This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Meet 91, Adv 6, 7/20/19

The party made their way to Paxian since being in or near Durcent Province was going to get them caught, lynched, and killed. While here they were following the clues on various things - the origin of the scratch, the name of the person with the heavy warhorse, and the trail of the 2 gnomes.

There was lots of LARPing at the table and they are proceeding accordingly to uncover the mystery and who's who in this entire mess.

Write up follows:

It was after 8 PM when we made the decision to leave Durcent Province behind us for now and get to Paxian. We assumed that Fersic and some of the vigilant mob might follow us but not too far we hoped through the Wyld. We estimated it was 9 hours minimum hard walk through the rough terrain to get to the Canaslan and we were going to be tired before arriving. According to an overland map we had, there was a large forested area between our location and Paxian and we would be pushing to get there and rest.

The night passed with slow methodical passage as the miles fell behind us. With an almost full moon and cold crisp air (it was in the high 20’s), we kept our cloaks tight about us and our eyes peeled as we traveled. Numerous innocuous wild animals abounded but it was some time after midnight that we espied some torches in the distance traveling southward and then eventually turned to intercept us. A voice from the gloom called out and asked to come and meet.

We agreed and stepped forward to see a tall thin man with a pair of zombies trailing behind him, mindlessly shuffling along. He identified himself as Karius, a “Scavenging Functionary” from Grimyria on an expedition to locate any recently fallen dead and have them animated and brought back with him. He admitted he had about a dozen at this time (we saw 2) and his two apprentices as well.

We kept it light and friendly and we all bid each other a farewell. We watched as his apprentices came up – a late teen’s thin girl with a line of 9 more assorted races zombies on a chain, and a corpulent also late teen’s boy in a set of robes too small for him, sweating even in the chill air, leading a snarling ghoul on a 6’ iron pole and chain set up that kept the carnivorous undead out of biting range.

Yeah…we were never going to go to Grimyria if we could help it.

It was another hour before we arrived at the forest and once there, spent a short time clearing the ground and gathering together for warmth. Rotating for watch we rested until the sun was peeking over the horizon and we could get moving. Shaking the cold from our bones we skipped out on study and prayer for now and were walking again by 8 AM. It was after 11 when we crossed the border into Canaslan – the temperature climbing at least 10 degrees instantly, and another half hour to reach Paxian.

We cycled through the main gates, and hit up the Half-ogre at the square to use his chamber pot as well as ask a few questions. Shim and Thalin did most of the probing, dropping hints of gnomes and where one could go to see others? We were told to go to Winterwarm, a bar on the east side of town that catered to gnomes, elves, and gnomes.

We made our way through Whiteshadow and followed directions to the smaller tavern and inn. We were treated well if a bit surprised that Barb and Brading were willing to come in. But we ordered a signature wine, ate some food, and probed the bar tenders and patrons about other gnomes and possible information.  There are two gnomish brothers, traders who do come and stay here in town for a week or so before moving on and returning again, doing some manufacturing before going out to sell their wares. Malik “Malted” Dingrel Falser, and Yultar “Uke” Dingrel Falser. And it was believed that at least one of them was Tower Trained.


We had some other places to look. Barb was going to go to another Half-Ogre Chamberpot warden named Maro that she had spoken to our last time here and see if she could get some information on Scratch. The rest of the group was going to go to the Greengrocer and then to the Stablers and Farriers to see if they could scare up some information from Wantan, the dwarven Farrier who most likely was shodding the heavy warhorse seen in Durcent Province – and hopefully get a name.

Barb’s visit to Maro was productive. There was a dwarf named Gerry Rockbottom who operated out of a Malters to the south west of Whiteshadown, that had been pushing Scratch as of late. When he started to talk about Scratch and some of its effects, Barb was under the impression he was going to segue into the dangers of it, but instead he had a Half-Ogre’s way of thought and suggested it was a great idea if she wanted to partake. It would give her a gravitas, a commanding presence, and with her size and ferocity, could seriously impact and influence orcish males to her way of thinking.

Ok….then! She thanked him and made her way to the area in question. There were a half dozen malters in the area and one of them had a 3 count of half-orcs working outside. She had asked for directions to Gerry’s and was told to either pay up, or hit the bricks. Not getting any closer, the dwarves next door asked her to give those guys a berth and for a small pile of coins, they’d help her out if she’d move a pallet of block stone from the back of the shop to the front. She put the effort in and was sweating it out while lining up the courses under proper direction, all the while the dwarves were advising her to just not bother with Scratch or any other drug and go on home.

For the rest of the group, they purchased a few days of travel rations and then made our way to a horse dealer and pretended to be interested in making a purchase. We were guided to many draft style horses and were shown a decent sized nag for the cost of 200 nobles. Ouch. But we talked to the proprietor (an orcish descended individual named Regahn) and let the conversation meander a bit, guiding it naturally along until we got to smiths and farriers and shoeing the horses.

We were then introduced to Wantan Smith, the dwarven farrier who would take care of our new horse purchase for us. We talked about his job, saw his forge, watched some of his apprentices work, and the conversation then turned to his master and other jobs he’s done. Knights and their steeds? He admitted he’s done heavy war steeds but in the interest of professional decorum, wouldn’t say any names.

We let the conversation end and thanked him, promising Regahn we’d get back to him and then started making our way out of the Farrier district and towards the Malters to meet up with Barb.

Barb meanwhile had finished her work, got paid and thanked by the dwarves, and was told that Gerry Rockbottom was in the Malted shop next door (where the half-orc toughs were hanging out). She went there, stared down the mouthy one who had bothered her earlier, and was guided back to meet with Gerry Rockbottom. Gerry was a thin strung out looking dwarf with poo hygiene and a furtive look about him. Two brutes with flatbows and axes were guarding him as Gerry and Barb were talking.

Gerry was loathe to just sell Scratch to Barb. Who was she? How did she know his name? He wanted some questions answered and didn’t know or trust her. Not wanting to the half-ogre Maro’s name involved, she thought about who she could mention and on the note we found from the gnomish Satchel that Ranger Thog had gotten for us before his death, and said Ixitch Barrowman had guided her to him, as it seemed to be the name of the person who owed Big G O money.

This set Gerry off who was freaking out, claiming that he was NOT getting involved with this. Barb was trying to back pedal the conversation when Gerry slammed his travel case closed and stormed out the back door of the malters, the two guards blocking her from going after him. She could hear Gerry through the alleys cursing and complaining and she was informed by the guards that “Gerry was not interested in doing business at this time. Leave.”

She left and realized that she was being shadowed and watched from various alleys as she left the malting district and joined up with her friends. They all eventually went to the Winsome Wench where they shared what they had learned, ate and drank a bit, and were thinking about their next move. It was a quarter to 4 at this time on Spiritmonth the 29th and we were thinking of heading back to the Malters and see if Gerry had returned and maybe try talking to him as a group.

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