This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Meet 115, Adv 14, 3/1/25

Workmonth the 7th, 8 AM. Darius and Wilhelm went off to the West Erylond Stablery where they each had their mounts saddled and readied to ride, water skins filled and then rode out of town, leaving through Thak (or North) gate. The day was warm, 75 at the most, cloudy, but pleasant.  The cats kept a great pace when able to, riding with Wilhelm when the pace became too much. The time to Stivil was normally 15 hours, but they managed to get the trip down to 10 hours by pushing the horses a bit.

They arrived at the city just about 6, going through the lowlands of the Passian Hills until the shattered walls hove into view. A ride up the King’s Highway, around the Colosseum, and then to the Baron’s Way beyond the cemetery. They came upon the Demesne of Baron Yanz Skuddrid by 20 after 6 where the stablehand took their horses in and the two were eventually brought to the Baron’s table. A late dinner was being served as one of the Baron’s knight errants, the Code of Chivary had him invited to eat and stay – and the same was extended to Wilhelm as his companion.

We talked about the days and things in Erylond itself but eventually it was disclosed that the meeting here was 2 fold – a desire for a hunting cat for Wilhlem, and a need for a private conversation with Baron Skuddrid. The Baron had many contacts with the Colosseum and suggested that the owner Djog, of Ursa’s Hunting Gear would be the best to get an animal. A page was dispatched to invite Master Djog here to see if he can help Wilhelm. As for Darius, he went with the Baron to his Smoking Room where the 2 of them shared a pipe and Darius tried to tell the Baron to be ready for something bad that was coming. Couldn’t give exact details or when, just very bad and soon. Get foodstuffs and supplies laid in place now. He was thanked and the Baron assured Darius he would begin subtle store layings in the next week.

Eventually Master Djog came and he and Wilhelm went off to the Colosseum, heading down to the 2nd Level where the fighting animals were stored. They did pick out a mountain lion that had been part of a limited number of fights. Wilhelm paid the facilitator his fee and then returned to the Baron’s Demesne with his new pet. He had it stabled after spending some time bonding with it and then went to his room.

Meanwhile Darius had gone to the Trades, where he made his way to Sweet Street, eventually arriving at Falser’s Confectionary. The gaily designed building and playground were quiet now this late at night but Darius went to the smaller gnomish door off the factory entrance and knocked again and again, eventually convincing the terse gnome there he was here on the behest of Shimlagesh and want to speak with the Falsers.

Malted and Uke did come and Darius was able to make the arrangement for a purchase of some falser’s Feelgood candy. There was some coded talk back and forth and eventually Darius left (after taking 2 of Shim’s 20 candies for himself), making his way back to the Demesne. Finally it was here that the two men rested, knowing they were going to leave in the morning.

As for the rest of the party, making sure the Desmondian Diamond was protected and on Connal’s possession, we left the house and made our way across town to the Adventuring Guild. The place was pretty empty, a single chambermaid and the Half-Ogre door guard were here. Eventually we had the chance to go to Pha’iyr Carom’s where we filled the GRSAG facilitator in on what we’ve been on about as well as the Doppelganger/Shimlagesh issue.

Eventually we did come up with the thought that we needed a place to lay low for now. The Guild has a number of homes not too far from the city wall for visiting druids and rangers who are uncomfortable in the city. He was willing to put us up in one for now for a 6 day window. We got the exact location and a key and then left.

Half the party went back to the house to pack up, the other 3 (Connal, Thalin, and Shim) went to the Mage’s Towers to see about selling or trading the Psi crystals we had gotten from the undead illithid and Dizzy’s room. We went to both the Celeste Firesworn (for Thalin) and Shandrila (for Shim). Both were very eager to get them and we had a number of things offered back for us. Eventually we settled on a Leomund’s Tiny Hut – openable 3 times a day up to a 12 hour window. 30’x30’ interior and she even through in some furnishings and a week of food. Even did some trading for a few spell scrolls which was a win for the mages.

The house had been packed up, soft goods – sheets blankets pillows. Some food. We tested out the hut and eventually rested.

As for Wilhelm and Darius, their trip home was without issue and we all arrived back together at the evening of the 8th. We shared exactly what we had done and learned, and agreed we’d go to the peasant’s hut to rest on a going forward.

It was about a quarter mile outside the gate, about an acre of property (75’ by a bit over 400’). Some food stuffs and brush and tree. We gathered some woods, took care of the property, and a nearby farm was willing to let us use her well to fill the cistern on the roof to about 10/15 gallons. We had a productive day and agreed that in the morning on the 10th, some of us would go to town in the Am to get some axes and some wood (we were going to need), and Wilhelm would go back to the house with Gryg to watch his back and get a local cat to act as an animal messenger for him to watch the house and alert him if anyone was poking around.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Meet 114, Adv 14, 2/22/25

The group spoke at length on options. Dizzy leaving us and Eoghan abandoning Brading were the foremost issues of the day. We had a few things to concern ourselves with. Ragnarok is coming. Asmodeus is expecting a contract back at some point at Donnegarten and even though it was Dizzy given, we are tangentially associated with it. The Infernum Tablets might have been enough to power the Desmondian Diamond but we no longer have them at our disposal and we need something to power the damned spell. Plus there was the entire Doppelganger issue out there.

Ideas were tossed out. Go to Pha-iyr Carom and see if there was a listing of clerics in the guild that were NOT part of the major eddas. Find Granmund and see if any divine items could be salvaged from his thefts. Go to Terror Dungeon and look through the Bugbear area for anything from Maglubiyet. Visit any of the Glyph Gates and bring back an artifact from them or there. Visit the Vault of Lathandar and speak to the seeress there for an answer. Take a look at the Sunrise Rabbits and see if the Font of Lathandar is a possibility. Shim and Thalin did go down to the house well and find the box with the Desmondian Diamond in it – not wanting to leave it there anymore since the Doppelganger knows its location.

The entire Eoghan thing also had gotten to a point of concern and the Half League Bracers were taken from the ranger and given to Connal for now. Darius put down his foot a bit as leader and we tossed around ideas that we should go to the Orphanage now. We know that a representative from the Tower of North Winds would be coming to cast “knock” on the chest in Dizzy’s room but that wasn’t until 7. There were thoughts of maybe getting the orphanage to clear out but we decided to just test to see if the diamond would even work.

So the party left the house, made our way to the Inner Circle gate, cycled through, and made our way down Temple row to eventually the Orphanage. It was after 6 so we had to wait to get cycled in, where the kids were happy to see us and Eoghan was greeted with thanks and respect. He went and looked over the Shrine of Lathander that had been constructed and then after talking to the Headmaster Hisvild, was escorted to the Chapel.

Here the Font was still in place and after Shim got inside, he was handed the Diamond, the party watched with care, has cast read magic, and then lowered the diamond to the water.

