My daughter and her friends got together this night to try and see if a night time foray onto the Sea Ghost was in the cards. I made three checks from the docks after10 to see if the vessel had pulled up and lay anchor off the bay lines of the Mastelic Ocean. It was successful on the third, meaning the vessel was there – so instead of days of waiting – it was that same night. Plus having the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean playing in the background during the fight was very cool.
Write up follows:
The party spent a few hours at the Saucy Winter Wench, staking out a table near the front door and ordering a round of the house stew, bread, and simple beer for the night. It was after 8 when Deja, Veldryn, and Hjarlod left the tavern to situate themselves on the docks and get ready if the Ghost appeared.
We walked down to the 4th quay through the quiet warehouse district and made our way on the docks until the faint lapping of the tide was all we heard against the pilings. Sitting down, we wrapped ourselves in our cloaks and waited, Hjarlod drinking and muttering as he did so. It was after 9 when Hjarlod and Veldryn, assured that no one was going to come out and bug them, upended the bag of bones she was carrying and dumped out the remains of the alchemist.
According to the Speaker, it was always best to organize the bones properly first. So they spent a good 10 gruesome minutes building the skeleton flat on the dock boards until everything was where it should be. Then she lit a candle and placed the candle in the center of the body where the heart would be. Then with a handful of graveyard dirt and Hjarlod’s guidance, she called upon Hel to infuse these bones with her blessing.
One by one, bit by bit, the bones clacked in place with a series of snapping pops. The candle fast melted into a glob of hot wax and fused itself to the skeleton’s breastbone as a hot dark light. And then the skeletal servant stood up and turned to face Veldryn. She was blown away, Deja arched an eyebrow, and Hjarlod took a drink of his flask, whispering, “It’s pretty heady stuff, eh?”
She put the undead through its paces and then had it relax on the quay. We then all watched the water and waited. It was after 11 PM when we saw a series of long and short flashes which had Deja excited. The smugglers were asking if there was anything to smuggle tonight. She answered in kind, the pattern being the one telling the Sea Ghost to wait, smuggling is coming.
Hjarlod offered to go back to the Wench to get the rest of the party but fell off the docks into the water and came up sputtering. Crawling back on board he was cursing a bit and Deja offered to go back with him. They staggered back to the shore and then through the streets to the Wench. Once there, they went to the party’s table, dropped the drunken Speaker in place, bought him a few rounds of beer, and then left to rejoin Veldryn on the docks. It was on the way back that Deja was convinced the party was being shadowed by someone the next block over, but could not be sure and no one else in the party was able to see it or whoever.
They made good time and once there the party saw the undead skeleton with her. She assured Magnus that this was a temporary thing and would be used to help us to bring Siggurd Snake eyes and his smugglers to justice. Upon completion, she would allow the spell to end and return the bones to her bag should Hel’s blessing be needed another time. The paladin really thought about it and agreed that this was a fine middle ground that he could work with. They shook hands as long lasting friends again and turned to help load the jolly boat.
Will Stoutly was going to man the rudder, Ned Shakeshaft the oars. Darveig was going to be at the front and watch the gloomy waters ahead for the Ghost. This left Veldryn, Magnus, Talion, Deja, Valerie, and the undead skeleton to tuck cloaks and shirts around the edges of their armor to muffle the clinks and clanks it might make and be ready. The plan was to sail up to the forecastle (Bow deck) and board there. Then try to clear the main deck quietly before funneling the smugglers to a single area where the group could use concentrated missile fire and spell use to bolster the front line which should consist of Will, Darveig, Ned, Magnus, the skeleton, and Valerie as soon as the half-orc could get into the melee.
As they left the docks, Deja was watching to see if the shadow person made themselves known but no one came out that she could see. We rowed quietly, Darveig calling out the estimated distance from Saltmarsh.
At just about half a mile, from the dim gloom ahead came the outline of the Sea Ghost. We could barely see figures on the Poop Deck (Aft) looking out to shore and maybe 1 or two people on the main deck. Ned and Will steered the boat about so we approached from the bow head on and used the bulk of the Ghost to hide our approach. They shipped the oars and just allowed momentum to carry us towards the Ghost before we came to a stop.
