This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Meet 40, Adv 10, 1/7/23

 After taking the month off for holiday and year end game, we came back to the table and there was a ton of LARPing at the table. At 1 point, we had a 4 way split and we had a chance to interact with a number of the party's extended family. Which made most of the players say, "Ah - now that makes sense why "X" is the way he is."


We were hanging out at the local tavern discussing what the plans were next. Grendel had a dinner with Byrag Maexoff and Dizzy was happy to go with him. Connal wanted to go to dinner at his family and Eoghan was going to go with him. Gryg of course was invited back to his family for a dinner as well. That left Wilhelm, who honestly, was going to go back to Dizzy’s mother’s house and have dinner with Shebara and Frontari.

In the meantime, Dizzy wanted to…thought to…figured it was time…to go to the Reetersbeard Tradehouse and visit with his father. A high level manager and organizer in the Reetersbeard organization, Korok had little love or recognition of his son. Dizzy felt weird going back after 2 plus years but eventually made his way to Korok’s office. There was some sheltered banter in the beginning, and Korok had 5 other daughters (from 3 other women) that he identified and recognized. Their pictures and the like were displayed in the office.

As for Dizzy, words started flying and it was learned to the group that Korok never forgave Dizzy or Shebara for Dizzy’s attitude, and he claimed his tough love was for Dizzy to finally rise up and actually claim something, be a man so to speak. Since he never did, he was a disappointment. And then after he got him a job with the organization, placing him a decent enough level with the skills he had (writing), Dizzy eventually manifested touched powers from his goddess – and Korok felt that he was wasted and duped. He couldn’t move Dizzy again in the organization; it would look like nepotism and Dizzy would not be given a fair shake in his new place. Words were exchanged, more so than usual and Dizzy left a few years ago.

He belittled his estranged son and his “adventuring” party job. Thug, criminal, loser. If he begs, he could have his job back. Then it was going to leave and Korok threatened to have Shebara fired at her job as retaliation for having such a piece of shit son. It might have been bluster or not, but Gryg (as a Reeteresbeard as well) waited behind to invite Korok to his family house tonight after dinner to talk and not make any decisions now.

Meanwhile, Wilhelm and Eoghan had not gone to the Tradehouse, instead they had gotten directions to the Hunters’ District up on the western slopes of Mount Doverfjell. He was hoping to learn where maybe a bobcat or lynx could be found for hunting and the druid and ranger walked around, marveling at not only the dwarven hunters, rangers, and the likes here doing their business, but also the animals that had been gathered near and far. Birds of all types, squirrels, rabbits, elk, caribou, dogs and many breeds, wolfhounds, wolves, indeed a number of mountain lions and cats, including a 16’ tall wooly mammoth and a sabertoothed tiger.

We spoke with Arnskar, a doughty dwarven woman and seemingly guildmaster up here. She did talk about the tiger, most people are interested. Was captured 3 years ago when it was caught in a landslide. Captor hadn’t sold it yet and wanted 350 gold crowns for it – no exceptions. Wilhelm was tempted, but it was a princely sum. He did look at a few mountain lions, pleased with what he saw, and was willing to talk about getting one – 210 nobles for it.

We reconvened and discussed what was to follow. A few of us bought new clothes (our current garb were getting pretty worn out and dirty) and just before 5- we broke up into…fours…(sigh) and went on our way!

Connal and Eoghen arrived at Connal’s family home where Karl and Feli greeted them and invited them in. All of Connal’s elder siblings were here. From Kindy and her husband and kids, who had in her youth been a high wire act but a bad fall or two turned her off and she switched out to ticket sales and organization. Then there was Kenny, on his 3rd wife, the new Strongman of the troupe, he was working out now, buff and thick (shredded is the word!) and playfully bantering with Karl. Kloe the next sister with her husband and kids, she was still actively acting as a light contortionist clown back up. Then there was Karen – she was there with her two kids, and had a bit of an attitude and might have been miserable – but was a perfect straight man for the family. And then there was the youngest (ahead of Connal), Kay who was the troupe clown and also turned tricks now and again with what marks she would pick up at the circus.

There was food and laughter and cursing and jokes and more food. Feats of strength, flipping (who isn’t flipping? Get flipping!), kids all over. The house was a bit of a mess, the yard was a bit of a mess, and kids were everywhere – but it was a lively get together that promised to overwhelm Eoghan who was not at all used to anything like this, and a breath of nostalgia for Connal who got a chance to revisit home after being gone for so long.