The pulsing light within grew solid and the entire thing glowed – but nothing happened. According to Shim, he could read the inside of the diamond. It seems that there is nothing to reverse and rewrite – because Ragnarok has not happened yet. Until it happens, there is nothing to do. The diamond cannot change anything that has not happened since the Norns only weave what has happened – not what might happen.

Ok – so we know the Font is acceptable as a conduit and power source for the Diamond. This means we could go back to the house for now and revisit this again should we need in a few days.

Back at the house Hurulf and his familiar a toad named Hoppy came. We escorted him to Dizzy’s room and then waited for him to cast “knock”. The chest was opened and the Tower was given their payment for the lost Mask. We looked through the rest of the coins and split them up amongst the party, giving some to Nate as well for his efforts back at Gorok. As for the other items within, we were going to sell some of them off and hit the bazaars and shops tomorrow to reoutfit ourselves.

The Psi Crystals would be sold off to the 4 main wizard towers for now. As for Shim, we gave him a password and hand motion to make, “Blueberry Muffin”, with a corresponding answer of “With Butter Please”.

The next day had Nate and Godric hit the lower class section of town, primarily the Bazaar and the weaponmakers. The fighter was outfitted with some new clothes, new weapons, and some gear as well. Meanwhile Shim went to the northern section of town to shop with Thalin there. The gnome was hell bent on replacing everything that had been lost, even if it wasn’t something needed. But both sets of the group had a successful shopping time. And the rest of the party outfitted themselves as well.

The next day was going to be the 7th, and Wilhelm and Darius were going to go to Stivil for a short excursion and should be back on the evening of the 8th barring any issues. The rest of the group had a short list of things they wanted to check out over the next day as well, and always we kept a weather eye out for whatever fucked up situations we did not plan for

Sunday, March 16, 2025

2nd Campaign, Session 3. 2/18/25

Icemonth 1st, 11 AM. Back on the forest path after the passing of the she-ogre dragging the brown bear, we proceeded westward with caution. The air was cold and the snow was a good 7” deep, but we eventually made a clearing. Oval shaped, and set in the southern part where two rises of hills came together, there was a white clapboard cottage with green shutters in the middle. The land a good 75’ around it was denuded of snow and covered in wild grasses, flowers,, and small bushes. A gravel path, shoveled clean, ran from here to the cottage, and two other paths went from there Northwest and southwest.

No one trusted it. We discussed options and eventually decided to head into the clearing and make our way roughly northwest. As soon as we stepped onto the path, the front door of the cottage opened and two matronly looking women in homespun and aprons came out. One had a rolling pin in the bodice of her dress and the other was waving. “Welcome! Welcome!” She called out. “I am Rosalinda and this is my sister, Rosamund! Please come and be welcome! We have some drink and cakes.”

“Rosalinda? Rosamund?” “Sounds like a pair of witches.” “We aren’t going to go over there, are we?!” “Didn’t the she-ogre come from this direction?” “Get us out of here.”

The paladin did his best to deflect the entreatment from the two women. “Thank you, thank you. But we are on a time schedule right now. Tell you what, on the way back we’d be happy to stop.”

“Are you sure? We’d love to have you.”

“I’ll just bet they would,” someone muttered.

We eventually got them to understand that for now we would not be visiting but would at some point in the future. They were disappointed but understood, making their way back inside for now with the promise to meet the party later. They went back inside and wished us well and once we felt safe enough (we didn’t), we moved on. We passed the cottage, staying ON the path, and then crossed the clearing to the other side and eventually getting to the path there.

We walked through the woods for an hour and a half, cresting up the rise and then down the other side. Eventually the path just…ended. At a cliff.

Over 200’ down to the ground below. The amount of trees were mind boggling, heading off westward as far as the eye could see. While looking over the area we could see about half way down, a cave was set in the side of the cliff. A very thin switchback and barely seen set of climb points could be made out. There were signs of habitation and old bones and blood smears – as well as charred bits of wood, testament of a fire. The placement made it well protected from casual of even determined attackers. Is this where the ogre came from?

No one wanted to risk the trek down there to check out the cave, but we knew that north of here was that structure we saw. So we stayed near the cliff line and made our way northward. It was slow going and when able, we used the trees and underbrush to help us scale down the sliff edges, dropping lower and lower to the forest floor, eventually getting to a place we could travel slightly easier.

The sun was pretty much set and we could see the large clearing here. The ground was pretty churned up and the trees seemed foreboding here. Not wanting to risk camping in the open, we backed up into the forest a couple hundred feet and then spent some time finding branches and digging out some places for bedrolls and rest. We ate a meal of rations and the paladin confided he did not want to use his helm anymore to melt snow. So the cleric opted to use his and we set up a rotation of watches. It was during the second watch, well after 10 at night, that the assassin heard some crunching in the woods.

He went out a bit from the firelight and listened. Yep, broken sticks getting closer. Went back and the party was awakened. Infravision revealed nothing so the gnome dumped a fuck ton of of kindling on the fire allowing it to flame up. The assassin quickly began strapping on his armor while the new light revealed nothing.

So a detect evil went next by the paladin who told us…2, 5, 6 figures coming our way. According to the paladin it was like a dry stale potato chip. Maybe undead. He enticed the party to get closer and his aura of protection flared out about him.

And coming finally into the fire light, were 6 hobgoblin animated skeletons. They tramped towards us and the half-orc called to Thrym to turn them! The power flowed but the skeletons moved on. Then the other cleric called out to Odin to turn them! And again the power flowed, but their faith wasn’t strong enough.

The battle was joined and it was at first a slow resistance, followed by a rapid destruction of the animated horde. The paladin’s aura made the skeletons' ability to hit the party problematic and the group finished off the animated undead. We policed the area and then crawled back to our bedrolls and resumed our rest.

We awoke the next day, Icemonth the 2nd and by 7 AM, we had broken our camp and headed off into the 10 degree weather. The clearing was a third of a mile north to south and a notch over a thousand feet east to west. The land seemed to rise to the east along the northern edge of the clearing. We crossed the clearing and about half way across on the northwest edge we could see reflecting light in the woods there. To the east there was a path in the woods heading to the rise.

We decided to check the metal first and came upon, just inside the woods itself, the remains of a graveyard. Stone walls, some wrought iron covered in rust. White tombstones and markers peeking up through the snow and brush. We gave the area some reverent silence and then left, not wanting to trod upon the resting grounds right now.

The path to the east here had NO blaze markings so our druid made her own and we went east. It was 30 minutes of hard walk before we arrived at the broken ruined walls of the monastery. The grounds here are overgrown with brush and trees. Three large buildings are still visible and whole- one on the south west section of the grounds, a midsized one on the east, and the larger monastery proper in the north and east. The garden here is a mass of overgrown thorns and vines. There is a pool, artificially made, by the crumbled mass of stone that might have been a trellis or bathhouse. A natural steam vent, 100’ long and 4’ wide took up part of the main grounds. A section of columns ran to the east, with a 12’ tall bronze statue of a rampant horse. And on the main building someone defaced the side with a painted and graffiti stylized depiction of Maglubiyet.

