This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Meet 51, Adv 11, 4/22/23

The group entered what a player at my table referred to as New Jack City - a place of criminal enterprises. They had a chance to look around, went to the place in question, and then were interviewed by the head guy - who Bond Villain took them to the dungeon filled with things he harvests for blood and stuff - including a Valkyrie. A damned angel. And then his pet demon helped subdue them all and threw them in the same dungeon with almost nothing to their name.

And now they have to somehow come up with a plan to escape. 5 of the 6 at the table are enjoying the hell out of it. 1 is not and we had some words...twice...on his actions and attitudes. It has gotten better but there were some rough interactions during this time.

Rule # 1, Always have fun.


We awoke the next day on Plantmonth the 26th and after breakfast, were on the road by 8 AM. The sky was blue and the air cool enough. Eoghan was in a rare mood and was not adopting any foolishness on this day. We left the byway and were on the Randari Traderoad, heading east. We hit the outskirts of the town of Third by 9 and then turned here up the Greater North Highway.

The name was more descriptive than anything as it pretty much stayed a 25’ two rut path making its way through the copse and farmlands north of Third. Wild wheat was prominent as we headed onward and within ¾ of a mile, the density of the woods thickened quite a bit, making our passage through the area strange with a full canopy overhead even with 25’ of roadbed. There was a small clearing on both sides of chopped trees and stumps but we were pretty much alone, walking through the thick dense forest north of Third.

It was a bit about quarter to 11 when the trees grew thin once more and the land rose a bit. To the east was a sizable lake, over a mile north to south and maybe a third of that east to west. Numerous skiffs and canoes were plying the waters and we could see a mishmash of docks and quays sticking into the water's surface from the walled city on the lake’s shore. This must be Wendover. The walls were thick and over 20’ tall. Crenelations and watch towers adorned the parapets and we could see surprisingly well armed and armored figures walking pickets. A shanty town was just before the gates before we could make the first guards.

A 4 count, professional and ready, took our information as well as the fact that a few of us were spellcasters. We had to wait to be allowed in through the portcullis and then the barbican and the opposite portcullis. The fact that this town did not exist more than 10 years ago and the amount of possible underground and criminal activities that would be taking place beyond the walls were concerning. Our thoughts were to come here, get the information we needed, and then leave. Eoghan and Connal were concerned as to why were going this far and sticking our necks out. Darius countered that it was the right thing to do.

Once inside the main square seemed incongruous . Kids playing, a dog running, happy families walking about. It was off the main road that we could see Wendover was a place where people were doing what they needed to do – and anything else was window dressing. Also, just humans and pure elves were her – no dwarves, gnomes, or any orcish type. Curious. We eventually came to the area that was the “Storied District” – not too far from the waters where some sluices powered a water wheel and some triphammers. Steps lifted the group higher and higher until we were well over the water table.

The town was well laid out with neat streets and proper signage – both common and standards. We did indeed find Wendover Brewers and Apothecists without too much issue. We rang for service and gave our name to a functionary within. More well dressed and prepared guards were about. Dropping Stavraphore Morkanus’ name and the fact that a shipment didn’t get where it needed to be, we managed to grease the wheels to meet with the company head. We went to the back of the building and then down the stairs 30’ to the basement. From here we went through a number of drying and preparing rooms where Shim and Wilhelm were able to detect a number of herbs in the area, including mandrake root – a rare and difficult herb to acquire. And that was just in the burn barrel. What was going on here?

Eventually past a number of smaller closed room and halls, we came to meeting room with 2 other doors. (Everyone make a Will save please. Anyone over a 20? Connal only – thanks. What? Oh, no reason, play on.) The conference table would seat 10 and in here we managed to meet with Stavraphore Morkanus, and Master Apothecie here at Wendover. A nervous red haired heroin tall and thin woman with a obsequious manner named Kelli was acting as his assistant.

We explained about the lost shipment and that it was found. We described it and some of the situation around it. Stavraphore thought at first that we were shaking him down to deliver the shipment and had his delivery guys/thugs come in, a real ginzaloon looking piece of shit named Raggar. Raggar described the delivery to Hillscar, the condition of the box, and the 4 orcish bints he had there. Excuse me? The orcish girls, he had his guys get them from the many endless supply of orcish scum out there in the Randari wild and sent them along with the philters.

Stavraphore thanked him and Raggar left but was still nearby. Group was keeping it under wraps as we learned the orcs were there on purpose and were put there by Wendover. The Philter? It was for the Rector at the church of Freya in Erylond and if imbibed, would make him irresistible to whatever women were nearby. The orc girls were to effect a proof – the Apothecist was pissed to learn that the philters had been smashed and those who got in on themselves, were instead victim to its effects.

We were going round and round on how best to get what we needed from this guy and get out when Stavraphore decided to show the part a tour of the “Production Floor” and see what is they do here. We followed them out of the meeting room where Raggar and 2 others good naturedly came, went back to the stairs and down another 30 feet to the 2nd level down. We were at or below water level now and there was a dampness to the air. Lots of alembics, industrial sized burners, yards and yards of tubes and beakers were everywhere. He showed the party the various production stages and their processes on how it was all done. Maybe 15 people worked here and there were another 6 guards as well.