Gryg had gone to his dinner, alone, where his father Porfan and mother Tila were happy to have him back. The two older siblings were out now but his 3rd, 4th, and 5th youngest siblings were there. Thor was 36 (16 est h/a) and had missed his brother tremendously. He was proud to have joined the local chapterhouse of the League of Odin on his 35th birthday and wanted to follow in Gryg’s footsteps and learn how to fight. He was already skilled enough with a hammer and had been given a tin badge indicating he had achieved the first level of needed skill to eventually get his graduation degree.

The next youngest, Wodan was 31 (14 est h/a) and also wanted to be a part of his elder brother’s circle – Gryg’s sure, but with Gryg gone these last 2 plus years, had turned his focus to Thor. Not allowed to join the League yet (Porfan’s orders), he did practice with Thor at home, often taking the position of “random attacker with a knife” that Thor could practice his attacks and moves on. Wodan had gotten pretty good at carving (thanks to Tila, his mom who worked at the Reetersbeard Tradehouse in the Wheelwright area as a carpenter and spoke maker) and would make a number of carved wooden knives. Thor liked them so much, he would bring a few in and sell them to other League members and share the profits with his brother would make more. He gave one to Gryg.

Then there was Baldoral. At 25 (11 est h/a) he was a bit of a loner and wanted to be a part of something more. His studies were poor, he had a penchant for not listening and going his own way if at all possible. But he was fascinated with Gryg and just wanted some sort of connection with his almost legendary elder brother.

Dinner was weird – Porfan and Tila although married and with a number of kids, had a gulf of years between them (30) and it seems that Tila had grown a bit tired of her husband and his conservative ways. Porfan tried to stop any conversation about Gryg and his experiences and Tila was expounding on them. Eventually he went to the yard with his 3 brothers and let them hold his weapons, and even gave Baldoral a chance to shoot his crossbow. It sailed up well over the target and was lost somewhere 4 blocks up. It changed Baldoral’s life at that moment and everyone went inside.

Dinner kept going and Gryg defended his life and choices. 50 is an important year for all dwarves and Gryg was serious about his current career choice and path. He did let the group know about Korok Reetersbeard before he showed and when he did, the charismatic older dwarf had Porfan on the back foot, Tila swooning over him, and the 3 other kids fascinated. Gryg tried to intervene for Dizzy and Shebara and had questionable success. Tila was invited to Korok’s office tomorrow, bring Baldoral – he looks like a young man with some promise. Porfan was very much not…anything and was getting looked over.

A bribe was eventually offered to Gryg to poison Dizzy with a magebane elixir but for clerics, and even though the price was noticeable, he demurred. Korok respected that and thanked the family for their time, let Tila walk him to the door (with accompanying hug and see you tomorrow) and left. Needless to say, the rest of the dinner was much less interesting.

Wilhelm arrived at the Dizzrea home and had a nice dinner with Shebara and Frontari. They talked a bunch and Frontari decided to get his cousin, Raschel to come over. She worked for the Hunter’s District as a leather worker and shared her thoughts about the place and some of the pricing involved. Conversation moved about, was flirty and friendly. She liked his cats and the entire family was huggy and appreciative. It was after 9:30 and getting late when Wilhelm offered to walk Raschel home. They two of them left amidst hugs and giggles, inviting him to come back any time, and took the long way to her home. Where eventually she invited him in for a drink and to talk some more. And the elven druid did. And boot scene.

Meanwhile Eoghan was so overwhelmed by Connal’s family – worried that Kay was going to have her way with him or Karen would. Connal covered for him and Eoghan left, eventually going back to Dizzy’s mom’s house – where he learned that Wilhelm had been here for dinner and company and left a short while ago. They shared some cheese and crackers and ale with him and then it was getting late and the tire ranger decided to turn in and Shebara set him up with a place in the living room and her and Frontari went off to bed. Also boot scene.

As for Grendel, he and Dizzy went to the Maexoff Demesne where Byrag met them along with his wife Fadia (69 human, silver haired Goldie Hawn looking) and daughter Vyer (49 human Elizabeth Hurley looking). The place was rich, also carpeted, and the dinner was delicious. They talked about his youth, his life, meeting Fadia, and then making the step up and growing up. Silas Maexoff was adamant that the young wastrel make something of himself and helped groom Byrag over the years to the man he was today until his passing.

They saw his memorabilia of his time in the Stivil Arena and learned about his years earlier and the hard times he had. He took them to his “man cave” where they saw other trophies and items there. It was a chance wood carving and painting of him with a distinctive looking sword that turned the conversation that way.