We discussed options and wanted to leave the main building for last. So we went to the smaller building on the south end. It was a garrison quarter at some point. The ravages of time were evident on it. Two main doors in. We tested the larger western door and it crumpled open, the woods soft and spongy tearing off at the hinges. We laid the door aside and it was a dining room. Long tables and some chairs. Most have been looted and tossed but the furnishings were still here. A few other doors here, one west, two others east. West door led to the kitchen. Three cracked pots and the oven was still here. The other doors led to 4 small rooms where a pair of well rotted wooden beds and tables and chairs remained. Private quarters once upon a time.

Decision was to use this building as a home base for now. We took the door of the kitchen and repurposed it on the broken one we took off the front of the building, making sure it opened and closed. One of the pots, a 3 gallon soup pot, had a crack in it about 1/3rd down, but would hold water for now. That took care of a better thing for us to use as water instead of someone's helm. And the gnome assured us without gathering, there was enough wood in here to fuel the oven, still operable in the kitchen, for 4 days should we need it to cook and keep warm.

By 11:15 we had the place set up and decided to head north and check out the monastery’s gardens. The original markings of the garden were in place and the plants seemed to be thriving, but only within the garden boundaries. The plants had intergrown and were a mass 4’ tall. Pretty much the Halfling and gnome were the only ones who could navigate the garden. There were so many types of plants – flowers, herbs, and food stuffs.

Along the east side of the garden were 3 large mounds of piled stones, some sort of original statue work? We went over there to take a look. And bursting out of the nearest one came a short spear stabbing at the party’s face! Goblins. Three of them. They burst from the stones and attacked the group, clad in garbage armor and sporting spears and shields. And the other 2 mounds had the same, more goblins coming out.

We fired bows at the distant ones, knocking a few down, while the party hit the goblins hard. A summon monster spell followed and a giant ant joined the fight. One of the goblins had an enchanted shield and while trying to splinter it, it rippled and flexed – but lasted! Until he splintered it again later and it burst.

Finally the 9 goblins were taken down and the party hit the druid who had been pretty fucked up with some healing, getting her back to positive. The party’s wizard was the surprise bruiser, clubbing at least 2 of the goblins to death – without using magic. We decided to use machetes and axes to cut paths into the garden here, gathering up food stuffs (potatoes and turnips, and carrots). The half ogre dragged the dead goblins to the side of the garrison, eating the left arm one of them – making the party’s cleric just point and say, “See!?! Monstrous races are not always…civilized.”

One of the surprise finds in the garden were some lengths of Teraniv Root, a mildly numbing plant that if purified can be used to make a deleterious poison. The party’s assassin took the 6 lengths we found and would be working on them later. Finished by 1 PM, we decided to check out the pool and bathhouse next.

The pool was artificially made, original swimming or duck pond from the monastery. It was large and dark green, rimmed by moldy well worn stones. No one wanted to risk going in or touching it. The bathhouse was originally 4 rooms and the ceiling had long ago fallen away. We looked through the broken stones for anything of interest, the half-orc and gnome doing most of the looking. And the gnome was attacked by a foot and a half long giant centipede! He was bit and the wound hurt! The paladin meanwhile had done a detect evil and outside of knowing that evil was done here some time ago, in the stone building just north of us at the end of the columns, had 12 points of evil within. And they tasted exactly like the skeletons we had fought last night. He let us know and we were going to have to take care of them and the situation tomorrow.

But the centipedes were easily dispatched and ran back to the cracks in the stone. It was now 20 to 2 on Icemonth the 2nd and we were going to decide what to do next.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meet 113, Adv 14, 2/8/25

With the armor floating over an invisible person, Shim cast invisibility again on Nate, rendering him and his armor hidden. They could hear the priests to the east so the two of them went westward, down the main hall until they stopped outside the library and looked in at Great Hall. Two guard dwarves, Okar, Hofning, and Klannus were here and talking in excited and conflicting tones. They could hear other dwarves upstairs and many commands. But until the space cleared out, the two of them did not want to risk trying to get upstairs and try and find their friends.

As for the rest of the group, after talking to the 2 dwarves, the decision was made to go back through the portal and return to Ralstrom’s room. Before they could do so, the two dwarf salves charged down the hall, makeshift weapons aloft, and one was commanded to die – and the 2 were then consumed by a flame strike spell. We gathered together and hid along the edges, hoping to surprise the priests before they entered but they cast an animate dead spell and sent the 2 dwarves in first.

We ran for the portal, flipped through to the other side as the priests were closing, and ended up back in Ralstrom’s room. The door was being forced and it was noisy as fuck in here. We ran to the other portal on the east wall and took it – and appeared somewhere else. We did know the north and east wall of the room was the actual cave. Which meant we were on the other side of the Homestead. It was a married couple’s room, pretty sizable, and fancy. Fendi and Logorian? Ralstrom’s kid?

Going to the door south, Dizzy listened and carefully opened it. We were in the East wing, and northern most room down the hall we had been in earlier where we shot the chambermaid. Connal took the portal stone out of the portal and put it in his backpack.

From the Great Hall, Shim and Nate listened as Klannus let Okar and Hofning know that the Ragnarok Protocol was enacted and will remain so in order to keep everyone safe. It wasn’t time to question the former High Thane and it was time to figure out who and where the Vanguards went and get them under control. Hofning wanted to talk to Froki who he learned was in the Music room so he went off there, leaving the other 2 to talk.

Eventually they split up and Klannus was asked from above about getting into Ralstrom’s room and the door was blocked by furniture. He gave the ok for them to go in through Fendi’s room and use the portal there. Ralstrom and a few of his guards came down the stairs and talking to Klannus, it was obvious, one of them was the doppelganger, Shekki. They headed off to the Parlor and the gnome and fighter followed.

From inside the doorway Dizzy heard the call to enter Fendi’s room and let the group know they needed to get ready to fight or get the fuck out of dodge. So Eoghan pointed the Half League Bracer down and fired it off – and the group slammed down through the floor and ended up in another room – the manstones getting more cracked and weakened. We were in a long room with worn out bedding, clothes, and the stink of uncleaned and unwashed clothes. Slave chamber? We went to the door and listened. In the distance we could hear some conversation, but nothing near by.

We snuck out of the slave chamber and went south, turning back into the main hall and made our way slowly and westward, avoiding everything we could until we arrived at last in the ballroom/dining room. There was a lone young dwarven girl in here stacking plates who was terrified on seeing us, until the monk leapt forward, knife against her neck, and hand over her mouth – and she was killed.

