrothal gift, which she then had accepted and wore it with pride. The bugbear was known to often pick Abraxas up at random times, the 8 foot tall fulsome bugbear beauty, and make out with him regardless of who might be around. In return, Abraxas would sometimes reach up and grab her by the ear, dragging her head down to his level and returning the favor.

Wyn hung around for 3 months until the wedding, and to arrange the purchase of a Refilling Quiver. He could not find an Everful one., but the Refilling Quiver would add 3 arrows every 8 hours, as long as 1 arrow was at least present. For another 1,000 crowns, Wyn felt this was a fine deal and made the purchase. Eventually he bid his farewell to Abraxas and Shy'shisheer, thanking them and Jowass for their kindness and help, and took the long boat ride back to Karameikos.

Once there he walked three days back to the elven swamplands where his tribe lived, bringing treasures, trinkets, and gifts for them all. He sang and danced, laughed and drank, and spoke long about his adventures, holding up the gems he had purchased to catch the light when he would describe the dragon’s fire and the monsters he had seen there.

When he would grow tired from his tales, he would often chuckle and say, “Suck it Corfart.” He fell back into the rhythm of his tribe and their lives there. There was still lots of coin and things that could be fixed and built and repaired here, and he would talk with the elders about getting it done. He was  not going to tie himself down to one potential outcome, he didn’t know what the Grand Dice have in store. All he knew is that, for at least one time in his life... he did, in fact, Wyn D'Endee.

Meanwhile Brendon, Lyra, and Kovid had gone to the Assayer’s office and had spoken with the clerks there. Kovid had been the easiest to work out as he had the exact place he was looking for in mind. According to the map it was not only unclaimed, but also had part of the mountain side as the acreage. So Kovid plunked down the 200 crowns for the land including the taxes and the engineer’s fees, getting 3 acres for himself. Lyra and Brendon were looking for farmland, Lyra specific for horses and grazing.

The Scout ended up with 6 acres that was within 2 miles of Specularum, and Lyra settled on a 60 acre spread that was going to be possible home for up to 35 horses without issue. Both were going to need some work, but for the ex-pirate the 250 crowns was sufficient and Lyra was on the hook for 2,000 crowns. Costs included engineer’s fees.

They all separated. Brendon heading off to various farms and orchards, spying over their apples and wares. He purchased a total of 5 different bushels and got the ok from 2 of the farmers to take some smaller trees and saplings – total spent was 40 crowns. He then went off and after spending a week on the property, marked off the size of the house and barn he wanted. The house was modest, 1 story wooden construction, 30’ square. He splurged on real glass for the windows and heavy wooden doors and shutters. A small cellar was added. The barn was not much larger, simpler in function and design. The home was 750 crowns and the barn was another 500 crowns.

His funds were getting low at this point, so Brendon parceled out part of his time working at the docks and a few of the day trip ships that might have gone out fishing. It was some 6 months before everything was built and in place and the former Scout was down to less than 20 crowns to his name. But he had a dozen small apple trees planted, at least 4 times that number of seeds growing, and had plowed at least half the remaining acreage for planting. He went for fast growing crops: Lettuce, radishes, spinach, and turnips. He had a dozen chicks and 2 hogs to his name, and a older dog and 2 cats that he had rescued from the city.

Life was hard, sometimes hungry, and a struggle. But Brendon would smile as he looked over his golden rapier hanging over his mantelpiece, and he would occasionally run his hand over the sextant, thinking of the adventures he would be on. He kept in touch with Kovid, stopping in for a beer now and again, the dwarf always telling him his money was no good. And he did see Lyra often, the two of them getting together to laugh and joke, swapping vegetables or other garden goods. Brendon had not heard from Lannis at all but Lyra would occasionally get an angry letter filled with crudely drawn horses and little else in her post box.

