This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Meet 26, Adv 10, 7/23/22

Captain Asher had a period of private introspection with Tyr, based upon the fact that he had a tattoo of another god prominently placed on his body. Specifically, Maglubiyet, the goblin god. He decided he was going to quietly pray to Tyr and try to explain the situation, when his god communed back with him.

And Maglubiyet as well.


Maglubiyet was willing to play 2nd fiddle for now, and would help Captain Asher get in touch with his inner strength and sometimes behave in a more goblin manner. To the Captain, this dichotomy was just…horrible.

We discussed further options and decided that we wanted to head back to Erylond at some point. And then Stivil. There were a number of things the party wanted to do and we needed a bit of a break for now from the Terror Dungeon. But we did have time to make one more foray in. And with the time still allotted to us, we wanted to go back to the Vault of Lathandar.

So it was 9:30 on Restmonth the 26th when we travelled back to the Dungeon, and made our way without issue around the first part of Entrance one and along to the closed Vault. We had enough pig’s blood for 4 trips in, so we planned out: Shim gets a dagger, Brading gets a Battle Axe, Darius get’s Armor, and then Wilhelm gets a scimitar.

After going in many times, we had gotten to ways and wherefores of the area down without issue. Brading hit the group with a Hide from Undead for himself, Asher, Thon, and Connal. And then they made their way to the room with the dwarven priest. Thon and Connal were successful in getting the key and we made our way to the vault. We placed a Battle Axe on the rack and Shim took the dagger.


We were out of the Glyph gate with an outrushing of air and waited a few minutes. We then did the entire area again, and this time Darius placed his armor on the stand and Brading took his now silvered battle and…


We were once more back out of the zone. Darius was feeling less confident without armor but we went in again, Brading casting the spell once more to get everyone hidden. We then got the key, went to the Vault, placed Wilhelm’s sword in the rack and Darius took his armor. We heard what seemed to be an absent “sigh” and the rush of undead outside the vault was less intense than it had been but…


We were again outside the zone. With our last vial of blood, we reentered and this time…things were different. The doors were open, no music from the Seraglio. Instead the door was open and there was a tray of wine for everyone to drink. We partook and moved through the throng of undead, most in weird poses. The room with the priest was open, a 4 count of ghouls were talking to one another, whispering, glancing at us. The key was in the priest’s hand, proffered for us. We took it and moved on, so disturbed to the vault.

Once inside, a good looking, tall blond elven male was standing there with a faint smile, motioning for us to come closer. The door closed and he introduced himself as an Aspect, and Avatar, of Lathandar. It seems our continuous entering and exiting of the Vault had attracted his attention and he came to see what was going on. He commented that there was a new adherent of his in this area now, the first in over a century and a half (Eoghan). But the continuous in and out of the zone had attracted him now.

We discussed what we were doing and he looked around. He asked if we could fill the racks a bit for now, it seems too many people have come in and taken and not replaced – making the vault seriously depleted. We went through our possessions and gave up as many duplicate metallic weapons we could. He indicated for Wilhelm to take the Scimitar we had placed earlier and wished us well on our way.


We were out of the zone again. From there we left the Terror Dungeon and then made the 2 days journey back to Erylond. On arrival we took a small tour of the south section of town for Wilhelm and Grendel’s sake before arriving home. Sybil was there as she had a young girl on loan from the Orphanage that she was teaching “cooking” to. You can’t take a person from the Orphanage. She’s on loan! Ugh

We did shrug off our gear, talked about training, and figured on the next day we’d take care of whatever needed to be taken care of.

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