Eoghan tried to let the group know we were drifting real hard out of normal now and should refrain from killing girls and kids. Connal let the group know we needed to the western most wall and drill out – so he could fill it with fizzstone. He was hit with a strength spell and he began to dig while the rest of us looked around. Dizzy cast a Locate Object spell, hoping to find Shim’s clothes – but the 100’ range right now revealed nothing. We gathered and got ready in case anything happened.

At the parlor, Ralstrom had a long and candid conversation with the High Priest, Shekki, Klannus, Okar, and a few others listening in. His stoic dwarven guard was there with him. They talked about the party, Shim, the missing slave Nate, the Ragnarok Protocol, and the important work and time that is occurring now. Ralstrom really wanted to get the party and get them now. He turned to the stoic dwarf and told him, “Max, go bring them to me please. Enough of this cat and mouse.” The stoic dwarf bowed his head, thought for a moment, then entered the main hall and went west. “The rest of you, come with me.” And Ralstrom led them south to the hall and eventually upstairs.

Leaving Shim and Nate to wait for the right time to eventually follow.

Connal was drilling hard when Dizzy mentioned that something was coming and then the stoic dwarf entered, followed by Okar and Hofning. And like that, the shit hit the fan. Battle drew up fast with the group retaliating quickly. Dizzy got a lucky double critical on Max, stabbing him in the head and killing him outright. Fucking hell.

The rest of us joined the fight as Connal was drilling as quickly as he could. Shim and Nate invisibly came in and Nate got a good surprise hit on Okar. Some summoned animals happened and the party fought on and hard. Just as Connal got the hole drilled out and packed it with Fizzstone, Dizzy claimed the infernum tablet from Max’s corpse and Shim dropped a gelatinous cube on the other two, including froki!, ending the fight right then and there.

And the side wall exploded revealing a hole 2 and a half feet in diameter. Dizzy went full demon, abandoned the party and went down the hall to see Ralstrom. Each of us ran for the hole, touching the field, and ended up squeezed out on the other side in Odinstone Park.

Once we were all outside (not Dizzy), the local constabulary had gotten around us, questioning us, wanting to know who we were and what was going on. And it was then that Eoghan used the Half League Bracer and transported everyone 3 miles south. Him, Lexxie, Wilhelm, Jarjar, Connal, Nate, & Shim. The bracer could now move 7.

Except Brading.

What the hell? Why not him? Some random human? “Brading punched me in the face,” was the reply. The party nodded but a few of them were not happy. We had to convince Nate that going back to Gorok was suicide and that Kiera would be out in time. If he went back it’s a death sentence. “Like Brading?”

We used the scroll of Dimensional folding that Dizzy gave us before he left, and teleported back to our home. Workmonth the 5th, 1 PM. With an incomplete and totally fucked up adventure. No dizzy, a doppelganger with all of Shim’s memories for the last 2 years, and Brading lost. We did not have the contract to give to Asmodeus. We do not have the Infernum Tablets to run the Desmondian Diamond. Shim is missing an eye. The Happy Hunting Grounds denizens could not be returned right now. And Ragnarok could be here in 5 days.

What the fuck do we do. We gathered the rest of the party and returned the remaining Majorica Masks to Shandrila. She took them back but we would need to come up with the 1250 crowns to replace the missing one (the doppelganger has Shim’s). The thought was that there was something in Dizzy’s room we could sell off. A locked chest? Shim would arrange to have Shandrila’s people “knock” the chest open and pay the funds as needed from there.

We then discussed at length what creek we were up, the frustration the party was feeling, and the possible options ahead of us. Workmonth the 5th, 4:30 PM.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

2nd Campaign, Session 2. 2/4/25

Deathmonth the 28th, 2:45 PM. Group approached the cave. There was a 2’ gap at the top, perhaps 6’ wide. Cave had much brush and creepers growing across the entrance. Two of us proceeded to tear out the surface bushes before working further down, eventually opening a space a bit less than 6’ high for us to enter. Cave went into the hill and down at a slight angle, tons of rocks and boulders littering the ground, making movement slow and treacherous.

It took us almost 10 minutes to make it to a wide area some 60’ inside. There was little sign of bones or animals in here, and the place had a musty smell to it. There were three possible ways out of the large cavern, north, west, and south. We listened, hearing faint squeaks to the west, and the north was even more musty. Druid suggested bats as the squeak.

Going north the cave narrowed and slowed down, turning east and then ending at a small cave with a shallow brown coated pool in it. We tossed a rock in it, more musty scent. Fungi on the surface? Hit it with a stick and then decided to just leave.

Back at the center cave we opted to stay here for the night. Some of us went out for dry and fallen timbers and sticks. The gnome and druid cut the wood as best they could with a saw and it was Thobar who asked, do we have a pot? What for.

Melting snow and cooking? Our water skins were going to be dry soon. We could huff it back to the River Shrill if need be, but that seemed a waste of time. The paladin was the only one with a helm, and not a big one. But for now, he agreed for a temporary time to let it be used to keep melting snow and filling waterskins. We were banking the fire when the bats decided it was time to leave the cave.

And they flew right into us. 2 dozen regular sized ones and 6 giant bats (4 to 5’ wingspan). 3 of them hit the party and attacked. One at the half orc, one at the druid, and another tearing across hair and cloaks. The half orc BASHED the fuck out of one of them after ripping it off of his head and then beating it almost to death with his mace. It took off flapping wildly for the entrance. The paladin was ready to flail bash another and the 3rd just took off.

The one on the druid would not leave and the group figured to shoot it. At short range. And as expected, the druid took a crossbow bolt to the chest and went down with a gasp. We then tore the last bat off and the assassin and the half orc finished it up. Some healing was administered and we all nervously laughed at our first encounter and how it went.

We looked into the south cave and it was a slope down and lots of boulders here as well. But also much guano. The wizard took out his vial and did his best to fill it, but without tools he used his gloves and it was …gross. He went back outside and washed them in the snow. We broke into watch, 5 of us taking turns (gnome, assassin, druid, paladin, and half-ogre). We ducked out when the bats returned and by 7 on Deathmonth the 29th, we were ready to go out and explore.

We wanted to get a closer look at the statue but the cliff was 50’ up, and at a 70 degree angle or so. Did not look stable or secure. There were 2 passages through the trees up there, and one down on this level to the south. We debated a bunch and then decided to go south and see if there was an easier way to climb. As we went, the area of clear ground shrunk to about 30’ wide – the hill cliff up on the west, and a ridge going down 80’ on the east.

Finally some 40 minutes of walking had us at an area where the slope shallowed out a bit and we could risk the climb. Ropes and crampons came out and one or two of us made it to the top. A rope was set in place and sent down and the group took a long and slow time to climb up, Thobar actually sliding down and hurting himself at one point. It was almost 10:45 when we all finally were at the top of the ridge, then it was hacking, pulling, and rough terrain travel northward through the dense forest, eventually getting to the clearing again at 2:30. We broke for a late lunch and went back to the statue to take a look.

