Shim, Connal, and Eoghan (in masks) made their way to Carigan Runesmiths in an effort to be seen shopping around. The place was pretty busy and all the dwarven kids were given a mica chit with a simple light illusion on it (dragon heads typically). We watched them go off and then had a chance to talk to Breunor Carigan – one of the owners there.
Our cover was holding but not being able to talk dwarven had us then get a few dwarves talking to us in Goblin. It was stretching our credulity but we made sure to seem earnest and willing .Work was the watchword. Take a day or two, sure. But dwarves need to work. Dewarves feel better when they are working. There was some talk about the Thurban province having some need of a bowyer or Fletcher – a massive arbalest shop was situated there. We then ended with asking about rooms for let and two were mentioned: Goodsir Pengense Armorer on the east side of town, and the Dowager Bree Stonecutter just over here.
The other half of the party (Dizzy, Wilhelm, and Brading) camped themselves in the northeast section of Lombard Province by the North Byway and more importantly – in visible sight of Two Rock Homestead; where Ralstrom is supposed to be holed up. The wandered around Odinstone Park, a large expanse with a set of menhir stones and capped with an imposing visage of the Allfather. Some playing, some walking, some sitting and relaxing. A few vendors wandered about and we purchased Candied Meat!
Conversation turned to what kind of meat was it and we were informed it was Rothe. Undercow. We hadn’t seen anything like that but we were informed there was a Rothe farm and ranch in Thurban Province if we were interested. We did note that Two Rock did have a courtyard area outside the place and the guards were entertaining visitors. It seemed the Underthane was doing some business out of the Homestead but no sign of Ralstrom. Dizzy suggested we detour north and just check out the Rothe farm for now and then dash back.
Group 1 went to south street, wandering the boulevard until they saw the mailbox for Stonecutter and the standard hanging out with a room to rent. A knock on the door and Shim tried to start it off but the older dwarven woman didn’t want to talk to a kid. After that it was an awkward exchange with Eoghan in Goblin and the mean older lady who had a fluctuating price point and then eventually just shut the door in their face. Ok – this isn’t going to work – let’s try going to Pengese Armorer’s.
The other party took the Byway north, the wide thoroughfare angling up a few degrees. We emerged into Thurban Province and immediately we could see the almost entire eastern fifth was dominated with really large 2 ton short legged dun colored horned bulls. They were lowing and dragging themselves about, eating lichen, moss, and algae. A dwarven priestess of Idun was picking her way through the 60 odd beasts to cleared out areas and making the cave fungi there quickly sprout up for the next feeding.
We talked to the farm hands there and confided that we were always looking for work opportunities. They took us in to tour the barn and see the cows. 10,000 lbs of atrophied legs, 4 huge udders and teats from each side. Massive amounts of milk and they are in an almost constant state of pregnancy. We hit the store on the way out and bought a small wheel of mushroom spicy cheddar. And a 5 lb wicker bucket of cheese curd.
5 lbs. We got a loaf of bread to go along with it and tore it into pieces and wandered back to Lombard and Odinstone Park, eating and commenting on a…how weird Rothe were, and b…how fucking delicious the cheese curd was
Group 1 went off to the east and across from Selvar and Dottr’s Weapons they found Goodsir Pengese Armorer’s. Same problem, did not speak goblin and they managed to find another language to talk in. He has 2 rooms, not big but sleep 3. There are other day laborers here. He is semi retired after his wife’s passing. Has kids and family that come back here and share home. 9 total in the house. 1 gold per room. Dinner on the table, doors locked at 8 PM. We discussed it and figured if we needed to reload the Majorica Masks, we could use Pengese and his family if need be.
Again, conversation turned to getting a job – a dwarf without one isn’t really doing his part. Day laboring is good but the arbalestor’s to the north might be best. Also, Connal (as Widow Shieldguard) could get work at the local manor houses. We paid and reserved rooms and would be back later with our friends.
By quarter after 1 we had all gotten together again at Odinstone Park. We shared what we had learned and seen and even the remains of the cheese curds. At some point we wanted to get a letter to Ralstrom but didn’t want to walk up to the place. So we composed a letter, dropping hints about Steading Manor, and ended it with A Sad Mouse. An anagram of Asmodeus. That should be enough to spur on. We were going to have the letter sent from Four Weather Hotel and anticipate a reply at the same place.
Going there we arranged for Blot to have it delivered and then wandered away. We went north to Thurban province, showed the other party the Rothe fields, and then went to Thurban Arbalestors where they were demonstrating war machines powerful enough to drop a dragon. Eventually we headed back to Lombard and on the way to Goodsir Pengese, we went to the Card and Table Inn where the barkeep, Santus outfitted us with a few libations. Brading somehow managed to get a mug out of it, and we then went to dinner.
Goodsir and his family were very nice and the laborers generous with their time and suggestions for work. After dinner, Brading, Connal, and Dizzy wandered down to the Four Weather where the other 2 held back and the cleric entered. Proprietress Mence was happy to see him and said yes, a letter did come for him. And it was from the former HighThane himself! Very exciting. So many people saw it. No, it’s still sealed, but his seal. And here in her place!
