We figured we’d try and work the Inserrat next – but didn’t want to do it where there was water nearby. So we made our way out of the sunken area of the 3rd level and then figured we’d head back to the Kitchen/Pantry area to sit with them. It was here that we managed to talk with them (Glooskap and Hiawatha translating for us). Their patron, Shakak, God of Winter, was not here but they could imprint his protection on one if they were willing to pay the price.
Wilhelm settled down and the Inserrat worked a mixture of ash and their own blood and then proceeded to tattoo a large design into the elven druid’s back. Each passage of ink stole more heat from his skin, giving it a bluish cast until finally it was done. Some of the Winter God’s protection would be at his constant back and call. As we left though to head off to do the vision quest we did come across Hastez, the Black Warrior.
We had some words with the volatile fire god, and he remembered Hiawatha. There was some history there and it wasn’t good. But on seeing Wilhelm, the Coward, they had some back and forth and some fire was exchanged and the Inserrat were visible. As Wilhelm was not backing down and there was a skinwalker with us, he deduced we were going to go on a vision quest.
To learn how to fight Jubilex.
He wanted in. Him or Hastel? Fuck that guy, his brother was a piece of shit. Hastez was in. We smoked a peace pipe and Wilhelm was renamed Noco by Hastez (not a coward). So we went off to the dorm room and Hastez was pissed at Hiawatha as he had been here many times before an never saw the cacti, pants, or herbs the Indian brave had hidden here. Hiawatha used his spear to force the water out of the room and then when it was dry, gave everyone a slice of the cacti, the peyote.
We ate it and over the next short time found ourselves getting more and more spaced out and thrust into the spirit world where we had our vision.
We found ourselves on the 4th floor – but it was different. It was dry and not flooded. And there were 22 huge lit up cables running from the ground, up the side of the humongous cave (half mile by quarter mile), lit and pulsing, eventually coiling together like the base of a tree and going up into the ceiling – reminded us of the roots of Yggdrasil.
Our visions were spread over 4 of us. First we had a vision of the past where there was an attempt to activate the 22nd cable – some sort of 30x30x15 stone keep with a 5’ diameter braided cable out of the top. There were some discussions off screen so to speak and that the orcs were coming soon. Then the switch was thrown and most likely it was the portal to the Happy Hunting Grounds. Then it seemed that Jubilex came from the heart of the base of the cables on the ceiling, 18’ tall and dropped to the group upright and terrible.
The next person had a vision of a table with a number of strange piles of items. Eggs and swords and coins and a lantern and dirt – 22 small piles of offerings. Then a discussion off screen of what would encompass the offering for Thunderbird.
The next person had a vision of a devil and a deal being signed off on. Blood was offered and someone named Duke of Razors had signed the contract. There was another name on it – Asmodeus.
The last vision was of the what was most likely the first person and first established broken gate – Lathandar and his priest. Dwarf was abusing him, something about his religion reduced to a cult, a joke. And this was the last priest and his death would power the gate at long last – then the dwarf unfolded a 2’ straight edged razor and cut the priest from chest to neck, spilling it over a broken mirror and cracking the gate to the Dawnlands and Lathandar.
From there the group all seemed to be in the same area, water was filling the cave. They visited a few of the keeps – seeing Lathandar, Lovitar, and Arawn. Then the cave had filled and 18’ Jubilex fell to the area and the fight was on. It was strange and … perfect. Connal was very fast. Shim’s magic was spot on. Dizzy’s spiritual energy was off the chart. And Wilhelm’s blows were ridiculously strong. Jubilex took damage and hit back as the fight went on. He displayed some innate powers and seemed immune to certain attacks and effects. At one point when Shim was about to die, he and Eoghan swapped places and the ranger died instead. Then it happened again!. However the fight was over at short last and again – it seemed perfectly executed.
And the vision quest ended.
We were still in the dorm room. Some of us had been wounded during the vision quest and Knox the mule HATED Shim as at some point the gnome had hit the animal with his whip, tearing the mule’s face in the process. We studied, prayed, and broke our fast. It was Firemonth the 9th about 2 in the AM. (Our sleep schedule was now off about 6 hours from normal) We were going to go back to the top level and then operate the lift to the 4th level, being it would be safer to do it that way. We also knew that Thunderbird had “died” down there at some point and his body was near some sea god node. His feathers, if any there, according to Buffalo, could be useful for Eoghan for his arrows to use against Jubilex.