It was 12’ tall, humanoid, and after some wiping and looking over, the priest suggested that it should by Maglubiyat, the goblin god. There was a plinth it was mounted on so a few shovels dug off the dirt and loam and then we wiped it clear. The Wizard spent some time looking over the markings here and even though they were faded and incomplete – the statue was erected as a marker by goblins short of 300 years ago, commemorating a time when they did battle and defeated the forces of “The Horse Bitch God.”


Ok – this made sense.

The two passages up here, one went north west, the other south west –the southwestern one went over the rise and hill here. It was 3:40 at this time and we did not want to get wrapped up or lost. So we tied 2 ropes to the Maglubiyat statue and took our time climbing down again to the main floor of the clearing. We then went back to the cave, gathered more branches and firewood, waited for the bats to leave, then reentered and set up camp again. We did take a look in the last cave passage which split.

North wandered off and eventually came to a dead end. South opened up to the Bat cave. Floor was filthy as fuck, so much guano. The gnome and the half-ogre spent time with shovels and keen eyes looking around and their intense search was rewarded with…

5 guano covered copper pieces.

Such treasure. We agreed to let them keep it while we set up the area to camp and rest. As for the giant bat killed earlier, the half-orc had his skeleton servant take it out of the box and then with the gnome’s help, tried to defur and skin it. They took out the entrails, tried to eat the heart (it did not work), made some attempt to field dress it, then placed it on some sticks and roasted it over the fire. It was…edible. Barely. And the half-orc did cast purify food on it before risking a taste. We did the paladin helmet melting snow thing again for potable water and then went to sleep.

We rested again, 5 keeping watch, and awoke early enough the next day on Deathmonth the 30th without issue. It was cold and snowy today, just enough to be annoying. We left and climbed the ropes. Once at the tops we took the two coils with us and decided to take the north west trail.

Like the other one, the trail meandered through 2 steep sides of the hill and cliff down. 50 minutes of walking lead us to a split – north north west some more, or turn south. South seemed to go around the hill here so we went that way. To our west the land fell away and we could see a long lake, more rises and falls, perhaps a clearing far to the west, and maybe just shy, some structure poking up over the tree line – regular and grey. 1 mile away. The monastery? We would see.

It was about 10:30 when we arrived at a clearing. 450 odd feet diameter. A 30’ ridge ran through it here from northeast to southwest. A stream came from the woods to the south, came to the ridge, made a falls, and then ran odd to the north – most likely feeding the long lake we saw. Down at the bottom of the 90 degree drop and to the west was a passage through the trees. But getting there? Looked dangerous. The climb was perilous, and it was cold, icy, and snowing. We looked at our options and the best climber, the half orc, even with ropes and crampons, would have a 50% chance of falling. We could funnel most of the party down – but he might fall and the fall could be fatal.

We decided to follow the stream south into the woods and see if the area there was crossable. With the low temperature and lake there, the gnome volunteered to test out the surface. We tied a rope to him and after a few hundred feet from the stream outlet, he tested the pond. Rope tied to him and held, he went out and the ice made odd cracks and noises. Not safe enough. We brought him back and pressed on further through the woods. Another couple of hundred feet we tried it again and this time the ice seemed firm. It was maybe 700’ feet across to the other side. And it was here the gnome saw structures over there amidst a clearing. Tents and huts. And…greenskin figures around there are, many with orange hair.


He wanted to cross right there and kill them off but the party pulled him back and we discussed it. Ok. We could cross the ice here but at 700 feet it would be a slow walk across the ice and the hobgoblins would see us long before we got there. We could also try forcing and trail breaking our way around the entire pond – 5 hours? Also not worth it. We had two other possible options that we could take. Back at the path around the hill and keep going north. Or back at the Maglubiyat clearing and take the path going southwest up the hill.

We were back at the clearing with the waterfall by 1:15, and then we went north, navigating the narrow ridge. By 2 we had gotten to the northern leg of the pass and a few minutes had us at a narrow ridge overlooking the large north space of the western shore. Long lake, steam vents down below, mounds and hills. A clearing to the west. It was majestic, but also cold, aloof, and off putting.

And a dead end. Unless we wanted to rope and rappel down 100’ to some steam vents.

We made our way back to the Maglubiyat clearing, reattached the ropes, and went down the 50’ to the lower area of the ridge. We went back to the cave and by 3:35 started to gather wood and snow again. We waited for the bats to leave the cave and then went back in. camp site was set up and we arranged for watch one more time. 3rd night in the cave. We rested and were out when the bats returned.

Icemonth the 1st. 7:30 AM. Rested, ready, waterskins refilled, and on the way again. We climbed up the ropes by the ridge, untied them again, and this time went southwest to the path there. The path took us into the woods and UP the slope of the hill. 30 degree angle and most of the party was huffing and puffing, slow go, but doggedly pressing on. Eventually we arrived at the summit of the hill (350’ above the surface of River Shrill) and then began to descend down the path the other side. We could see through the trees here and see the same pond frozen that we saw yesterday to our west. Excellent! We had made a good choice!

It was 2 hours later when we had descended off the hill and came to a “X” in the forest. We could continue south, or take a chance on west southwest or east northeast. We knew the structure was northwest of here so we took the west southwest passage. This took us along the south end of the pond (when we could catch glimpses through the branches in the distance) and about 10:30 we came to a side path that went north here – or continue west with a faint northwest bent.

The gnome and half ogre were arguing to go north here and take on the hobgoblins, eventually convincing the cleric to do so as well. But the other 6 party members convinced them that this was not a good use of our time and strength and we should head off west again. We traveled at least an hour, a large rise of a hill was north of us but it was the Halfling whose keen ears caught wind of a noise on the passage ahead. Whoever or whatever it was was very noisy; heavy tread and some snapping of twigs and branches.

We opted to get off the path, heading south into the trees. The Halfling took us almost 70’ the path and told everyone to stay low and quiet. We could then see coming from the west, traveling east, a 9’ 6”, 800 lb, skin and leather clad large chested leather clad ogre. She had a 6’ length of tree trunk as a club in her right hand, and her left hand was holding a bloody and beaten to death 300 lb brown bear that she was dragging behind her.

We were so quiet we hoped she would pass by. She did stop and sniff the air, but grumbled and then moved on eastward. Once we were sure she was gone we came out of the woods back to the path and decided we were going to continue on westward. Icemonth the 1st, 11:00 AM

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Meet 112, Adv 14, 2/1/25

It happened, first time in a very long time (20 years??) I had a doppelganger hit the party and gave one of the players the doppelganger to play. He did a great job and really tried to kill the party. He's also out there as a threat against the group on a going forward. It was a hell of a session - and we had a new player at the table so he was, I'm sure, full of WTF is going on here!?!?