It was after the first harvest that Brendon felt that had finally some breathing room. He had hired a hand to help out, and the two of them sold their wares in the city, making a profit. Enough to lay in seeds for the next year, plant winter corn and potatoes for now, and even get a dairy cow as well as double his chickens. His farm grew and although the work was often and long, Brendon felt good about it; bringing life and growing things as opposed to killing, hunting, and the like. At a grange dance in his 40’s he met a younger woman name Klarain, 3rd daughter of a prestigious landowner. He was not above getting Lyra to vouch for him and eventually got the ok to court the young woman.

Six months later a dowry was paid and Brendon married Klarain, eventually having 3 children of their own. With some of the profits he did expand the homestead to 10 acres and it was maybe 10 years after he had first purchased the property that his apple trees were giving forth large and constant fruit. No matter what was going on, Brendon always brought a bushel to Lyra, a bushel to the Church of Poseidon, and 2 bushels to Kovid, with the dwarf promising to turn it into cider as soon as he could.

Was it a busy life? Yes. Did he burn out and die like his sister did? No. Did he amass an armada like his brother did, but chased from port to port? No. Did he eventually open an alehouse? No, there never was enough money but he was good friends with Kovid who owned such a place. But was Brendon happy? Yes. The answer to that was yes, yes he was. But in his later 40’s, when he would sit on his porch, feet up, pipe in his hands, wife in the kitchen, and kids playing in the yard with the cats, he would lift his mug high and look down the road, wondering if adventure would come his way, if he would take it once again.

As for Kovid, he commissioned to have the Ale house built. At first he wanted a mighty stone structure, but the cost was going to wipe him out. Instead he went for a wooden one, 2 stories, with an attached open walled stables for thirsty visitors. At 80’ x 40’, it was going to be grand but was going to run him 3,000 crowns. He figured he was going to need another 250 crowns for casks and counters, chairs and tables. Setting it aside for now, that left him with a bit over 1,000 crowns to his name.

While things were being built and cleared, Kovid had gone to the Ironhills and had spoken to various smiths there, bringing the Theystran Hammer with him, hoping to get a twin made. It was going to take some time and would run the dwarf 300 crowns, but he commissioned it with broad smiles. He then went to a number of dwarven armor smith and had a copper chased set of platemail made, costing another 180 crowns.

With 600 plus gold pieces still going, Kovid had spent 3 months working with a local cartographer, refining his skills as well as getting a set of pens, sights, and other tools for himself, spending another 150 crowns in the process. During his time in town, Kovid ran across Lannis a number of times. The two of them would meet up when they could, share a pint or two, and the dwarf would let Lannis pick apart the maps and drawings he was working on. Lannis was sporting some serious crimson red clothes these days, and had gone through some effort to grow a beard and moustache. Out of courtesy, Kovid did not pick on it, but he couldn’t help but chuckle when the meetings ended.

As the place was being built, Kovid travelled a bit, making the trip to see Wyn where proper addresses were exchanged. He made stops along the way and bought grains that he liked. Eventually he made the trip east by boat to Jector where he spent 3 weeks with Abraxas and his wife. Surprising to Kovid, he got along with the two gnomes, Standard and Typical, and met with people they knew about brewing techniques and other off the norm recipes.

When he left, he brought with him 40 lbs of beef steak as a thanks from the Butcher, 200#’s of Jectorian potatoes, and Standard made the trip, vowing to help out to run the place for 1/4th the profits, for a period of 5 years.

Kovid had customers before his ale was even ready, travelers happy for a place to rest and put their feet up on the trip between Ironhills and Specularum. His clientele leaned dwarven, but was open to all. He had both hammers over the bar and had a sign commissioned that read, “You’ll be safe at Korona’s!” with underneath it in slightly smaller lettering, “Unless you’re a goblin.”

As the first barrels were ready, Kovid was known to give a thanks to Theystra and then plunk both warhammers into the golden liquid. It was said that the ale was so delicious and clean, that if you held a glass up to the sunlight, you could see clear though it.

