This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Meet 52, Adv 11, 4/29/23

Epic. Fucking. Night. Just read. :)


There were lots of ideas for plans and they all had many moving parts – but somewhere about 7:30, after the guards did their rounds, we started the first parts. Eoghan removed his hook from his wrist and taking aim at Wilhelm’s cage, made sure the guards weren’t watching and tossed it through his bars, across the 5’ hall, through Wilhelm’s bars, and the druid caught it! Once secreted there, that was the first item resolved. He then tried to get Jessie the rabbit to understand that it needed to go to Darius’ cell and once again, waited for the guards to not watch us before it made it to the hall, and we felt was making SLOW hops to the other side! It worked out and a local guard barked at Darius to knock it off, but ok, matter resolved so far.

Waiting for the guards to make their rounds, Darius lifted the flagstone and Jessie did her best to start digging into the dense dirt, aiming eastward to Wilhelm and Shim’s cell. For them, they were working Eoghan’s hook into the mortar, slowly chipping and scraping a thin line that grew thicker and deeper. The Rabbit was coaxed out of the hole when the guards were getting closer and the flagstone replaced as need be. So far things were going well. It was slow, but proceeding along. Wilhelm and Shim were having a very rough time and had to keep scraping out more mortar.

At one point the guards came and Darius was forced to place the flagstone over the hole while Jessie was in the tunnel, a situation that the rabbit was VERY angry about after the stone was lifted and she refused to dig again at first. Meanwhile the dirt being displaced was filling the honey bucket to the brim and Darius had to hide it somewhere. He decided to shove it against the corner of the wall and floor out of sight of the hallway, stomping it flat. The elf and gnome finally got the flagstone to come up and Shim held onto the hook carefully.

The Rabbit had dug for an hour and a half, making an almost 4 and a half foot tunnel but was exhausted and needed to rest. So Shim started digging from their side, hoping to find Jessie’s tunnel. With no shovel and just his hands, he was forced to use Eoghan’s hook which had the Ranger sigh, seeing his hand replacement getting scratched up and used as such – but it was working. Finally just about 10ish, Shim met up with the other tunnel. He got naked and leaving his clothes here, Wilhelm made a dummy out of the dirt and what hay he could, propping Shim’s dummy against the corner but within sight of the bars.

Shim then pulled and dug and crawled his way through. Dirt fell in his face and the tunnel was slow and hard going. He wriggled and squirmed, making inches at a time headway until he was getting hard to breathe and see. Darius fished around on his end and found Shim’s hand, pulling him up and out of the hole! Filthy and tired, he was now on the other side. Flagstones were replaced and as soon as he could, he turned himself invisible. Alright – plan was working!

For the next step Connal grew belligerent with the guards, tossing hay out of his cell. That got him a visit to the Reeducation chamber.  They came down and dragged him out, locking the cell behind, and took him to the end of the hall. Being larger than Shim, he was placed on the rack, noting various other torture areas, a cabinet area, and a 9’ x 6’ steel looking door with a wheel lock against the far wall. Four guards worked him over, stretching and beating him. The monk ignored most of it, but still moaned and cried as need be. It was when they went to hit him with hot pokers that he allowed himself to be “overcome with agony” and die. Feign Death. (10:05 – he has 50 minutes maximum of Feign death time)

This freaked out the guards who tried to revive him but he was dead. Apparently they had explicit orders NOT to kill anyone and that they fucked up. One guy was taking the fall for it and the other guards were like listen, we have to get him out of here and let Stravraphore know. So they took his “dead” body from the re-education room and walked him down the hall – this allowed Darius to start his portion, screaming and yelling “what happened to my friend? What’s going on?”

They took Connal (who could still see and hear during all of this), out of the prisoner hall, through the alchemy room and the waiting/guard area beyond it. He was dumped there as someone went to get Stavraphore Morkanus. The Apothecia came and was very angry with the guards. Kelly stuck a finger in Connal’s chest and wiggled her nail around, announcing that yes, he was dead.  What followed was a discussion as to what was to happen next. Stavraphore was getting cross with the group as he still had no information yet (maybe a day or two more?) on the party. So he wanted to get rid of the evidence. He ordered the guards to take Connal to the Rendering room, have the Butchers get anything useful off of him, and then burn the remains. If anyone ever came by, they’d say that the other 6 members were the only ones who ever showed, they never saw Connal. Kelly instructed the guards to make sure they kept Connal’s heart and cock for her as he struck her earlier and she wanted a token to remember him and the experience by. Shudder.

