Workmonth the 7th, 8 AM. Darius and Wilhelm went off to the West Erylond Stablery where they each had their mounts saddled and readied to ride, water skins filled and then rode out of town, leaving through Thak (or North) gate. The day was warm, 75 at the most, cloudy, but pleasant. The cats kept a great pace when able to, riding with Wilhelm when the pace became too much. The time to Stivil was normally 15 hours, but they managed to get the trip down to 10 hours by pushing the horses a bit.
They arrived at the city just about 6, going through the lowlands of the Passian Hills until the shattered walls hove into view. A ride up the King’s Highway, around the Colosseum, and then to the Baron’s Way beyond the cemetery. They came upon the Demesne of Baron Yanz Skuddrid by 20 after 6 where the stablehand took their horses in and the two were eventually brought to the Baron’s table. A late dinner was being served as one of the Baron’s knight errants, the Code of Chivary had him invited to eat and stay – and the same was extended to Wilhelm as his companion.
We talked about the days and things in Erylond itself but eventually it was disclosed that the meeting here was 2 fold – a desire for a hunting cat for Wilhlem, and a need for a private conversation with Baron Skuddrid. The Baron had many contacts with the Colosseum and suggested that the owner Djog, of Ursa’s Hunting Gear would be the best to get an animal. A page was dispatched to invite Master Djog here to see if he can help Wilhelm. As for Darius, he went with the Baron to his Smoking Room where the 2 of them shared a pipe and Darius tried to tell the Baron to be ready for something bad that was coming. Couldn’t give exact details or when, just very bad and soon. Get foodstuffs and supplies laid in place now. He was thanked and the Baron assured Darius he would begin subtle store layings in the next week.
Eventually Master Djog came and he and Wilhelm went off to the Colosseum, heading down to the 2nd Level where the fighting animals were stored. They did pick out a mountain lion that had been part of a limited number of fights. Wilhelm paid the facilitator his fee and then returned to the Baron’s Demesne with his new pet. He had it stabled after spending some time bonding with it and then went to his room.
Meanwhile Darius had gone to the Trades, where he made his way to Sweet Street, eventually arriving at Falser’s Confectionary. The gaily designed building and playground were quiet now this late at night but Darius went to the smaller gnomish door off the factory entrance and knocked again and again, eventually convincing the terse gnome there he was here on the behest of Shimlagesh and want to speak with the Falsers.
Malted and Uke did come and Darius was able to make the arrangement for a purchase of some falser’s Feelgood candy. There was some coded talk back and forth and eventually Darius left (after taking 2 of Shim’s 20 candies for himself), making his way back to the Demesne. Finally it was here that the two men rested, knowing they were going to leave in the morning.
As for the rest of the party, making sure the Desmondian Diamond was protected and on Connal’s possession, we left the house and made our way across town to the Adventuring Guild. The place was pretty empty, a single chambermaid and the Half-Ogre door guard were here. Eventually we had the chance to go to Pha’iyr Carom’s where we filled the GRSAG facilitator in on what we’ve been on about as well as the Doppelganger/Shimlagesh issue.
Eventually we did come up with the thought that we needed a place to lay low for now. The Guild has a number of homes not too far from the city wall for visiting druids and rangers who are uncomfortable in the city. He was willing to put us up in one for now for a 6 day window. We got the exact location and a key and then left.
Half the party went back to the house to pack up, the other 3 (Connal, Thalin, and Shim) went to the Mage’s Towers to see about selling or trading the Psi crystals we had gotten from the undead illithid and Dizzy’s room. We went to both the Celeste Firesworn (for Thalin) and Shandrila (for Shim). Both were very eager to get them and we had a number of things offered back for us. Eventually we settled on a Leomund’s Tiny Hut – openable 3 times a day up to a 12 hour window. 30’x30’ interior and she even through in some furnishings and a week of food. Even did some trading for a few spell scrolls which was a win for the mages.
The house had been packed up, soft goods – sheets blankets pillows. Some food. We tested out the hut and eventually rested.
As for Wilhelm and Darius, their trip home was without issue and we all arrived back together at the evening of the 8th. We shared exactly what we had done and learned, and agreed we’d go to the peasant’s hut to rest on a going forward.
It was about a quarter mile outside the gate, about an acre of property (75’ by a bit over 400’). Some food stuffs and brush and tree. We gathered some woods, took care of the property, and a nearby farm was willing to let us use her well to fill the cistern on the roof to about 10/15 gallons. We had a productive day and agreed that in the morning on the 10th, some of us would go to town in the Am to get some axes and some wood (we were going to need), and Wilhelm would go back to the house with Gryg to watch his back and get a local cat to act as an animal messenger for him to watch the house and alert him if anyone was poking around.
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