He was asked now and again if he was Kovid Manslayer XIX, and he always replied, “No. Not for some time.” He would joke about Thor, tell stories about cabinets and apes , and every autumn solstice would have an axe throwing contest where he would use a dummy in a set of pink robes positioned as a target, using the largest pumpkin he could find, the winner being the one that would wear the hollowed pumpkin and be proclaimed “Big Brain”.

Friends old and new would come and visit Lesser Valhalla, Korona’s Ale House, enjoy the dwarven repast and stay if need be. Standard stayed on for another 5 years and eventually married a local dwarven woman, scandalizing all parties from both races. Kovid had befriended a dwarven woman, Kolora, who had come to him at first hoping to hire him. It seems a distant relation of hers, Rona, had gone missing and the family was looking to get some help in finding her. Kovid had befriended other adventuring groups, including a smaller one that Lannis was running, and set her up with the wizard’s party to hunt the missing dwarf down.

Kovid and Kolora remained together and even though they hadn’t yet, there was talk of possibly tying the knot together before the decade was out. For now though, the former dwarven adventurer was happy with his maps, his brewing, his alehouse, and the friends he had made. But he always kept an ear out for that perfect adventure, that perfect need, that would have him done his armor and take his hammers out again. And, By Thor’s Hairy Ass, for a shot at Valhalla again? He’d take it.

Lannis was a different matter. The erstwhile wizard had tromped off to the Arcane Academy where within minutes he had gotten into a screaming match with Master Brooklyr. Words were thrown out, followed by fists and then kicks. Both men had to be separated, with the older slovenly Brooklyr flat out sneering at the younger Lannis, calling him, “A fucking dick weed. You should be plucked.”

Eventually tempers were relaxed and Lannis gave his report along with the documents from the Academy of Explorers of what he had done. He presented Corfard’s teeth and described the fight again and again. There was almost no belief in his fantastic tale, but the Magic User brought out item after item, including Mirabellis’ spellbook.

There was some discussion with the Arcane Masters over Lannis burning through spells in his book, and the other book too, but given the dire situation and once in a lifetime struggle at that time, it was understood even if not approved. The first thing he did though, was commission a copy of Fireball for his own book. There was some pushback but after a donation of 900 crowns was allowed down to the library where he scribed the spell to his book.

He then signed himself up as a specialty teacher, “Dungeon Magic User Class” where he had an oddball group of students take his class every 4 months. On the home front, things did not go as well. He had returned home to find out that his mother had indeed missed Lannis, but was hesitant on having him move back home. She had a gentleman friend named Beltran who tried to make nice with the magic user. But assorted screamings about not my real dad, and I just want my things, and how could you do this to me followed him out the door as he stormed to back to the Arcane Academy and set himself up in the Bachelor’s Quarters.

He went off to the Assayers after a week to see if there were any places in town he could buy. Specifically near his mother’s place, but on a nicer block, slightly larger, and with a larger property. He did find one and plunked down the purchase price of 750 crowns, becoming a home owner of a 3 story wood and stone structure, right on the corner of Main Street and Overdale. He immediately had the 2 families living there evicted and then spent 150 crowns more in having the entire place cleaned, painted, and the windows, shutters, doors, pipes, and cisterns all upgraded.

He went to the seamstress and washer woman where he next berated the woman who did the work last on his robes, and had her take his measurements. He had his clothes cleaned from top to bottom, and then ordered 4 more sets, each one dyed a deep crimson burgundy red. She asked about his gloves, and had them cleaned, as well as both hats. There were some questions about the cut of them, and Lannis feigned interest in it. One of the robes though, did have a feminine cut to it, with which the Magic User happily took and would wear now and again, walking up and down his own home. He matched it out with a set of boots that had a low heel and lift. All told, cleaning, new clothes, and whatnot, as well as having the matronly washer woman available to him if need be, in his mind, best 30 crowns he had ever spent.

He then purchased a set of glass alembics, an entire potion making set up. Using the 2 books and scrolls he had taken back, he was lucky enough to get an elven glassblower who was able to duplicate some of the items he had seen in the tower, the entire set up running him 500 more crowns.