He was brought upstairs (1 flight – 1st basement), went down 2 turns and passed 5 to 7 doors before coming to a large chamber – 40’x40’. It was hot and a furnace was at the far end. 2 humans in leather aprons were cutting up various dead bodies, collecting eyes, skin, organs, bones, etc – putting it in jars, bowls, and whatnot. They were told to finish what they were doing now (2 bodies) and then to dispose of Connal. A hook was jammed in both of his ankles and he was hung up on chains pulled to the ceiling, a tin blood bin was placed under his hanging body for now and the guards left, allowing the Butchers to continue their work. The door was locked and Connal was waiting for the right time to do…anything. Time now? 10:36 – 19 minutes remaining on Feign Death.

Backing up in time, Stavraphore was talking to the staff about being careful in the future, no more accidents, and to be more careful on future punishments. Once he was gone and the guards made 1 round, Darius was making lots of noises to the guards. You bastards. You killed my friend. You suck, how dare you. The guards were a bit loath to get at it again but eventually the decision was made to take him out for re-education. Once more his cell was unlocked and he was taken out, dragged down the hall. Shim, invisible, snuck out and stayed VERY close to the key cart, hugging it as it was pushed back down the hall and outside the prisoner area. Darius was not placed on the rack, concerned after Connal’s “death”, instead he was dunked and beaten with ropes and salt – same as Shim was. But, unbeknownst to Darius, he was beaten about 60% as hard as Shim had been yesterday – a fact that still traumatized the fighter.

Shim crossed the Production floor with slow care, eventually making it to the guard and rest area. He looked around and saw the ground was damp in places – maybe Connal had been laid here? None of our gear so he went down the hall and up the stairs – 30’ to the next floor.  He looked around and checked out the nearest doors, not hearing or seeing anything. He was feeling a bit lost as he approached the nearest corner and junction. Where was Connal?

As for the monk, he waited for the 2 Butchers to not pay direct attention to him; one would only catch him out of the corner of his eye. He then ended the feign and controlled the groan from the aches and pains running into him. He folded himself up, reaching up slowly until he could grab the chain at the ceiling. Once there he extricated 1 foot, letting it fall free. Then the same with the second one.

At this point, the further Butcher saw him and was pointing and exclaiming. Connal dropped to the ground and leapt/limped to the nearer Butcher (who was a bit surprised), looking to silence him. A cleaver was lifted and then he watched the other Butcher lunge for a bell to ring. He grabbed the bell from this table and hurled it at the other guy – missing, and the pealing sound of the alarm bell rang twice. A trokar (2’ long sharp metal spike) was snatched up and Connal was joined in the fight against the 2 Butchers.

From the hall, Shim heard a crumping sound in the distance and then some ringing. Guards came out of nearby rooms and ran to the sound, the gnome invisibly following along. They stopped in front of a room and were hastily getting keys to open it. Inside Connal was getting hurt and cut, but punching and kicking out. He was growing frustrated as he glanced over and the door opened – and 3 guards in chainmail and with short swords were there, taking in the tableau. He snarled, tackled the nearest Butcher, and lifted him up, running for the open furnace door. He was stabbing deep in the back for his effort but he hit the opening and punching/shoving hard, blew the Butcher through the hole and into the  flames, making him scream. He turned back, soaking wet, gory, filled with holes, limbs still a bit stretched out, smoke rising from his skin, and murder in his eyes.

Shim quietly shut the door and locked it from within. He then called out a spell, bursting into view as the invisibility ended, and summoned – a giant ant. It lunged forward and grabbed one of the guards by the back of the shin. The other 2 guards approached Connal, but were spaced out slowly, unsure of the conflict. Connal delivered a few telling blows against the lead guy, getting stabbed for his efforts. Shim fired off a magic missile, scoring deep blasts into the next guard. The Butcher dove for Shim, cutting and hacking. A guard went down and the ant helped finish off another.