Silas Maexoff demanded a large dowry for his daughter, Fadia, and Byrag who was spending his winnings as fast as he was making them, was hard pressed, eventually selling/pawning his family blade to a broker in Stivil for 90 days. To the tune of a thousand gold crowns. If he didn’t come back at that time to pay the loan back plus 25%, the item could be sold again to anyone else interested. Byrag was out of Stivil before the 90 days were done, already up here in Ironcamp and working at a lower position in the Maexoff organization. He had written numerous times to find out if the weapon was available and then was sad to learn it was no longer “there” and must have been sold.

He was sad, but tried to say that the elven way of things being that sometimes things go on for a better reason and as long as the weapon was being used by someone who needed it – it was worth it. It was his great grandfather’s blade and he was able to trace its ownership and lineage back some 312 years to its forging – at a time when the Randari Empire was still climbing.

We talked a bit more and then Grendel came clean. He had the blade (not here, back at Dizzy’s mom’s house) and that he had come here to talk to Byrag about it. And that he paid 140 crowns for it. 140? 140!? That’s…an insult! I had to pawn it 50 years ago for a thousand crowns! Byrag was very mad. And Silas said it was long gone and doesn’t know where it went. That that that old…he LIED to me! We talked about the gems and Byrag sort of clammed up about it, not fooling Dizzy or Vyer. Dizzy tried to trip him up by saying it was missing a blue gem. Byrag knew it was missing a green one but was so overwhelmed, that he went to his office and shutting the door, opened his safe to look.

Fadia was next, and she told the two friends that she did NOT want that sword back in the house. At all. It was back of Byrag’s past, not his present and to not give it to him. Vyer met her father in the hall when he came out of the office, satisfied it was STILL the green gem he had, they had to be lying. He was upset with the lie from Dizzy, and the lies from Silas, and so wanted his sword back. Vyer had to talk with him a bunch until he calmed down and came to realize that mom was mad and that the sword was part of his youth, it was time to move on  - just let it go.

At the table we discussed the gem and passing it on to Grendel. It would need to be remounted to the blade – it would need his blood to fuse it – and it would need the heat of a dragon’s fire to melt the flux to allow the gem to once more sit properly. Money was spent and we left the Maexoff family one step closer to Grendel getting his sword re-enchanted again.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Youth Group! TOEE - Meet 19, 1/4/23

 The Druid had his time to shine this meeting and might have a new animal companion - a bull. :)

The group rested, waking up about 4 AM on Restmonth the 14th. We had a choice – wait for Black Jay to get up and go with him to Rannos Davi, or sneak away before he awakens. We opt for the 2nd. The priests give up on praying for now, hoping to get someplace else, the wizards have no spellbooks still, but Aredhel has all her spells (hooray sorcerer!).

We figured, let’s go and go now. Rowan distracted the dogs as we snuck out, made our way westward and hit the woods away from town. It was cold this morning and we traveled at least a half mile from Hommlet. From there we turned south, Rowan and Elmo guiding the party. Eventually we came to the Nyr Dyv river and had to cross, but didn’t want to go near Hommlet and use the bridge. So Elmo went looking for a place to ford and once there, we made our way across. It was over 40’, moving fast, and a least a foot and a half deep. We carried Pestle and the rest of us linked up by 2s and 3s.

Once there it was slow going, Rowan was pretty hurt, feet super cold. It took us until at least quarter after six to get to a place that Elmo figured was pretty much south of Jaroo’s grove. From here Ophelia and Rowan prayed while we could hear distant noises in the town. Nothing distinct. It was a bit after 7:30 when they were done. The plan was to have Rowan sneak up to Jaroo’s home, grab the potions that were there, and maybe get the bear if it was still there.

Rowan cast a Camouflage on himself and snuck north. We came out of the trees and walked through the tall grass. He could see people moving about town, and was going through the field behind the farmer’s home. The bull had noticed Rowan and snuck over. Nervous, Rowan cast speak with animals with it, and learned the bull was willing to go with him to the druid’s area. The bull was sure the farmer hated him, was afraid of going blind, and loved having sex with his cow/wife. They had kids, but the farmer either ate them or sold them off. Rowan felt bad.

They came through the grove and saw the place was closed up, two of Rannos’ guys were here. Snookums was here as well, the bear was muzzled, and chained face down. It had a number of superficial wounds across its flanks and back and seemed to be in some peril. The two guards were snarling at it, hitting it with the back of their spears and idly chatting. They hadn’t seen Rowan or the bull yet.

