This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Meet 88, Adv 12, 5/4/24

During the time the group was out adventuring the rest of the party had gotten around to some other things. For the most part, the group had gone to do some work at invitation to Glagdir Province, as honored and respected guests. Darius made his way to Stivil to meet with Baron Skuddrid regarding his acquiring of spurs and squiring for a number of the knight errants in his employ. At some point Eoghan and Wilhelm made their way to Ironcamp to get another mountain lion. And Connal was doing work for the Church of Sif and the Abbess, trying his best to be excellent but also feeling underutilized.

Shim was constantly suffering from late night terrors regarding the image he had gotten from his brief congress with the Desmondian Diamond. The repeated explosion of the mountain plagued his dreams, giving him an exhausted look at best.

The Reeteresbeard caravan had come to town and it was a week-long experience. The first couple days circus troops and road repair crews came through. Minstrels and bards played, and then the caravans themselves hit. They stayed almost 3 days before moving on. 3 thousand merchants and 6 to 7 thousand support staff or farriers, teamsters, guards, cooks, weavers, and everything else in between accompanied the huge rolling mass of dwarven merchants. Then even after they left, it was 2 more days of lesser caravans looking to sell and buy for those that missed out on the Reetersbeard wares and deals.

Shim had attempted to perform some dye works during this time as Glagdir province asked for some months ago, but the actual dyers guild got wind of it and accosted him in the town, getting the local constabulary involved. Shim played up his height and that he was a kid while the dyers wanted him to stop. It was a chaotic situation but Shim managed to escape and avoid the attention of any of the Nightwood Impressors that were in the area.

As for the rest of the party, they did eventually come back and listened to the other half talk about their exploits in Grymeria. They did downplay it and let the matter drift away. As for what was to happen, some training was called for and then a trip back to the Terror Dungeon. The group that had just adventured was going to spend weeks getting up to speed. Thalin had selected a school of magic and went to the tower – but he went to the tower that was not run by an elven archmage. Shim went as his 2nd, and the test was administered, but afterwards, Lector Warnock from Tilani spent some time filling Thalin in on the elven situation and that he for some reason, had done something that flew in the face of the Gorokian empire. More cannot be said as it was a private conversation, but rest assured, Thalin learned much this day.

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