The group spoke at length on options. Dizzy leaving us and Eoghan abandoning Brading were the foremost issues of the day. We had a few things to concern ourselves with. Ragnarok is coming. Asmodeus is expecting a contract back at some point at Donnegarten and even though it was Dizzy given, we are tangentially associated with it. The Infernum Tablets might have been enough to power the Desmondian Diamond but we no longer have them at our disposal and we need something to power the damned spell. Plus there was the entire Doppelganger issue out there.
Ideas were tossed out. Go to Pha-iyr Carom and see if there was a listing of clerics in the guild that were NOT part of the major eddas. Find Granmund and see if any divine items could be salvaged from his thefts. Go to Terror Dungeon and look through the Bugbear area for anything from Maglubiyet. Visit any of the Glyph Gates and bring back an artifact from them or there. Visit the Vault of Lathandar and speak to the seeress there for an answer. Take a look at the Sunrise Rabbits and see if the Font of Lathandar is a possibility. Shim and Thalin did go down to the house well and find the box with the Desmondian Diamond in it – not wanting to leave it there anymore since the Doppelganger knows its location.
The entire Eoghan thing also had gotten to a point of concern and the Half League Bracers were taken from the ranger and given to Connal for now. Darius put down his foot a bit as leader and we tossed around ideas that we should go to the Orphanage now. We know that a representative from the Tower of North Winds would be coming to cast “knock” on the chest in Dizzy’s room but that wasn’t until 7. There were thoughts of maybe getting the orphanage to clear out but we decided to just test to see if the diamond would even work.
So the party left the house, made our way to the Inner Circle gate, cycled through, and made our way down Temple row to eventually the Orphanage. It was after 6 so we had to wait to get cycled in, where the kids were happy to see us and Eoghan was greeted with thanks and respect. He went and looked over the Shrine of Lathander that had been constructed and then after talking to the Headmaster Hisvild, was escorted to the Chapel.
Here the Font was still in place and after Shim got inside, he was handed the Diamond, the party watched with care, has cast read magic, and then lowered the diamond to the water.
The pulsing light within grew solid and the entire thing glowed – but nothing happened. According to Shim, he could read the inside of the diamond. It seems that there is nothing to reverse and rewrite – because Ragnarok has not happened yet. Until it happens, there is nothing to do. The diamond cannot change anything that has not happened since the Norns only weave what has happened – not what might happen.
Ok – so we know the Font is acceptable as a conduit and power source for the Diamond. This means we could go back to the house for now and revisit this again should we need in a few days.
Back at the house Hurulf and his familiar a toad named Hoppy came. We escorted him to Dizzy’s room and then waited for him to cast “knock”. The chest was opened and the Tower was given their payment for the lost Mask. We looked through the rest of the coins and split them up amongst the party, giving some to Nate as well for his efforts back at Gorok. As for the other items within, we were going to sell some of them off and hit the bazaars and shops tomorrow to reoutfit ourselves.
The Psi Crystals would be sold off to the 4 main wizard towers for now. As for Shim, we gave him a password and hand motion to make, “Blueberry Muffin”, with a corresponding answer of “With Butter Please”.
The next day had Nate and Godric hit the lower class section of town, primarily the Bazaar and the weaponmakers. The fighter was outfitted with some new clothes, new weapons, and some gear as well. Meanwhile Shim went to the northern section of town to shop with Thalin there. The gnome was hell bent on replacing everything that had been lost, even if it wasn’t something needed. But both sets of the group had a successful shopping time. And the rest of the party outfitted themselves as well.
The next day was going to be the 7th, and Wilhelm and Darius were going to go to Stivil for a short excursion and should be back on the evening of the 8th barring any issues. The rest of the group had a short list of things they wanted to check out over the next day as well, and always we kept a weather eye out for whatever fucked up situations we did not plan for
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