It was one guard and the Butcher. Just before Shim was skewered, Connal tumbled into the fight and took the blow for the gnome, who fired another 3 magic missiles at the foes, ripping him apart. Finally it was over – Shim had 1 hp, and Connal was at 4. The gnome was naked, everyone was filthy, and they had no idea where the gear was. They suspected it was behind the vault door in the re-education room so they were going to go back down there, get the key, and get our stuff. To do this, they needed to prepare. Connal strapped a short sword and scabbard to his waist and used 2 of the javelin back sheathes criss cross over his chest. Shim took a small back and cut out the head and arm holes, having something to preserve his dignity. Taking a tabard, Connal draped it over his entire body and then Shim hit him with an invisibility spell. The then sat in the crossed sheaths on Connal’s chest hanging on, and pulled the sides of the Tabard around him – hiding him from view as well. As a final, Shim prestidigitated Connal, spewing blood, guts, and gore everywhere.

They left, locking the door behind them, and then made their way slowly to the stairs. A woman was calling for the guard to come out, and was complaining to her work companion that they were slacking off and deserved to get in trouble for it. They made it to the steps and made their way down finally to the main room.

Stavraphore, Kelly, and the others were having a meeting with the guards there and we wanted to get closer to hear, but not be noticed. Shim reminded Connal that Kelly was demonic, meaning she could most likely see through invisibility spells. So they walked across the room to the far alchemy table and stood quietly behind the apothecists working there, their features if seen, would be distorted and obscured by the alembics and tubings.

Eventually the Master Apothecia was done and was walking back. They overheard him tell Kelly that if there were any other issues or any risk to us getting out, he was going to use the flood contingency (whatever that was), he’d lose some guards and apothecists but there were more looking for a promotion. As for his stock, he mentioned his prize and the trolls would most likely be ok. Kelly then said she wanted to go to the Rending Room as the Butchers should be done with her prize and then they were out of ear shot.

Damn it. Running out of time.

They crossed the floor to the metal key cart and gave it a good once over. Connal wasn’t sure he could take it as it was. Shim offered to ray of frost the chain to help weaken it – but they had to wait for a round of noise so the guards didn’t quite hear. The first blast hit and Connal pulled- no luck. But no one heard us. So Shim blasted it a second time, and the guards heard something, but weren’t sure what it was and got to quibbling. Connal pulled again – no luck. But the 3rd and final yank was the charm and the chain broke with a snap. This also attracted the guards but they did not equate it to the key or the crate.

Key in hand and riding on the sling on Connal’s chest, the two of them picked their way invisibly down the guarded hall – Connal for a change making excellent rolls as he tiptoed with care. They did pass the Angel/Valkyrie’s cage and she too could see through invisibility. She showed her happiness and pride for us, and motioned us to go and good luck. They made their way with slow care till eventually they arrived at the party’s cells.

When able to, they told Grendel to be ready and unlocked his cell. The elf nodded, holding the charm of the spear against his neck. They did the same for Rhygar, then Darius. They eventually came to Wilhelm and Eoghan, also unlocking the doors. But they must have made a bit of noise because the guards came to investigate. The party distracted them and Connal and Shim went on to the end of the block. The last guard was here in front of the Re-education room and we needed to move him.

In the nearest magically warded cell were three gnomes. So Shim waved his hand to one and tried to communicate with it as a burrowing animal. So he activated his innate ability and WHAM! The Runes fired off and the gnome in the cell was blown back, skin smoking. The guards all convened there and Connal ran to the last door, key out, and opened it up. But we were seen (at least the door opening real fast) and the guards came to stop them but they slammed the door closed and proceeded to lock it. From the other side they guards then went to attack the door, hacking and smashing at it, hollering back that someone was out!

4 minutes.

Grendel kicked his cell open, and whirled around, tearing the charm free. It enlarged into a full sized spear with markings of Loki upon it, and he one handed thrust it through the guard’s chainmail armor and 5” into the man’s gut. The battle was on! Rhygar lunged out and tackled the guard’s legs while Darius followed with one stone to the man’s face, slinging it hard enough to break his cheekbone, and the other bouncing off his chest. Eoghan was unsure what to do and got closer, but seeing the battle at the end of the hall and the guards trying to get in the Re-education Room, Wilhelm called to Frey and summoned a wolverine who attacked and savaged the last guard.

From in the room the two friends were at the door, hand on the big wheel when they stopped and looked at each other. Does this door lead to a vault – or the damned lake? Is THIS the flood contingency Stavraphore mentioned? Fuck fuck fuck! They knocked on the door but couldn’t hear anything on the other side.