The bow rope was tied to the anchor chain and we listened. No one seemed to have heard us so we felt emboldened. But from the whistling above, we suspected there was one guy up there on the Forecastle. The needed to take him out quick and quiet. So, Deja and Ned volunteered to be first up. They scrambled up the side of the Ghost, finger and toe holds the only thing getting them up there. Once up top, Ned took out the grapple and placed it over the top of the rail, letting the rope drop down to the boat below where Veldryn was quickly going to start climbing.
As for the lone guy? A single smuggle near the port rail was looking out at the water and whistling. Deja and Ned collaborated and then quietly charged the guy. Ned hit the man first, around the neck, hand over his mouth and then Deja struck low, poniard stabbing up through the kidneys and into the guts. Then Ned’s Kris-blade went down below the shoulder blades and into the lung, the assassin twisting it as he lowered the burbling smuggler to the deck.
From the main deck, the two of them, heard a seaman call out, “Jordi? All ok?” Ned looked around wildly and then grunted a few times in a fake voice and muttered, “All good.”
…nothing happened, crisis averted.
The rest of the group climbed up the rope one at a time while the stayed low against the capstan and looked about. Two men on the main deck, three on the poop deck. One is Siggurd with a lantern, two others are seaman, but one of them is hooded and wearing a robe. Ships’ mage? Sanbalat had told us there was one, and about as skilled as he was. Check and be careful.
Through the still air we heard snippets of conversation from the Captain. “Wait and see…Not sure what Sanbalat’s up to, been almost 3 days and didn’t reply…give them and hour and then we sail back to the cove…make the run to Dunwater and…crew is a bit tired.”
The last ones in the boat was Will and the skeleton – which could not climb the rope. So Will wrapped the end of the ropes around the skeleton and tied it in place and then climbed up. Once there, he and Magnus began pulling the skeleton up…the undead bumping lightly against the hull of the Ghost.
Which attracted the attention of one of the smugglers who came forward and climbed up the ladder asking, “Jordi? What the hell is...”
That was as far as he got as Deja ran towards him, cloak held wide, and then JUMPED off the deck and engulfed the smuggler’s head in her cloak, wrapping it around him and then pulling it tight as she whipped back onto the deck. This then had Talion slam both hands into the smugglers back and PULL…flipping him up the last few steps of the ladder and onto the Forecastle. Valerie let her huge club slap freely down, took two steps up and called shot it to the smuggler’s head just as Deja let go and leapt free – smacking it with the sound of a wet melon. And finally Veldryn dropped to the knee and dragged her dagger against the smuggler’s throat, silencing him at long last.
We waited. Quiet. And then someone asked, “What the hell was that noise?” The Captain turned the bullseye lantern on the party and shouted! “Son of a…Boarders! We’ve got boarders! Awake ya scalawags and toss ‘em back to the sea!”
The battle was on.
The Captain sprung from the Poop deck to the Main deck with a roll and flourish, sending his cutlass end over end until it HIT Talion in the shoulder, bruised and cut through and then rang off. The ships’ wizard fired off a pair of magic missiles that flew across the decks and HIT Magnus, twice – leaving smoking burns in the paladin’s chest. Another smuggler got in line by the mast, others were stomping and calling, and then three more hit the deck – one with a crossbow! And shot Darveig in the thigh but didn’t knock him down.
Talion and Deja fired arrows into the mess on the main deck, taking down the crossbowman eventually and wounding another sailor. Then Will took his own heavy crossbow and aimed…at the Poop deck and the wizard there – plugging him in the chest and knocking him on his ass. And we hoped out of the fight.
Valerie cast a healing spell on Magnus who drew his scimitar and joined Ned and Darveig at the steps, hitting the Main Deck hard. Veldryn called to Hel and Caused Fear on one of the pirates barely in range – and he failed, throwing his weapons away and then jumping over board screaming in terror.
We lucked out on initiative and the party fired again, more arrows plugging into the mass of growing smugglers, wounding many. Will left his crossbow on the Forecastle and jumped down to the longboat on the main deck and then rolled to the main deck to run and bolster the other fighter’s there. Veldryn clambered down and then reached up to help the skeleton hit the deck as well, scythe coming out.