He had spent about half his money at this time, blowing another 100 crowns on furnishings as well. He took to walking past his mother’s house at least twice a week, ignoring her if he saw her, running away if she approached. Master Brooklyr continued to ridicule Lannis at every meeting, and Lannis was teaching his classes as well as getting ready to start brewing potions.

Another 500 crowns went into buying ingredients to make them, and within a few weeks, he realized he hated it. He looked next into golem making, but when the costs began to spiral over 100,000 crowns he decided to abandon the idea for now. Also, the return on potions were tight, with profits difficult to recognize. Not wanting to expand to warehouse levels of brewing, he instead decided to do what all masters do. He got an apprentice. Making sure to get either young attractive women or fat and unimposing men, Lannis had a constant stream of 3 month apprentices come in and work in his lab, clean his house, and when needed, rub his feet and feed him fruit. And at the end of three months would let them go with a, “Get the hell out!” and then move the next one in.

For giggles he would write hate letters to Lyra and mail them to her homestead along with crude drawings of horses doing illegal things to people with anatomically impossible dimensions. If she would reply, he would throw them aside and have his apprentices read them to him. He would write with Wyn often, the two of them exchanging thoughts and ideas, maybe the elf would send the stray bit of root or herb he would run across. But he spent the most time meeting with Kovid. He would get a spot at the Lesser Valhalla, bringing his apprentice with him, and regale any and all about his time with Kovid and how he single handedly saved everyone. When he would see Lyra and her beau, he would be dismissive to the man and tell Lyra often that, “He was a piece of shit and you can do better.”

Eventually Lannis discovered it was easier to gather his own ingredients and at 1/10th the cost if he would just go out and gather them. Some required a few adventures, and Lannis would mine the Tower Arcane for 3rd, 4th, and 5th year students as well as those who formerly took his class, and take them out to hunt old mines for corpse fungi, or wipe out a nest of giant rats or at one time, they went against a barrow that had broken down, and skeletons were raiding local farms. And if given half a chance, Lannis always made sure to shoot his Fireball spell off. He doesn’t know where it came from, but around the school he was given the nickname, “Trigger,” which he wore with pride.

But through it all, Lannis made sure that he had feelers heading east to Abraxas and his company, but more importantly to anyone who went to the Dawnlands. In the basement of his house behind 2 sets of locks, he had one of Corfards’ teeth, a shrine to Ishtari, the Rod, Mirabellis’ book and hat, and a series of mirrors and alert chimes in place. In case ANYTHING were to change from the status quo. If anything untoward was going to come up there, he wanted to be ready. And if need be, he suspected that he could call on his former party and friends to quell anything that might need to be put down. Again.

As for Lyra, after leaving the Assayers, went to the best stabler in town and purchased a riding horse. Definitive, capable, strong, well tempered. She wanted no shit from it. After 100 crowns well spent including saddle, bit, bridle, and what not, she went off to ride her property. 60 acres was pretty big but she was dismayed. It was going to need some work. More than she expected. She started off with fencing. Lots of it. And the number quickly hit 500 crowns. She had that working while she looked around for the most affordable barn she could build. It was going to have to be big enough for the animals she wanted, and she decided that she’d live in an apartment in the barn for now to keep costs down. Even so, it was still 1,000 crowns to build one. “This is bullshit,” she muttered. “Should have brought back the rest of the treasure.”

She still had over 1,000 crowns but she hadn’t bought any horses yet, except the one. In town she had purchased some new clothes (30 crowns), and arranged for a animal handler who had just gotten his journeyman card, to come out and help her on the homestead (another 75 crowns for 2 seasons). Then, relying on some family contacts, some contacts from the Church, and her own blessings from Aine, she visited stable after stable, farm after farm, breeder after breeder, looking for the best of horseflesh that she could find. It was a slow process, taking the better part of 4 months, but she managed to buy another 6 animals, 2 stallions and 4 mares, and none of them under2 or over 5. It took another 400 crowns of her money but she was happy to spend it.