3 Minutes.

Darius slung his last rock and hit the guard while Rhygar continued his grapple. Grendel was stabbing and the guard was hacking and cutting, critically injuring Darius’ man in the back. “Let him go!” Darius called to Rhygar. In the room the two of them ignored the sound of splintering wood and axes blows, running to the cabinet area. They tore open doors looking for anything they could use when Shim noticed a hollow spot under a drawer and pried it open, showing a travelling potion crate.

2 Minutes.

Grendel got hit next and we could hear guards coming down the hall, gathering and yelling. The Wolverine was kicked hard in the head and knocked aside. Darius had no more things to sling and Wilhelm called to Frey –summoning another animal –this time getting a crocodile! He sent it back to the guards at the halls’ end, the reptile biting and savaging the guy there.

1 Minute.

The door was about to give way and Shim and Connal opened the box, seeing 20 healing potions! They each grabbed one, drinking it down, feeling strength run back to them. Going to the door Shim was getting a summon spell ready and Connal palmed a second potion. From down the hall the party heard “DROP! DROP!” and the guard they were fighting fell to the ground – and a split instant later, the rest of the party did the same. But there were still 8 flatbows fired at the group – and it had a withering impact on the party, ripping flesh and piercing deep – everyone felt it, getting hurt badly. Rhygar was down to single digits and we were running out of options.

The door burst open and Shim summoned – 3 stirges! One managed to hit a guard but the other 2 were a nuisance and were then quickly whacked from the sky. Connal’s invisibility ended as they were defending themselves. The crocodile was unable to get another bite in but the guards were in the room and getting closer. Glancing at the door, the 2 friends grit their teeth, ran for it, and turned the wheel handle hard.

And the door flew in, driving the two of them back to the wall – and the waters from Dark Lake blew through the opening like a freight train. It lifted the torture rack and hurled it into the nearest guards, pulverizing them, before slamming into the door frame and splintering into pieces. A wave of water floor to ceiling drove all the air ahead of it and it raced into the prisoner’s hall and filled each cell along the way. The party all glanced over, saw the horror racing towards them, and rolled out of the hall and into the open cells – where the water drove them back against the wall and disoriented them as it churned onward. The crocodile was enjoying the ride, biting every guard that was in its way.

Portcullis at the end of the Prisoner’s block fell from the ceiling , trapping the guards in the hall there. As the water raced down there, slamming everyone into the bars and hitting the Production floor, Portcullis fell from the ceiling at the entrance to the Production Floor, trapping every Apothecia and brewer there amidst the shattering breaking glass and juggernaut of barreling water. As the lake filled onward it ran into the guard room and the stairs up, and the guards there ran on – only to be stopped by the portcullis near the top of the stairs, unable to get to safety as the water filled up to the landing of the 1st Basement but not actually anywhere on that level.

As soon as we could see – everyone was on borrowed time. Connal and Shim were first, swimming out the doorway and up 15’ to the docks above. Under the docks and hanging on to the pylons – the place above was a madhouse with people running about and guards demanding answers. People were at the Wendover Brewer and Apothecists and they were spilling into the street. Safe under the docks for now, Connal told Shim to wait and he’d be back. He took a deep breath and dove back under the water, swimming for the entrance.

Eoghan called on his Longstrider and was making faster swimming motions as the party swam as hard as they could for the end of the hall and the way out. A few of the group had some Endurance which might be needed, but for now, the party was looking to get out before their air expired. They passed Connal who was swimming back in, the monk motioning for them to all go go go. Once they were past him, he swam on hard, pulling and yanking his way forward and down the hall, concentrating on the diminishing air in his lungs.

The party all popped out the hole and to the surface, a few of us gasping for breath. Hiding under the slimy docks we were quiet and waited, hearing Stavraphore Morkanus as the Master Apothecia was trying to let the guards know that there was some sort of breach in the labs and they had to flood it to prevent it from getting out. Sounded like bullshit but the guards and watch were gathering. There were A LOT of people on land and we were very unsure. Looking down the docks, 60’ to the quay, there were some boats at the end there. Once Connal comes back, they were going to go down there, get on a boat and use the lake to get away.

Connal was making some headway and eventually came to the Angel’s cell. He could hear the trolls beating on their door trying to break out. The Angel was telling Connal to leave, her voice easily heard under the water. He shook his head and used the key to open the lock, swimming up to her. He mimed looking for a kiss and she motioned him close, lips on his and breathing fresh air into his lungs. Alright! Clock restarted. He looked over her situation and the silver cord went around her wrists buried in the iron, all the way back up the chain to the wall – where it was a knot like a cable. He reached into the hall and grabbed a short sword from a dead guard piled up there, glanced left, and could see the burning red smoking on fire underwater form of Kelly the demonic swimming closer – shouting, “No! NO!!”