Write up follows:

We awoke the next morning and everyone felt a heavy weight in our hearts. Very far behind the dwarven gates, we have until 2 to 4 today before our masks fail. And Ralstrom seems to know all about us.

We were escorted to the Parlor where Ralstrom was holding court along with his house and the Underthane Hylf and his house. Breakfast was served, along with a sugar glazed sweet roll. Everyone either took or not, Shim demurred getting an eyebrow from Dizzy and Connal. And then Ralstrom talked about contracts and getting a thing done. Putting an end to things. He talked about Axioms, truths he had to adopt and make his effort to live into.

Forever Alive was the last but he thought it applied to the end of a world. Like he could see the great work that he and his mentor put into place 200 years earlier. But it was time to move on. He signed the Asmodeus contract and went to hand it to Dizzy. Then he asked Dizzy that this was an important part of his life. He could join here, learn the secrets of Dumethion, and get the answers that he had the questions for. Just agree.

Hand was out for the young dwarf to take, and Dizzy looked at the party and sighed. “I agree.” And shook Ralstrom’s hand.

Party was like, WTF? The Duke of Razors then told the dark haired dwarf, “Max. Engage the Ragnarok Protocol”: The entire place seemed to shudder and the dwarves in here were getting furious. Eoghan enacted the Half League Bracers and pointed west. Anticipating portaling the entire party OUT of Gorok and away from here.

We did indeed portal away – but it was only a hundred feet or so before we slammed into the walls of the Homestead from the inside of the Great Hall. The door was ajar but the door and windows all had a blue glow around them. There was yelling and excitement and screaming. We could hear Hylf Tworock yelling to the guards to find them. While others were yelling at Ralstrom about the Ragnarok Protocol and why did you trap us?

With no time to think, the party turned to the staircase at the back of the hall, spun up to the right, and moved forward to engage the dwarven guard there. Dizzy was holding back while Eoghan and Brading were yelling at him, what the hell was he doing!?! There were two doors for East and West wing, and each one had a platemail wearing dwarf there with a flatbow and halberd.

Combat closed and the two animals were sent off to engage the dwarves. Connal was in the front as the rest of the group closed to engage. At some point the monk was right in the dwarf’s face stabbing and hitting. He tumbled back out of the way and then…


He was stabbed in the back, sharp blade ripping through his skin and taking 18 points of kidney damage. And he looked. And just Shim was there. “Shim!? What the hell man!!??”

“I am so sorry!” the gnome replied as the rest of the party closed. We could hear the dwarves coming out of the parlor and exploring, looking for us. Servants and maids were yelling that they could not get out, the ways out were sealed. Dizzy abandoned the first floor and joined the group on the next floor up. And he could see the backstabbed Connal and Shim the only figure close enough to have kidney hit the monk.

Words followed and we could hear the dwarves getting closer. Brading finished off the local guard and tossed the key to Eoghan, intending to help the others find out what was up with Shim. A dispel magic followed – nothing happened. And then the Shim attack happened. A Psionic blast smashed out, we countered, and then he cackled and drank a potion vial – turning to gaseous form and laughing as he faded away.


Eoghan got the door opened and Wilhelm and he called the animals, as we all ran into the East Wing, slamming the door closed. We took a weapon rack from the wall here and jammed it under the knob after locking the door. What the hell man?

Rewinding time…

Shim had eaten the cookies and drank the milk and then got very sleepy, passing out. He awoke some hours later, his head hurting and body aching. He was strapped to a torturing chair with a number of studs along the inner bindings (wrist, elbows, neck, ankles, thighs). A grey figure had his hands on his head, plundering his thoughts, his memories, everything that made Shim Shim for the last 2 years. When it was done, the gnome was a blubbering mess and tried to get his bearings.

Meanwhile, Nate, a human slave, was here cleaning up the gnome’s spit, sweat, and excrement. There were some war pigs here, the master of pigs, a dwarf named Darfus, was watching the entire thing and laughing.

Ralstrom Thurman Gorok, the Duke of Razors was here; along with his quiet and menacing valet. He proceeded to let Shim know that he was lucky. Lucky to have any true sight. That was limited to Odin. But he was blessed with a vision. Of Ragnarok itself. So he needed to plunder the gnome’s thoughts and make sure they got everything. A doppelganger, Skrellix, would be put in his place for now and when the time comes, help eliminate the dangerous members of his party.

The grey figure then shrunk down to Shim’s size and took on his entire appearance. The Majorica mask was magically torn from the gnome and the doppelganger put it on, taking on the visage of the dwarven kid as well. Wearing the gnome’s stuff, he left, heading back up to the bedroom to take over Shim’s life for now.

Nate was signaling to Shim that he wanted to help but they needed to bide their time. And then things got a bit out of hand. Shim powered up a summon spell but did it in such a way that the meta magic occurred without moving his hands – and a giant toad appeared! And then the stoic dwarf grabbed it by the face…and THREW it across the room where it smashed into a table and Shim dispatched it.

“Splendid!” Ralstrom laughed. “See? I don’t have the true sight. Visions I don’t know! I can deduce and suspect, the Threadbinders can work the skein in limited way but we don’t know all.” A gag was then put in the gnome’s mouth and bound in place. Ralstom got closer and then leaned in. “Odin hung for 9 days. And he could see what was to come. I will have your vision.”

And then using a long sharp knife, Ralstom proceeded to carve Shim’s left eye out of his head. The gnome was screaming and wailing, gagged and bound, he howled and sobbed and wailed. And when the blood flow was too much and he passed out, the duke of razors healed him, had the stoic dwarf cauterize the torn blood vessels, and went back to slow methodical cutting and carving again. They took everything – the entire socket, leaving a crater in the gnome’s face. Shim died twice during the process – each time was healed up and forced to experience terrible torture.

Ralstrom kept telling him it was for the greater good and sacrifice is needed. Then he held the bloody eye and sobbed in pleasure. “I can see it! I can see the mountain exploding! Praise be to Dumethion! Oh! The norns! I can see them! So many threads are cut! So many threads are ended! It’s glorious! A life’s work….Glorious!”

And then the sick demented wizened nihilistic dwarf ate Shim’s eye and shuddered practically orgasming with pleasure.

At this point he wished Shim a good night and made his way upstairs. He had a big day tomorrow, would sign off on something he had left undone a century and a half earlier, and maybe get a new apprentice before the day was over.

Nate and Shim did their best to communicate, deciding to help one another. Darfus kept giving Nate directions and the human slave kept doing it. At some point he managed to get shim’s gag loosened. And then another time got a cut of the gnome’s wrist bindings. The war pig was the big problem but the two of them bided their time and after some sort of shaking occurred at the house, lured Darfus over and then Nate attacked with a Trokar he picked up.

The keeper of animals at the human slave tore at each other, while Shim fired off a magic missile spell, hitting the war pig. He was pulling and cutting , freeing himself as the battle continued, Nate getting cut and hurt, and then a gore from the charging pig. But a critical hit to the neck helped and Darfus slowly died as Shim was finally freed.