A few chickens followed, then a stray goat or two. She kept up with Brendon and Kovid, and exchanged letters with Abraxas often. Communication with Wyn was spotty at best and Lannis’ would often write her abusive notes. She found him the most hilarious and when it was learned that he had snubbed his mother and moved out, teaching an dungeoneering class, Lyra had made sure, by donation (20 crowns), to be made abreast of his comings and goings. She would abuse his Artificer doll often, and made sure to learn that he would in time develop a new skin rash, or have an unexplained limp or ache that he would pass off to his students as, “An Old Dragon Injury.”

For another 50 crowns she had bees added to her homestead and made sure to transplant wild flowers when need be to her side of the fence line. The months moved on and she would hire a new journeyman to help out for 2 more seasons and then sign off on his paperwork, getting another one to come in. Some she slept with, others she didn’t. But she would make them feel bad and grow upset with her as the end of their tenure came so they would leave and she could look in the mirror and say after a good cry, “See!? They weren’t worth it! No one wants you!”

And then she’d do it all over again.

Foaling went well and her stable of horses grew. Through Aine gifted visions and patient breeding, she mixed and matched her small herd, growing their numbers. And just before her funds were fully depleted, after 3 years, she was able to sell her first foals at a three fold profit. Which opened the line for more animal husbandry on a going forward.

She had a small patch of vanilla growing thanks to the beans she had brought home, and her profits grew along with her knowledge and fame. When Lannis began to go adventuring, his short temper, use of fireball, and plethora of horse names thrown at her over the years; she had a few minstrels visit the Tower Arcane and sing of the Mighty Lannis, also known as, “Trigger” and his exploits. It would always make her laugh when she heard how much he liked the nickname, never cottoning that it came from her.

She did have her eye out for a specific purchase and when word came through Abraxas that he had found one for her, she paid over 1,000 for the precious Philter of Love. When it arrived, months later, the rose quartz vial was like lead in her hand. She hid it away a dozen times in a dozen weeks and took it out just as many times. It had been 6 years now since the party had come home and Lyra was a wealthy woman with a following of cavaliers and knight errants who sought her out for her horses. She was a mid to high ranking member of the Church of Aine, and would be invited to speak at meets and seminars often. Her fame was further added at Lesser Valhalla with travelers coming to visit and speak with her. But she was afraid to open herself up to someone else and her close friendships were few.

So it was when Lannis expressed a serious dislike of her current stablehand and sometime lover, Jack, that Lyra felt the time was right. She took the philter of love and just before meal time, poured half of the mixture in his cup of ale and half in hers. They ate and drank together and even though she felt no different, she knew in her heart the philter had done its job. Jack didn’t leave after 6 months, staying on with her and in her bed. They would fight with one another, Lyra crying now and again for no reason. But Jack would hold her and wait for the feelings of self loathing to fade before he would remind her that she was the only woman for him.

Which made her feel even worse. Because was he staying because he loved her? Or because she enchanted him to do so? Whatever the reason, Lyra lived on her life, breeding her horses and selling them, visiting friends old and new, faithful Jack at her side regardless of whatever invectives she threw his way or what hateful things she might say; and she was sad and unhappy because if it would have been real, she soiled it by using magic to make it happen. And if it wasn’t real, then she was a terrible person for what she did.

Finally in Jector, Abraxas and Shy'shisheer were wedded happily. He tried to give her back the Morrigaan Scythe but she told him often, that it was his. And she would have him occasionally swing it around the yard to show off to the other people in town, as well as get her juices flowing. She made sure to reward him often and many times a day. He did commission to have the 40 dragon scales made into a set of scalemail armor (costing 1,000 crowns) which when polished and holding his Scythe, made him look like some heroic warrior of old.

He was asked often to go and join various warbands, but was happy to just stay at home. His inquiries at the dock though were beginning to pay off. He started to join in as junior partner on lone ships and trades, making a few coins for his effort. When a sailing boat came up to buy, he snatched it up for 1,750 crowns, the 20’ craft capable of carrying a crew of three and 2,000 pounds of cargo.