No time to waste. He went to the wall and hacked at the knot of silver cable again and again until it finally broke free – and the silver light went out throughout the entire chain on her right wrist. She smiled and pulled and pulled until it broke free! 1 down, 5 to go! Connal was hacking at the next one and eventually got her left wrist free. Kelly was at the portcullis and could not lift it with all the bodies and furniture slammed into it. She was banging at it, trying to bend the bars but with little luck yet. The first troll had pulled his way free and into the hall, and seeing Kelly, swam to her to grab her arms through the bar and drag her closer, punching her in the face!

Having some trouble with the 3rd chain, the Angel asked Connal for a sword. He smiled and took the one off his waist. As she grabbed it her wings grew light again and the sword burst into flames! The two of them hacked at the silver, splitting a 3rd and 4th chain free. Kelly was dazed from the blows of the troll and jammed her hand into the troll’s face and let out a burst of hellfire, scorching the monster from inside his head out and killing him. She then went back to the bars and was really hoping to tear them out, screeching how she’ll, “Kill you! I’ll kill both of you scumbags and feast on your souls! Fuck!!!”

With the last blows of their swords, the Valkyrie and Connal splintered the last of the silver cords free allowing her to break the chains. With time running out, she hit the hall, smiled at Kelly, tucked Connal under her arm and put on a divine burst of speed with her wings, getting them away and leaving the demonic howling in frustration and despair behind. The light running through Ygraine the Angel grew dim and faint as the last bit of her stores fell away and she passed out at long last. Connal grabbed her under the ribs and swam the last distance out the door and up to the docks, with 300 lbs of unconscious Valkyrie with him.

We discussed leaving and agreed the water was the smartest way. Grendel led us under the docks down to the end and the quay. There was a single master skiff that could seat 8, a rowboat that we could get 6 on, and a canoe with outriggers on the right side, that would get 4. No one had sailing or rowing experience, but we figured rowing would be easier to do. So, sneaking on to the dock, Grendel found some rope in the rowboat and tied the rowboat and canoe together. No one was watching us now as there were lots of activity on shore at the Brewers. We manhandled Ygraine into the rowboat and Wilhelm, Rhygar, and Darius got on the canoe, the rest of the party on the rowboat. And then we cast off the docks and started pulling for open water, looking to head east to the forested bank a third of a mile away. 50’, no one noticed. 100’, no one noticed. 150’ from the docks – and still we were in the clear.

We pulled harder and harder, the entire group exhausted beyond belief. It seemed that we were eventually noticed but we were so far from shore, no one could see who we were or connect us to what happened at Wendover. As we rowed on, we noted what we had lost. All our gear, our magic items. Grin. Frontari. Jack. Lou. We had a sling with no stones, a Loki spear, two short swords, and our casters were about half way out of spells or more. We were also on 1/4 rations for the last day and were weak and tired. We were wearing underwear only except for Shim who was wearing a small sack.

The party was lost and without recourse.

At the shore we pulled past the cedars and cypress trees and then Grendel directed the group to lift the boats out of the water and onto the ground for now – out of sight of Wendover and for us to use. But go back now? That was suicide. We were in a hostile area with nothing to help us with and we know that in the wild – walking through Canaslan – off the roads were wild chickens who assaulted people often without fear.

Darius reached into his underwear and took out the letter we had been carrying for a while it spoke of an ex adventurer, a dwarven priest of Frigga, who lost all his friends on their last adventure and eventually was healed up. He opened a lodge where he sat on a lake by Nobleton – maybe 2 miles from here, still in possession of the original key to open whatever treasure they had quested after and failed.

Not to get on another adventure – but to appeal to the guy as a former member of the Greater Rand Sellsword and Adventuring Guild to help us out a bit as our need was dire. And we still had a tortured, scarred up, beaten and broken angel/valkyrie unconscious with us and she was going to need someplace to slowly get her energy back.

With no other good options in mind – we decided to wait here at least until dusk and then make our way for Nobleton. We looked back across the water to Wendover and scowled. We’ll be coming back. Soon.

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