The ranger officer came out of a side office and Shim fired off another spell, summoning more monsters. Taking Darfus’ axe, Nate ran to the fight as the ranger officer fought a summoned 9’ tall giant spider. Eventually poison ran through him and he fell over. Dead.

The two of them regrouped, grabbed a few bits of clothes, ransacked the office for some potions (2 healings were given to Nate), took the battle axe, and they then feds the bodies to the 3 remaining war pigs. Hands were shook, Shim was down an eye, but they needed to get up and try and find the gnome’s friends. Took the stairs up to the Inquisition chamber where they opened the door – and it was the door that was at the end of the hall by the apartments. Shim made them both invisible and they ventured out.

Something was going on. The place was on lockdown, guards were everywhere looking for the party, and they needed to find them. They went north, Nate suggesting they go to the Slave chambers and entice the others in there to rebel. Two dwarves, a goblin. Invisibly they convinced them it was time – not a decade from now. But now. The goblin took the offered axe and ran off to the Chapel to attack the dwarven priests there. The others, getting Nate’s advice, went south to the Inquisition chamber to get some weapons.

Upstairs, the party talked about finding Ralstrom’s chamber here but while discussing where it might be, a chambermaid was wandering by, saw us, screamed. And Dizzy shot her dead. We ran into the hall andacross the way, bursting into a guard chamber while three other dwarven guards charged down to us. As we poured in, the lone guard in here still getting dressed was attacked and slain.

We barred the door, there was another door out of here. Brading was in the front and while Dizzy was trying to pick the lock, the 3 dwarves burst in and the battle was on. Brading took up the front, preventing them from swarming into the room, but the halberd attacks were beating the dwarven cleric up. He was forced back and the way was clear for others to come in.

We drew up battle lines to hold them at bat as Dizzy tried and failed and tried and failed to open the door. Arrows were fired, the animals ran forward, and we hit and beat and slashed. The dwarves were wearing platemail and even when they were hit, the damage was minimal at best. The battle took a VERY long time, and through it all – Hylf’s people had found the dead dwarven guards and were breaking down the door to the East Wing.

One dwarf went down, then the other. Finally the 3rd was dropped and we ran out of the guard room and went south as the Eastern Wing door was battered apart. We found Ralstrom’s room and shut and braced the door. And on the south and west walls were 2 10’ diameter portals. Talk was filling the wall with Fizzstone and blasting a hole out, or having Wilhelm crumble a section of the wall here.

Time was about out when we decided to hit the south portal, fire it up – and we flashed…in a large chamber that was used as an inquisition chamber. Two dwarves in rags and wearing slave collars were here. We could hear Ralstom’s people elsewhere in the Homestead. Back on the 1st floor. The dwarves were told to get weapons by their friend Nate and then join him.

As for Nate and Shim, they were invisible by the Chapel as the dwarves took the goblin slave down. It did mention Nate, and the dwarves were going to take care of the slaves. They marched off and the two invisible friends were tight to the wall as they passed. And it was here that Nate remembered the ceremonial Odin armor in the Chapel. He told Shim and the sorcerer agreed the fighter needed some armor so they went in and Nate began strapping the platemail on, while going on that they needed to find Kiera, and elven slave and his love, and free her – as the same time Shim needed to find his friends, tell them about the doppelganger.

There we go. Workmonth the 5th, 11:15/11:30 AM. Party is in 2 parts right now and both sets are on the run.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Meet 111, Adv 14, 1/25/25

Shim, Connal, and Eoghan (in masks) made their way to Carigan Runesmiths in an effort to be seen shopping around. The place was pretty busy and all the dwarven kids were given a mica chit with a simple light illusion on it (dragon heads typically). We watched them go off and then had a chance to talk to Breunor Carigan – one of the owners there.

Our cover was holding but not being able to talk dwarven had us then get a few dwarves talking to us in Goblin. It was stretching our credulity but we made sure to seem earnest and willing .Work was the watchword. Take a day or two, sure. But dwarves need to work. Dewarves feel better when they are working. There was some talk about the Thurban province having some need of a bowyer or Fletcher – a massive arbalest shop was situated there. We then ended with asking about rooms for let and two were mentioned: Goodsir Pengense Armorer on the east side of town, and the Dowager Bree Stonecutter just over here.

The other half of the party (Dizzy, Wilhelm, and Brading) camped themselves in the northeast section of Lombard Province by the North Byway and more importantly – in visible sight of Two Rock Homestead; where Ralstrom is supposed to be holed up. The wandered around Odinstone Park, a large expanse with a set of menhir stones and capped with an imposing visage of the Allfather. Some playing, some walking, some sitting and relaxing. A few vendors wandered about and we purchased Candied Meat!

Conversation turned to what kind of meat was it and we were informed it was Rothe. Undercow. We hadn’t seen anything like that but we were informed there was a Rothe farm and ranch in Thurban Province if we were interested. We did note that Two Rock did have a courtyard area outside the place and the guards were entertaining visitors. It seemed the Underthane was doing some business out of the Homestead but no sign of Ralstrom. Dizzy suggested we detour north and just check out the Rothe farm for now and then dash back.

Group 1 went to south street, wandering the boulevard until they saw the mailbox for Stonecutter and the standard hanging out with a room to rent. A knock on the door and Shim tried to start it off but the older dwarven woman didn’t want to talk to a kid. After that it was an awkward exchange with Eoghan in Goblin and the mean older lady who had a fluctuating price point and then eventually just shut the door in their face. Ok – this isn’t going to work – let’s try going to Pengese Armorer’s.

The other party took the Byway north, the wide thoroughfare angling up a few degrees. We emerged into Thurban Province and immediately we could see the almost entire eastern fifth was dominated with really large 2 ton short legged dun colored horned bulls. They were lowing and dragging themselves about, eating lichen, moss, and algae. A dwarven priestess of Idun was picking her way through the 60 odd beasts to cleared out areas and making the cave fungi there quickly sprout up for the next feeding.

We talked to the farm hands there and confided that we were always looking for work opportunities. They took us in to tour the barn and see the cows. 10,000 lbs of atrophied legs, 4 huge udders and teats from each side. Massive amounts of milk and they are in an almost constant state of pregnancy. We hit the store on the way out and bought a small wheel of mushroom spicy cheddar. And a 5 lb  wicker bucket of cheese curd.

5 lbs. We got a loaf of bread to go along with it and tore it into pieces and wandered back to Lombard and Odinstone Park, eating and commenting on a…how weird Rothe were, and b…how fucking delicious the cheese curd was

Group 1 went off to the east and across from Selvar and Dottr’s Weapons they found Goodsir Pengese Armorer’s. Same problem, did not speak goblin and they managed to find another language to talk in. He has 2 rooms, not big but sleep 3. There are other day laborers here. He is semi retired after his wife’s passing. Has kids and family that come back here and share home. 9 total in the house. 1 gold per room. Dinner on the table, doors locked at 8 PM. We discussed it and figured if we needed to reload the Majorica Masks, we could use Pengese and his family if need be.