So before the spell ended, Rowan gave the bull his directions and they ran into the fight. Rowan used the club that had been fashioned earlier, laying into the lead brigand, hitting him and holding his own. The bull though had pawed the ground a few times, building up a head of steam, and then ran at the other merc. He was hit hard, both horns slamming through his midsection. Then while gasping and yelling was lifted and dropped to the ground where the bull ran him down and trampled him to death. He then turned, pawed the ground again, and charged once. Rowan sidestepped out of the way and the bull gored, stomped, and trampled the other brigand.

Snookums was freed and the bear seemed appreciative. It looked like everyone was together and the front door was opened – setting off a Wyvern Watch spell with screamed loud and tried to stab Rowan. From outside the glade, other Mercs called out to “shut the fuck up,” to the presumably still living 2 mercs within.

The group heard the shrill cry even in the woods and were getting worried for Rowan. They moved a bit further north but trusted the druid, opting to wait still.

Unable to open the locked door, Rowan convinced the bull to do so and it charged the door, smashing it open. Speak with animals had been cast again and besides learning the bull wanted to be called “hamburger” and that Snookums was willing to go with the group to free Jaroo, they also discovered Cheddar the Jack Russel Terrier was still inside and terrified at the smashing noise and the bull’s entrance. Rowan grabbed what potions he could find (some healing, a beastmaster, a potion of invulnerability, and a potion of stoneskin), as well as a scroll with the 6th level druidic spell – summon weather!

Leaving the house he went south, across the glade, through the trees, and a clip over the field. The dairy cow saw the bull leaving and gave chase. And the farmer saw the cow leaving and also gave chase. Damn it.

Rowan went south, riding the bull…Hamburger, leading Snookums the bear, the dog Cheddar running ahead and back, and then the dairy cow and the farmer calling entering the woods. The group all convened and we spoke to the farmer, Wayne, about keeping silent. He suggested if we were doing something “damn foolish and heroic” then to keep the bull. He didn’t want it anyway, was going a bit blind and was going to get a younger bull soon to keep Bessie happy. Rowan felt like shit for the bull, who fought with him and murdered two people! And agreed to take it with him, and would pay Wayne when this was all over. Wayne agreed to keep the party’s presence a secret but he wanted them to get his matter resolved before Burne and Rannos Davi killed more kids this afternoon.

We divided up some potions, did some healing, and came up with a plan. We wanted to hit Burne first. And we were going to use the scroll of Summon Weather to do so. So it was a bit after 9 when we walked the long way around and over to the treeline south of the tower and there it was that Rowan spent the 10 minutes casting the complex spell from the scroll. It was a cloudy day already, and he caused a drop in barometric pressure, cooling the air and keeping the ground warm, and the cloud cover just…fell. Coating the entire town in a humongous fog blanket (minimum 3 miles diameter). Visibility dropped to 10/20’ tops and this was going to negate the archer issue as well as distance spells.

It was time.

We moved quickly through the pea soup to the slope at the base of the tower and climbed up the 20, 30’ to the first plateau. We could hear worry throughout the town and maybe some people looking about? Hard to tell. We went higher to the next slope, bear and bull doing well. But it was Furd who was having problems. He kept slipping down and had to climb again. And again. And again. Minute after minute he made his way up the slope and slipped down again exhausted, dirty, and more frustrated.

Finally he made it to the top where he gave a “hooray!” and the party was like, “what the hell man?”

Surprisingly, from somewhere in the tower, we heard another voice yell hooray back. Neat!

We snuck through the fog to the tower’s base and then followed it around to the front where we all got together, and then ran up the stairs. We hit the landing and open front door where two guards were positioned. Overruning their place we charged into the tower and saw a few servants running away, welcome area, fireplace, and set of stairs going up and down. We poured it, Aredhel hoping to fireburst someone but the room was pretty full fast. Furd and Elmo had each drunk a potion and Hamburger had driven one of the men into the flagstones of the fireplace. There was one left but we needed to figure out – upstairs or down?

Friday, January 13, 2023

Meet 39, Adv 10, 12/10/22

This was the last meeting before the YEG and break. This year I had a large group of players (15 for dinner, 12 to play) - and we split up into two random groups - minor gods and their paladins - they had to the Mt Olympus and get the Ambrosia while beset by Hera and her minions. Gods had their part, paladins had theirs. Was lots of fun.

No pics - sorry this time! Pics return on the following posts


We were on our way on Airmonth the 17th by 8:45, making fairly good time. The roads had been dry for a few days now and the mud had hardened in many places, giving the wagon better traction and the group a faster land speed. The road continued to rise and fall as we moved northward through the Passian Hills to the Gorokian Range. At some point we were approached by a Randari wandering troupe and made some trades. They were looking for forged metal knives if possible, trading us skins and the like. The rest of the trip went on without issue and we came to the waystation in a timely fashion, setting up camp and lighting a fire.

