With the armor floating over an invisible person, Shim cast invisibility again on Nate, rendering him and his armor hidden. They could hear the priests to the east so the two of them went westward, down the main hall until they stopped outside the library and looked in at Great Hall. Two guard dwarves, Okar, Hofning, and Klannus were here and talking in excited and conflicting tones. They could hear other dwarves upstairs and many commands. But until the space cleared out, the two of them did not want to risk trying to get upstairs and try and find their friends.
As for the rest of the group, after talking to the 2 dwarves, the decision was made to go back through the portal and return to Ralstrom’s room. Before they could do so, the two dwarf salves charged down the hall, makeshift weapons aloft, and one was commanded to die – and the 2 were then consumed by a flame strike spell. We gathered together and hid along the edges, hoping to surprise the priests before they entered but they cast an animate dead spell and sent the 2 dwarves in first.
We ran for the portal, flipped through to the other side as the priests were closing, and ended up back in Ralstrom’s room. The door was being forced and it was noisy as fuck in here. We ran to the other portal on the east wall and took it – and appeared somewhere else. We did know the north and east wall of the room was the actual cave. Which meant we were on the other side of the Homestead. It was a married couple’s room, pretty sizable, and fancy. Fendi and Logorian? Ralstrom’s kid?
Going to the door south, Dizzy listened and carefully opened it. We were in the East wing, and northern most room down the hall we had been in earlier where we shot the chambermaid. Connal took the portal stone out of the portal and put it in his backpack.
From the Great Hall, Shim and Nate listened as Klannus let Okar and Hofning know that the Ragnarok Protocol was enacted and will remain so in order to keep everyone safe. It wasn’t time to question the former High Thane and it was time to figure out who and where the Vanguards went and get them under control. Hofning wanted to talk to Froki who he learned was in the Music room so he went off there, leaving the other 2 to talk.
Eventually they split up and Klannus was asked from above about getting into Ralstrom’s room and the door was blocked by furniture. He gave the ok for them to go in through Fendi’s room and use the portal there. Ralstrom and a few of his guards came down the stairs and talking to Klannus, it was obvious, one of them was the doppelganger, Shekki. They headed off to the Parlor and the gnome and fighter followed.
From inside the doorway Dizzy heard the call to enter Fendi’s room and let the group know they needed to get ready to fight or get the fuck out of dodge. So Eoghan pointed the Half League Bracer down and fired it off – and the group slammed down through the floor and ended up in another room – the manstones getting more cracked and weakened. We were in a long room with worn out bedding, clothes, and the stink of uncleaned and unwashed clothes. Slave chamber? We went to the door and listened. In the distance we could hear some conversation, but nothing near by.
We snuck out of the slave chamber and went south, turning back into the main hall and made our way slowly and westward, avoiding everything we could until we arrived at last in the ballroom/dining room. There was a lone young dwarven girl in here stacking plates who was terrified on seeing us, until the monk leapt forward, knife against her neck, and hand over her mouth – and she was killed.
Eoghan tried to let the group know we were drifting real hard out of normal now and should refrain from killing girls and kids. Connal let the group know we needed to the western most wall and drill out – so he could fill it with fizzstone. He was hit with a strength spell and he began to dig while the rest of us looked around. Dizzy cast a Locate Object spell, hoping to find Shim’s clothes – but the 100’ range right now revealed nothing. We gathered and got ready in case anything happened.
At the parlor, Ralstrom had a long and candid conversation with the High Priest, Shekki, Klannus, Okar, and a few others listening in. His stoic dwarven guard was there with him. They talked about the party, Shim, the missing slave Nate, the Ragnarok Protocol, and the important work and time that is occurring now. Ralstrom really wanted to get the party and get them now. He turned to the stoic dwarf and told him, “Max, go bring them to me please. Enough of this cat and mouse.” The stoic dwarf bowed his head, thought for a moment, then entered the main hall and went west. “The rest of you, come with me.” And Ralstrom led them south to the hall and eventually upstairs.
Leaving Shim and Nate to wait for the right time to eventually follow.
Connal was drilling hard when Dizzy mentioned that something was coming and then the stoic dwarf entered, followed by Okar and Hofning. And like that, the shit hit the fan. Battle drew up fast with the group retaliating quickly. Dizzy got a lucky double critical on Max, stabbing him in the head and killing him outright. Fucking hell.
The rest of us joined the fight as Connal was drilling as quickly as he could. Shim and Nate invisibly came in and Nate got a good surprise hit on Okar. Some summoned animals happened and the party fought on and hard. Just as Connal got the hole drilled out and packed it with Fizzstone, Dizzy claimed the infernum tablet from Max’s corpse and Shim dropped a gelatinous cube on the other two, including froki!, ending the fight right then and there.
And the side wall exploded revealing a hole 2 and a half feet in diameter. Dizzy went full demon, abandoned the party and went down the hall to see Ralstrom. Each of us ran for the hole, touching the field, and ended up squeezed out on the other side in Odinstone Park.
Once we were all outside (not Dizzy), the local constabulary had gotten around us, questioning us, wanting to know who we were and what was going on. And it was then that Eoghan used the Half League Bracer and transported everyone 3 miles south. Him, Lexxie, Wilhelm, Jarjar, Connal, Nate, & Shim. The bracer could now move 7.
Except Brading.
What the hell? Why not him? Some random human? “Brading punched me in the face,” was the reply. The party nodded but a few of them were not happy. We had to convince Nate that going back to Gorok was suicide and that Kiera would be out in time. If he went back it’s a death sentence. “Like Brading?”
We used the scroll of Dimensional folding that Dizzy gave us before he left, and teleported back to our home. Workmonth the 5th, 1 PM. With an incomplete and totally fucked up adventure. No dizzy, a doppelganger with all of Shim’s memories for the last 2 years, and Brading lost. We did not have the contract to give to Asmodeus. We do not have the Infernum Tablets to run the Desmondian Diamond. Shim is missing an eye. The Happy Hunting Grounds denizens could not be returned right now. And Ragnarok could be here in 5 days.
What the fuck do we do. We gathered the rest of the party and returned the remaining Majorica Masks to Shandrila. She took them back but we would need to come up with the 1250 crowns to replace the missing one (the doppelganger has Shim’s). The thought was that there was something in Dizzy’s room we could sell off. A locked chest? Shim would arrange to have Shandrila’s people “knock” the chest open and pay the funds as needed from there.
We then discussed at length what creek we were up, the frustration the party was feeling, and the possible options ahead of us. Workmonth the 5th, 4:30 PM.