Again, conversation turned to getting a job – a dwarf without one isn’t really doing his part. Day laboring is good but the arbalestor’s to the north might be best. Also, Connal (as Widow Shieldguard) could get work at the local manor houses. We paid and reserved rooms and would be back later with our friends.

By quarter after 1 we had all gotten together again at Odinstone Park. We shared what we had learned and seen and even the remains of the cheese curds. At some point we wanted to get a letter to Ralstrom but didn’t want to walk up to the place. So we composed a letter, dropping hints about Steading Manor, and ended it with A Sad Mouse. An anagram of Asmodeus. That should be enough to spur on. We were going to have the letter sent from Four Weather Hotel and anticipate a reply at the same place.

Going there we arranged for Blot to have it delivered and then wandered away. We went north to Thurban province, showed the other party the Rothe fields, and then went to Thurban Arbalestors where they were demonstrating war machines powerful enough to drop a dragon. Eventually we headed back to Lombard and on the way to Goodsir Pengese, we went to the Card and Table Inn where the barkeep, Santus outfitted us with a few libations. Brading somehow managed to get a mug out of it, and we then went to dinner.

Goodsir and his family were very nice and the laborers generous with their time and suggestions for work. After dinner, Brading, Connal, and Dizzy wandered down to the Four Weather where the other 2 held back and the cleric entered. Proprietress Mence was happy to see him and said yes, a letter did come for him. And it was from the former HighThane himself! Very exciting. So many people saw it. No, it’s still sealed, but his seal. And here in her place!

Urhm… Thanks. Dizzy took it and left. Meeting the other two and indicating they should go home. From there he wandered the streets but did so in such a way that he did not seem to be dodging. Was he being followed? Watched? He cast a mind read spell and tried to seem disinterested while hanging near the manor houses. Most of the minds he touched were of no import, one seemed satisfied and a job well done, heading north. He cast a 2nd spell and followed, reaching out and sure enough, same mind – something about Klanus, and would be pleased.

Feeling better, Dizzy headed back to Goodsir Pengese’ place where Brading and Connal met him and they all entered. Once upstairs, we shared what we learned and read the reply.:


Look forward to meeting you.

It’s been a while. Was losing hope.

Will see the 6 of you tomorrow.

Come for lunch. 12.


We rested and awoke the next day on Workmonth the 4th. We discussed bringing supplies and armor and weapons or not. Are we loaded for bear or not? For the most part we decided to leave belongings here and bring only a few weapons along. @ 11:45 we were @ Two Rock and the guards there. We seemed to be expected and the guards escorted us in. A servant for there to meet us and eventually after going through the Great Hall, we had the chance to hang our cloaks and weapons and head to the Parlor and Tea Room.

And here was Ralstom Thermun Gorok himself.

Older looking but he was animated and thrilled to see us. A woman, his daughter was here (the resemblance gave it away, plus she was sporting the same 2 and half foot folded straight razor, identified as Fendi. Her husband was named Logorian and seemed to be obsequious at best. There was another dwarf here, standing a pace and a half behind Ralstrom, black hair, black beard, something very dangerous about him. Like looking at a cobra. Ralstom thanked the Valet, Klanus, and then talked to us.

Thought the Asmodeus/Sad Mouse was a nice touch. Reminded the group that there were things that were secrets a century and a half ago and not everyone here knows about them, so please keep the secrets. Fendi wanted to know more but Ralstrom placated her. We talked about what we had seen and what eventually brought us here. He wanted to know more but wanted to also take the party for a tour of his home.

We saw the great hall, the library. The dining hall and the Ballroom. The Chapel and the Music Room. And finally the Art Room. It was in here that we came to the end, and there, dominating part of the far wall, 7’ wide and 4’ tall, was a depiction of what we had come to recognize as the Skein. The actual skein that the Norns had been weaving.

It wasn’t perfect – was crudely designed but made of precious stones and not threads. But the coloring and epiction could not be denied. We were looking at it and we know that the skein is supposed to depict what has happened – it does not indicate the future. This one seemed to. We could see the fall of the Randari Empire, and maybe the arrival of the Reetersbeard dwarves. But it was the end of the skein where it seemed to shrink rapidly on itself until at barely 1/10th its original size and was almost entirely in dark grey.

Gorokian standard coloring.

Ralstrom talked about his mentor, Father Enix Donnegarten and the lucky visions he had gotten. And how to avoid cataclysm, sometimes a hard call was needed. But enough of this, there was a banquet to come. Let me get you all some rooms here, and some clothes! He had his tailor, Miller, come and after we were escorted down the east hall past the Chapel, there were 10 apartments for visiting guests. Each of us was given a private 10x 20 room and a servant to help us get washed up and dressed. Clothes were laid out and Miller had problems with those in a Majorica Mask as the cuts did not line up when they were dressed but eventually everyone had a real nice courtier shirt. At some point some bathwater was spilled in the hall and Dizzy thought he saw a human in a slave collar sweeping it up! Human!? In Gorok!?! And humans were not slaves. He went out to look and didn’t see anything.

Dinner was at 5 and we met not only the entirety of Ralstom’s staff, but also the Underthane Hylf and his wife and kids. His Sergeant at arms Okar and family, the Arcanist Hofning, and the Threadbinder Seer Froki. People we had met 7 months earlier. In Erylond. After they tried to steal kids. And the damned Font of Lathandar. Jessie was terrified at dinner, hiding in Eoghan’s shirt. Hidden now in the Masks we were ok – but we needed to be on our guard.

But we ate and drank and watched. Eventually we went to the Parlor after dinner and dessert and talked more freely. Dizzy explained about the gates (without saying anything incriminating) and that he could not close the gate as it had been Ralstrom who signed off on its opening. He was honestly surprised as he did not know it had actually opened as the Randari had been coming and everyone was supposed to be preparing for their arrival and onslaught. He apologized and agreed to read the missive. Would look it over and sign in the morning.

We talked about the possibility of the denizens of the Happy Hunting Grounds and their fucked up existence the last century plus. He then turned it to the end of things. And wrapping up a project. And being on the vanguard. Letting us know that he suspected about the upcoming Ragnarok and our part in it. Wanted us to get some sleep and by 8:30 PM on Workmonth the 4th, the party made their way to their rooms and bed.

Shim tried to sneak out to Connal’s room keeping up the pretence of being a little girl and needing his mom, but the guard there reminded Shim he had to stay in his own room. He did ask for a snack and the guards brought him some milk and cookies which he ate and then sated, went to sleep. We all rested knowing that the next day was going to be a big one.