As the battle was going on, Ned charged forward, flung himself around Darveig from the outer rail and used the momentum to barrel into the wounded smuggler and send her windmilling backwards to fall down into the hold of the ship, clearing another person away! Swords clanged and Magnus was going to engage Siggurd when the party told him NO! Not by yourself! And with that Valerie called to Frey…and dropped an 18’ crocodile right in front of the Captain who had to dance back and avoid the snapping jaws. His cutlass hit the beast and rang off, again and again and again!
Another smuggler stood with the Captain as the two of them tried to drive the crocodile back, having very little effect. Deja and Talion noticed the ship’s wizard stand on shaky feet, a healing potion dropping from his grasp and he shook his head clear. And then the doors to the hold opened and the Ships’ first mate, and bear of a man called “Bloody” by the other smugglers and wielding a huge maul, swung it to crash against Ned who could not get out of the way and sent the assassin flying away, taking brutal damage and knocking him down. Another smuggler was at Bloody’s back with his own cutlass and from behind Veldryn, the door burst open and an almost 7’ tall 325 lb. lizardman with a bone spiked club came out and tried to kill them. The two of them struggled for a bit until the skeleton was struck and fell back hurt.
A smuggler had Darveig pressed on both sides and was going to skewer the young man when Magnus jumped forward at the last moment and took the blow against his own shield and chainmail, turning it aside at the last second.
The fight was racing forward and we were a bit scattered. Talion and Deja were on the Forecastle raining arrows into the battle, Valerie was up there as well but her strength and size was probably needed more in the melee at this point. On the poop deck was the ship’s mage, hurt but not dead. The main deck had Veldryn and the skeleton facing a lone lizard man near the Forecastle, the Captain and a smuggler were fighting the crocodile at midship, and at the main deck port side near the Poop deck, Bloody the First Mate and a smuggler were facing off against Darveig, Magnus, and Will while Ned had been knocked down near the center mast.
We could still hear sounds from below our feet, making us believe there are other smugglers still waiting to come out. A few of us have been hurt, but no one has dropped yet. And the battle continues to rage on!
This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Meet 53, Adv 4.2, 6/23/18
The party has now learned about the BBG and minions for the campaign - an Illithyd for sure, and most likely a Black Dragon.
And I have nothing more to say about any of that. But I will smile.
Write up follows:
The group continued on their way to Thak at the lower reaches of the Morata Mountains, situated in the valley of three decent sized hills, the walled city of Thak covers about 5 square miles and is home to a diverse number of races and people; roughly 4,500 citizens in all.
We were stopped at the main gate and the cargo and paperwork checked before allowed in. From there we went to the waystation where the wagons and cargo were taken and we were assured that the return load would be on board much later tonight in line with the trip tomorrow. We then helped Siggurd off the wagon and the party walked slowly to the northeast section of town and the Darbeard Demesne.
At the gates we were recognized and let in, a number of our former coworkers and companions coming forward to wish us well, slap our backs, and comment on how good we were looking. The sight of Siggurd prompted lots of snide comments and tossed rocks and rotting fruit but we held most of the angry people at bay and continued on our way to Tropor’s Manorhouse. Korsdottr, the dwarven caravan master found us on the way and we spoke about House Brinster, the improving fortunes of House Darbeard, the smaller jobs being done, and House Darbeard had joined up with another benefactor to carry them through this difficult time.
She was pleased as hell to see Siggurd captured and reminded the very quiet gambler and caravaneer that he owes a debt in this life and the next. At this point Tropor came out of the Manorhouse, trailed by his Controller Saravia and another younger dwarf identified as Banders. Tropor gave everyone a massive hug, lots of back slapping, and wished Barb the best with the party, “As they are the best group of people we’ve had working for us for a few years.”
He wanted to bring Siggurd in and talked about how weird and auspicious it was that the group had arrived. It seems that some people from the Kingdom of Lord Emberwyne, a benefactor that Tropor has been dealing with to combat the loss of Fingelt’s Mine for now, had arrived YESTERDAY, and they had come at the urgings of a seer that was referred to as The Ambassador.
It seems that Siggurd had stolen something of value from the Darbeards and Lord Emberwyne and they were going to question him now. We had a strong suspicion of what it was, but said nothing.