Urhm… Thanks. Dizzy took it and left. Meeting the other two and indicating they should go home. From there he wandered the streets but did so in such a way that he did not seem to be dodging. Was he being followed? Watched? He cast a mind read spell and tried to seem disinterested while hanging near the manor houses. Most of the minds he touched were of no import, one seemed satisfied and a job well done, heading north. He cast a 2nd spell and followed, reaching out and sure enough, same mind – something about Klanus, and would be pleased.
Feeling better, Dizzy headed back to Goodsir Pengese’ place where Brading and Connal met him and they all entered. Once upstairs, we shared what we learned and read the reply.:
Look forward to meeting you.
It’s been a while. Was losing hope.
Will see the 6 of you tomorrow.
Come for lunch. 12.
We rested and awoke the next day on Workmonth the 4th. We discussed bringing supplies and armor and weapons or not. Are we loaded for bear or not? For the most part we decided to leave belongings here and bring only a few weapons along. @ 11:45 we were @ Two Rock and the guards there. We seemed to be expected and the guards escorted us in. A servant for there to meet us and eventually after going through the Great Hall, we had the chance to hang our cloaks and weapons and head to the Parlor and Tea Room.
And here was Ralstom Thermun Gorok himself.
Older looking but he was animated and thrilled to see us. A woman, his daughter was here (the resemblance gave it away, plus she was sporting the same 2 and half foot folded straight razor, identified as Fendi. Her husband was named Logorian and seemed to be obsequious at best. There was another dwarf here, standing a pace and a half behind Ralstrom, black hair, black beard, something very dangerous about him. Like looking at a cobra. Ralstom thanked the Valet, Klanus, and then talked to us.
Thought the Asmodeus/Sad Mouse was a nice touch. Reminded the group that there were things that were secrets a century and a half ago and not everyone here knows about them, so please keep the secrets. Fendi wanted to know more but Ralstrom placated her. We talked about what we had seen and what eventually brought us here. He wanted to know more but wanted to also take the party for a tour of his home.
We saw the great hall, the library. The dining hall and the Ballroom. The Chapel and the Music Room. And finally the Art Room. It was in here that we came to the end, and there, dominating part of the far wall, 7’ wide and 4’ tall, was a depiction of what we had come to recognize as the Skein. The actual skein that the Norns had been weaving.
It wasn’t perfect – was crudely designed but made of precious stones and not threads. But the coloring and epiction could not be denied. We were looking at it and we know that the skein is supposed to depict what has happened – it does not indicate the future. This one seemed to. We could see the fall of the Randari Empire, and maybe the arrival of the Reetersbeard dwarves. But it was the end of the skein where it seemed to shrink rapidly on itself until at barely 1/10th its original size and was almost entirely in dark grey.
Gorokian standard coloring.
Ralstrom talked about his mentor, Father Enix Donnegarten and the lucky visions he had gotten. And how to avoid cataclysm, sometimes a hard call was needed. But enough of this, there was a banquet to come. Let me get you all some rooms here, and some clothes! He had his tailor, Miller, come and after we were escorted down the east hall past the Chapel, there were 10 apartments for visiting guests. Each of us was given a private 10x 20 room and a servant to help us get washed up and dressed. Clothes were laid out and Miller had problems with those in a Majorica Mask as the cuts did not line up when they were dressed but eventually everyone had a real nice courtier shirt. At some point some bathwater was spilled in the hall and Dizzy thought he saw a human in a slave collar sweeping it up! Human!? In Gorok!?! And humans were not slaves. He went out to look and didn’t see anything.
Dinner was at 5 and we met not only the entirety of Ralstom’s staff, but also the Underthane Hylf and his wife and kids. His Sergeant at arms Okar and family, the Arcanist Hofning, and the Threadbinder Seer Froki. People we had met 7 months earlier. In Erylond. After they tried to steal kids. And the damned Font of Lathandar. Jessie was terrified at dinner, hiding in Eoghan’s shirt. Hidden now in the Masks we were ok – but we needed to be on our guard.
But we ate and drank and watched. Eventually we went to the Parlor after dinner and dessert and talked more freely. Dizzy explained about the gates (without saying anything incriminating) and that he could not close the gate as it had been Ralstrom who signed off on its opening. He was honestly surprised as he did not know it had actually opened as the Randari had been coming and everyone was supposed to be preparing for their arrival and onslaught. He apologized and agreed to read the missive. Would look it over and sign in the morning.
We talked about the possibility of the denizens of the Happy Hunting Grounds and their fucked up existence the last century plus. He then turned it to the end of things. And wrapping up a project. And being on the vanguard. Letting us know that he suspected about the upcoming Ragnarok and our part in it. Wanted us to get some sleep and by 8:30 PM on Workmonth the 4th, the party made their way to their rooms and bed.
Shim tried to sneak out to Connal’s room keeping up the pretence of being a little girl and needing his mom, but the guard there reminded Shim he had to stay in his own room. He did ask for a snack and the guards brought him some milk and cookies which he ate and then sated, went to sleep. We all rested knowing that the next day was going to be a big one.
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