With an actual boat at the docks of his own, it gave him an in to visit the dockmasters, longshoremen, loaders and warehousers. Jowass and his family would let Abraxas know of shipments that might be coming in or going out that needed a backer or two, or could be shipped on his smaller craft with little issue at a profit. Abraxas was always there, helpful, happy, and willing to laugh and joke with goblin, lizardman, orc, bugbear, kobold, human, Halfling, dwarf, gnome, hobgoblin, and even one time, a ship with a minotaur captain. Being married to Shy'shisheer gave him more cred than expected, and Jowass’ entire clan, well over 150 kobolds, vouched for him as well.

His empire was expanding. Slowly. But surely.

Not every excursion turned a profit. And there was some piracy involved. He did use Brendon’s stone three times in his career to turn what would have been a terrible loss at sea to a parley and bribe. But he also this way made inroads with the unlawful side of shipping. When he had a chance to buy into Freebody Shippers, a business with over 10 ships that make up their courier fleet, and with ties to at least 3 Jectorian necromancers, Abraxas talked with his wife about it. The Butchery was in the black and the cost of signing on to the Shippers was 1,000 crowns. It would deplete much of his funds, but both of them thought it was a good deal.

He worked and worked hard. It was a slow process, but he eventually took over the day by day of Freebody Shippers when the main owner took to drinking and gambling. Abraxas purchased more shares of the business with the use of the shipper’s profits until he was the man in charge. From there, he expanded where he could and ran the business as he saw fit.

He did add a shipping line to the Elfhome Swamps where trade was opened up with Wyn and his tribe as well as the other swamp elves who lived there, hoping for trade with the far flung Jector. Once in a while the elf would make the trip back to Jector and would spend some months getting his sea legs and visiting with the Salazar family. Wyn noticed that Abraxas had grown a bit thick in the middle, the fighter having made a partial purchase of a bakery in town where fresh bread and cakes would be delivered to his offices and staff every day. He laughed it off saying that Shy'shisheer would pinch him on the belly, commenting that it gave her some cushion when he was feeling like letting his aggressions off during some of their love making.

The two of them did keep their eyes open for possible magical items that would cross their docks, or people that were looking to sell. It wasn’t often, and the prices would be a bit high now and again, but they made small purchases of potions, rings, daggers, and the like. Occasionally potions from Lannis would make their sale here, and at one point, Abraxas managed to find a magical love philter for Lyra, which he had shipped out to her when able to.

The most wonderful thing though was when Shy'shisheer had gotten pregnant. Abraxas, now in his later 30’s, was a nervous wreck. It seems that Typical and Jowass and his clutchmates had purchased a charm of fertility from a local wizard and gave it to the Butcher who had been lamenting the lack of children. When Abraxas’ son was born 9 months later, he was a large child, mixing the best of both his mother’s race and his own. They named him Antonio, but Abraxas would refer to him as Tony, Anthony, Nio, Zorro, Mariachi, Puss, Galgo, Gregorio, Alejandro, Ibn, and Benito.

It drove his wife crazy.

As the years moved on, Abraxas sat in his office on the docks, a box of dough knots near by, Jowass at the next desk writing away, and the warehouse bustling behind him. He imagined he could still squeeze into his scalemail armor but didn’t mind if couldn’t. To little Bebe, he was a hero no matter what he did. And to his wife, he was the man who gave her the freedom to be herself, and brightened her life by being in it. Wyn would visit, the elf looking not a day older regardless of the years, and they would share a mug of Kovid’s Korona Ale or even a glass of Brendon’s hard cider, and talk about days behind them.

“So Monsieur,” Wyn would ask, ankles folded over his knees, looking out the window, sea breeze ruffling his hair. “You feel it?”

“Sentir que?” he asked. “What?”

“Dat call. Dat call to maybe go back to adventure?”

“Mi?” Abraxas would smile broadly, leaning back in his chair, making it groan beneath him. “No Senor Winner, no hay oportunidad.”

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