We entered the Manor House and made out way to the back of the main hall where a spiral stairs took us up slowly to the 4th floor of the tower where the donjon and treasury was located. Saravia went to the treasury door and began counting out silver to pay us for our bounty, while Siggurd opened the other door and revealed a torture chamber and three figures within.
There was a dusky skinned woman with very white teeth and purply/black hair – named Rhenna Dracothrall. There was a dusky skinned mountain dwarf as well, reddish hair, wide broken nose – named Olaff Olaffson. And there was a hooded figure wearing a wooden mask painted faded olive green, robes a motley mix of assorted colors, and hands and arms wrapped in loose folds of bandages (like a leper) – referred to as “The Ambassador”. Introductions were made; Rhenna was inviting and easy to speak with, Olaff seemed crude, cursey, and abrupt, and the Ambassador said nothing – merely stared at everyone.
Without much of a by-your-leave, Siggurd was strapped down and foot and thumb racks and bolted in place. Olaff kept looking at Siggurd from the corner of his eye and walking around him. Rhenna is asking the party how they managed to capture Siggurd who by all accounts is a skilled swordsman. Tropor is gleefully rubbing his fingers while Saravia is in the hall with a scale and stacks of silver, making sure the group is getting the right amount. The Ambassador merely seemed to be watching Siggurd from behind his mask – eerily quiet.
There was a faint subsonic hum in the air and Siggurd leaned forward groaning. He blinked his eyes and shook his head. Olaff got pissed and snatching a hot pincher from the brazier held it in front of Siggurd’s face screaming, “Where the Fonging Hell in Frigga’s Frozen Asscheeks is it, ya lackabout fuckwit?!” The faint subsonic hum seemed to fill the air again and Siggurd groaned again, his left eye looks bloodshot now and there is a trickle of blood under his left nostril. The Ambassador continues to stand there unmoving and silent while Rhenna chats up a storm and Olaff blusters and stomps about. Tropor tightens two of the screws on the foot rack and Siggurd now hisses in pain. “That’s for Nuggle, you fucking scumbag,” he says.
“Just give up what you’ve stolen and we can end this swiftly.” The party is looking ill and wants to get out of here, asking Saravia to hurry it up. The Controller is going as fast as he could and even Rhenna makes her way to the landing to avoid seeing the torture going on.
After a lull we heard Siggurd croak out, “Lo, there do I see my father…” before groaning as the subsonic hum grows and he shakes for almost 5 seconds. After some time he manages to get his breath back and Tropor now has his hands on the thumb screws. “You were saying?” he asks. “Give it up murderer and thief and die without shatting up your drawers and some dignity.”
“Lo, there do I see my mother, my sisters, and my brothers…” and more subsonic humming and Olaff is practically drooling as he watches the spectacle. Blood is oozing down Siggurd’s ears and out his left eye now. Saravia comes in and lays his hand on the party’s shoulder and Rhenna, telling them to come with him to the parlor and leave Tropor, Olaff, and the Ambassador to this. The group follows as the groans turn to shrieks and then there is the hissing sound of burning flesh and Olaff shouting, “Fucking talk, ya fornicating assbag! Thor take ya and use yer face fer an ashtray!” and then more groaning and screaming and dull sounding subsonics.
At the base of the donjon tower, Saravia closes the door and the sounds are gone and the group goes to the parlor with him and Rhenna where some brandy cordials have been laid out along with a tray of candied meats and dried sugared fruits. The group talks to Saravia and Rhenna for a bit. Rhenna is very smart and watches the group asking again on how they fought Siggurd, his skills, anything weird happen during the fights.
However, not even a half hour later Tropor, Olaff, and the Ambassador come in frustrated. “Did you get what you needed from him,” Rhenna asks and Olaff loses his crap and says, “Fucker went and dropped dead! Dead! Ain’t no Hel-blasted reason for him to be up and dead like that!”
Tropor suggests that he was questioned too hard and Olaff agrees and the Ambassador replies in a watery voice, “For all his vaunted skills and strengths, he had neither the stamina nor the life force that you had led our Lord to believe. He was questioned EXACTLY as deeply as he needed to be. You should have withheld the physical torture until I had finished questioning him.”