Eventually he got a bit smug and asked if we wanted to see,” where we get some of our raw materials as well as my pride and joy?” We followed him to a celled off area with many cells going on to the gloom and dark. We passed a cell with 2 trolls, some wolves, a moose, even a few larger cats. But the next one was covered with a sheet with some light behind it, and we smiled and had it pulled aside.

Revealing an angel.

Winged with silver, white and gold feathers, breathtakingly beautiful, golden blond hair. She was wearing the remains of a potato sack to preserve modesty and was chained by her neck, wrists, ankles, and waist. She had hundreds of scars on her body and twisted lesions under the skin in bruised places. A few spigots had been inserted into her body to extract fluids as needed. But it was the branding of Sif on her shoulder and her demeanor that slightly corrected our initial estimation as to who she was – along with Stavraphore’s explanation.

About 4 years ago he and his organization had run afoul of the church of Sif and it cost them much money at that time. Working with an arcanist who had devised a way to temporarily diminish the divine connection, Stavraphore had arranged a large enough skirmish with a Sifian monastic group and some hired fighters. Making sure that some would die and die heroically, their passing attracted a Valkyrie to come and take the fallen to Valhalla – when Stavraphore had the angelic being blasted from her steed and knocked out. After that it was the right application of pain, magic, and metal to get her here and then proceed to strip her of various body parts over the last 4 years to power their more difficult and stranger potions.

Identified as Ygraine, she begged to die and Stavraphore laughed it off, the others around him chuckling as well. The group did their best to say nothing, smiling weakly as the curtain was drawn closed and we were escorted back upstairs to the 1st basement area and the meeting room again (another save please from everyone – Connal - +4 bonus. Anyone over a 20? Again, only Connal – ok – thanks!).

Feeling that we were on the precipice of something bad, we tried to talk with him but one by 1, the group became dazzled, oblivious to everything for the next 20 minutes. Except Connal. The 2 of them talked, Stavraphore offering 75 crowns from the gnome and the half orc. They went back and forth and then it was combat time as Kelli shifted to something more demonic and attacked. Connal flipped around and back, hitting Kelly in the face. She shrugged it off and he ran around, trying to get to Stavraphore to use the Apothecie as cover. Raggar and his 2 thugs came in and they shot at Connal who dodged the bolts. Raggar coated his sword with a poison and came around the table as Kelli and Connal struggled eventually the monk getting knocked out.

We were all stripped of everything and taken back down to the 2nd basement and cell area. Stavraphore didn’t want us liquidated yet, wanted to know who the fuck we were and what we were doing here. Group woke up everyone in different cells except Shim and Wilhelm. They also took most of out weaponry and magic – missing Connal’s headband, the necklace weapons, even the sling around Darius’ wrist. Jessie the rabbit was also missed somehow, so we had that going as well. We whispered ideas and plans. Shim and Wilhelm’s cell has come carvings seen outside and over the lintel. When Shim tried a detect magic, the runes flared and he was struck – taking 1d8+1 electricity damage and knocked on his ass.

Guards came by and there was some back and forth. Eventually a cart was wheeled down the corridor and a guy with a key within unlocked Shim and Wilhelm’s cage, 4 crossbow guys screaming to “NOT MOVE ! DON’T FUCKING MOVE! FACE THE WALL!!” before running in, grabbing the gnome and club smashing him in the skull until he was knocked out. Then they took him from the cell and went down to the Re-Education room at the end of the hall.

Here he was strapped to a dunking chair and tortured repeatedly. Then he was taken out and beat with ropes with knots at the end and when he passed out, they threw salt at him and then dunked him again. Some half hour later they dragged his broken ass back to the room and left him there.

Something Connal noted? When the door to the mage shocking room was opened – the runes seemed to be deactivated. That was something.

Darius was working on getting an edge of a flagstone up and we were whispering ideas back and forth. Eventually food was delivered (poor quality) and a bark cup full of water – barely enough to keep us going. We were going over plans and ideas on what to do. We were tossing around the rabbit gets to Darius’ cell and digs to Shims. Once there they get the flagstone up and maybe shim crawls back to Darius’ cell while Wilhelm makes a haybaby out of Shim’s clothes. Then in the non magic cell, Shim can talk to Jessie and make himself invisible. We then have Connal go dead (feign), Darius make a shit ton of noise and complaint, and they take him out to be re-educated. Once the door is open, Shim gets out of here and meets up with Connal wherever they bring his dead body.

That’s the idea for now, but this will change. We have a short window in time before Stavraphore gets an answer on who we are and who will miss us – if any. We rested as well as we could, but they came by every 2 hours making noises and throwing water on us to make sure we did not get anything like enough uninterrupted sleep. It was Plantmonth the 27th now about 7 AM and they just came by with another shitty meal – about ¼ of what the group would eat for breakfast.

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