The 18th was another good travel day and with no real issues we made good time getting closer to where we needed to be.

During the evening a group of mounted travelers that had the look of brigands upon them asked to share the waystation, their leader was named Terrance. We felt pretty good about it and invited them along to stay. They took the far end of the station and we rested up again. And then another group came, a series of religious nomads coming south from Ironcamp wanted to rest here. Their leader was named Annor and the Waystation was more than large enough even for the new visitors.

One of the nomads was a woman named Irene, a follower of Sif who Dizzy had spent time with during his time years ago training at the temple. They caught up with each other and the group was surprised to see Dizzy and his interaction with a person he referred to as a friend. We had a good night and the next day the 19th we wished everyone good travels. We made great time eventually coming to the lower mountain range and by 4:30 that afternoon, IronCamp.

The home of the Reetersbeard dwarves, IronCamp was built on the sloping base and side of Mount Doverfjell. Some 50 thousand souls made their home here, with 20 plus thousand of them being dwarves, at least 15 thousand related in some way to the Retersbeard clan. Gnomes, humans, and orcish people made up the next largest contingent with a surprising robust elven neighborhood as well. The roads were clean, well spaced out, buildings were well made, and the city was fairly clean.

We came in and after getting the layout of the rules, we made our way through, Dizzy wanting to take the party to his mother’s house. He hadn’t seen her for a few years and invited us to come along. Finally outside the home, well maintained, good, small garden of herbs, flower boxes. Dizzy was not happy on seeing a second rocking chair outside on the porch and muttered that his mother might have a friend come visit.

A knock on the door had it open and Dizzy’s mom came out. She was an attractive buxom dark haired dwarven woman, Shebara Dizzrey, and she wrapped her arms around her son’s neck, sobbing and crying .”Dizzrey! Dizzrey! Blessed Sif you’re home!” Introductions were given about and we were all invited in. We learned a bit about Dizzy’s life and where he came from. His name was also Idela. A girl’s name. Forced upon him by his father an upper level trade manager with the Retersbeard caravan – a person who never wanted to acknowledge his son’s birth.

We also had a chance to meet Shebara’s good friend, a fellow dwarven herbalist named Frontari. Dizzy was not enamored with Frontari and was ill-mannered to the earnest dwarf. Dinner was shared and the group was invited to stay the night to avoid spending money at an inn. Dizzy did not like the idea of his mother sharing a bed with Frontari, or anyone for that matter. They had been together for 7 months and Shebara was not going to let her son put a damper on her life.

We rested well and the next day we all split up to hit a few places that were important to us. Darius and Rhyger were on their way and wouldn’t be back through here for 6 or 7 days at best. Dizzy learned that his father Korak Reetersbeard did have an office at the Reetersbeard tradehouse – and might be prudent to go there.

Connal was next. He went to visit his family. The Sifian monastic was  the youngest member of a circus family. His father and mother, Karl and Feli, were a strongman and contortionist. They were getting on in years and even though Karl was still the family patriarch. They were happy to see their prodigal son returned and he regaled them about his travels and what he’s done. His sister Kay was home and the other siblings were out doing whatever they were doing with their own families.  Connal could see that his father was getting older, his body was getting worn out, and he seemed to be in pain. The visit was loving and they didn’t want him to do anything that was too dangerous, was always welcome to come home and rejoin the family circus business.

As for Grygmiir, he went to visit his family. His mother was out working, but his father Profan was home and was very pleased that Gryg had come to visit. He too wanted his son to do whatever he wanted to to find his place in the world. The 50th birthday was an important milestone for dwarves, it’s when they were supposed to figure out what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. Make a good choice and live it. Porfan and Tila had a large brood, 7 kids in all, with Gryg as the eldest.

Gryg tried to explain what he did but Porfan didn’t quite know what being a Ranger meant, just hoped that Gryg did a good job at it and made a difference. Can he ranger here? The Terror Dungeon was dropped at some point and Profan was rather upset. Risk? That much? Isn’t worth it! Just think about going along to get along. And come back tonight for dinner.

That left Grendel who went to House Maexoff where he managed to get an audience with Byrag Dragonbreath, now Maexoff, by posing as a student of history. They talked for a bit and he was invited to come back to the family home @ 5 PM to meet with Fadia. We all left and regrouped, it was a bit after 2 PM and we were going to figure out what our next steps were.