This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Meet 35, Adv 10, 10/29/22

We arrived back in town, leaving a bit ahead of Jessie and her crew, on Airmonth the 10th, about 10ish, hoping to get to Ursa’s Hunting Gear and give in the bear trap to Djog. It was noted that we were a day late and were being charged the 5 crowns for it when the trap maker noted Eoghan’s situation and missing hand. We shared the story and Djog was willing to whack a few gold off the late fee. We did ask about possibly making a hook or the like for him, suggested we go see Adar, master smith at Smith’s Street in the Trades.

We left there and made our way to the Lord’s District where a runned came and met us, saying that Baron Skudridd wanted us up at his Demesne and that Lord Rockhome was already there. We made our way up the road past finer and finer homes and estates until we got to the Baron’s home. Almost 4 acres, most castle than manor house, Jessie and her crew were there as well as the Baron’s staff and council, the other lords (including Rockhome), and maybe 30 other influential upper class and merchants houses in town.

The two bodies were displayed, conversation followed, and thanks were given. Lord Rockhome paid us our bounty (1,000 silver – each) and then Baron Skudridd did the same for Jessie’s people. As we had aided in the situation, Jessie noted that we were due a quarter share and we each got an additional 50 gold pieces. We were now all swimming in coin and were debated on what to do next when the Baron let us know that we could go to any inn, tavern, restaurant or the like (not gaming house), and he’d pick up the bill for us. He also would arrange to have Eoghan’s Father’s loans and markers cleared as an extra thanks for the loss of his hand. As for the bodies, one was going to be stuffed and mounted at the Arena, and the other was going to be sent upriver to Sorton, where the Vault of the Heorot was. There were some necromancers there that the Baron was going to pay to delve into the physiology of the monsters and discover what we might need to know about them. Including their origins.

As it was then mentioned that we were hoping to go to Thak environs, the Baron was also willing to pay us if we could come up with a definitive lead as to who had commissioned these Grues in the first place and inadvertently dumped them at his fair city.

With a huge stipend of coins and the Baron’s 2 day favor, we upgraded our domicile to the Champion’s Garden, the best inn and restaurant in town, where we got the King’s Package – including everything from baths and laundry, food and drink, smoke and wine, personal services and women and song. Two days passed until the morn of the 12th where we were just worn out from all the indulgences we had participated in. The proprietor thanked us for our time and wished us luck and welcomed us back if we wanted.

Sated and feeling better than we had for some time, we did pick up the stories about town. 4 days ago someone had been killed in the cemetery, Horace. All his skin had been torn off. And in the Trades, a journeyman smith named Ifhi had been killed – all his blood sucked from his ripped open throat. Dizzy wanted us to resolve it, as it might be a result of his getting the earring from the matron’s tomb – all these issues started happening that day.

We went to the moneychanger and pawnbroker, Gretild, where we cashed in some coinage for gems to lighten the load. Grendel ended up picking up a heirloom long sword, supposedly at one time fairly important. Former champion had owned it and had to pawn it after getting a nobleman’s daughter pregnant. In order to pay the dowry, he had to sell his weapon – at the time he took out a green gem – leaving a yellow, blue, and red one still in the hilt.

We then walked the trades where we ended up finding Adar’s smithery – at the end of Smith street – gnomish run. Eoghan explained that he wanted a hook for his hand and a clamp on his bow, so he can still fire it. It would take almost a month to design, prototype, and then make it – 39 gold. Design done in a week and a half –enough time for Eoghan’s stump to heal up a bit.

We then split up – half of us went to see Captain Arsin to see if he could explain anything about the murders in town as well as to see if he wanted our help or would be bothered if we poked around. The other half were going to the Coliseum to see if there was a hall of records there to try and find a half-elven 2 time champion who competed 40 or 50 years ago.

Captain Arsin had the party wait a bit before he met with them. He had nothing to say, told them thanks for the effort, supplied no information, and wished them well. Brushed them off. Chuckle

As for the Coliseum, we did see that the Grue was indeed mounted and we poked around until a well dressed and flashy ¾ orc named Groka stopped us. As one of the people who run the Passian Traders, he had the knowledge the group might be looking for and with a few lucky rolls, was helpful enough to lead them to a better direction to get some answers.

Passian Traders have been operating at Stivil for 3 centuries, almost from its early days. They have extensive if difficult to discern records. Even though they normally deal with orcish contracts and contract agreements, they were willing to help out the group. We met the Recordkeeper and his counterpart, Muscles, deep in the 2nd level below the street. The Recordkeeper was a foul faced brute of a half-orc, who had little interest in seeing the party or dealing with them – but Groka implored and he relented. Muscles was another half-orc, but as we had heard before – shredded. Twitch muscled and corded, he was also gregarious and friendly, chatting with the party.

We gave up some coins and were told that the Recordkeeper would contact us either @ the GRSAG in Erylond and/or here at the Master Bowman house.

We left on Arimonth the 12th @ 3:30 and the party linked up again, sharing what we had learned, standing in the southern shadow of the Coliseum.

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