Olaff and the Ambassador go back a forth a bit until Tropor shakes his head and slams his hand down. “Siggurd was many things, and hid his lies and thievery deep under my good will and trusting nature. But as of now I have no idea where to find my…”At a clearing of Rhenna’s throat he back pedals, “where to find our missing goods.”
“What about a Death Speaker? There are some in Sorton I’ve heard, pretty skilled ones at that.” Rhenna asked
The Ambassador replied, “It doesn’t work like that. If it did we’d have had the stolen goods in our hands 5 years earlier.” He then sounds like he clears his throat, however Barb stiffens a bit as she can understand the throat clearing through the Ravenstone as the Ambassador saying, “By Yogsothoth, you hairless apes are so stupid it’s amazing that you can even speak.” And it was in Illithyd. Fuck.
At this point and at Barb’s urging we want to leave and thank Tropor and Saravia for the 900 nobles, foregoing the option to stay the night, saying that we have a room “at an inn in town”. It was here that Avulstein then asked if Siggurd was dead, could he have the body for necromantic research since he was a wizard. The Ambassador looked at him strangely and replied negatively as they had other ways to hopefully question the passed on Siggurd. So we left, the Ambassador watching the party, Avulstein the most.
We went to a local tavern and got a room for all of us, made sure it was secured, and then talked about what happened. We feel that we threw off suspicion since they were surprised we were able to beat Siggurd in a fight, and expressed often that he was the not the most skilled of the fighters, the dwarven woman was. Barb told us about the Illithyd/Ambassador and Avulstein filled in some knowledge he had on the matter. Race of beings from another world or dimension who came here and saw all other races as food and/or below them.
And Rhenna Dracothrall? Lord Emberwyne was a dragon? Maybe, who knows. But it fits the narrative since Siggurd’s father took the Ravenstone from a dragon and sought to keep it from them for 15 years before passing it to his son. This dragon and Tropor Darbeard have to be aligned together and the presence of a mind flayer needlessly complicates the entire thing. Also, the thought from Darius is that Rhenna might actually be a drow and subtly disguised as a human.
We wanted to stay out of the Common Room so we ordered food and beer and hid in the chamber. It was a good thing because Olaff Olaffson did walk in, drinking and looking around for a minute (missed the 2 members at the bar) before grumbling and leaving. What did he want? No one cares, just keep out of his way.
The next morning we are up early, eat, load everything on the wagon, and hit the gates of Thak by 7:30 to roll out of here. And on the walls of Thak over the gates is the bandaged and robed figure of the Ambassador, watching the group as they rode off.
The trip from Thak is without issue and they arrive in Sorton a day and a half later, about a day before the caravan is to take them to Base Camp. They are paid by 3rd Reeve Spearo and the group leaves the next noon for the 3 day journey to Base Camp. They arrive on Workmonth the 1st and we hear from first the Bailiff Youngston Illytch as to what’s been going on, then from Bobkins who wants to go back and hire a bunch of people to find his friends.
We discuss how that isn’t going to happen for a while until we hear a single blast and the entire Camp empties out to see the “B” team, laden down and tired, arrive back here and tell their tale of heroism and deeds. The entire team is stunned, did all that happen? Have the underestimated the B team all this time? They team confers with the A team and lets them know what happened before loading up on the caravan and heading BACK to Sorton for their training and to sell off what treasures they discovered. It was now 4:30 in the afternoon on Workmonth the 1st and the party was going to discuss what was to happen next and how to go about it.
And I have nothing more to say about any of that. But I will smile.
Write up follows:
The group continued on their way to Thak at the lower reaches of the Morata Mountains, situated in the valley of three decent sized hills, the walled city of Thak covers about 5 square miles and is home to a diverse number of races and people; roughly 4,500 citizens in all.
We were stopped at the main gate and the cargo and paperwork checked before allowed in. From there we went to the waystation where the wagons and cargo were taken and we were assured that the return load would be on board much later tonight in line with the trip tomorrow. We then helped Siggurd off the wagon and the party walked slowly to the northeast section of town and the Darbeard Demesne.
At the gates we were recognized and let in, a number of our former coworkers and companions coming forward to wish us well, slap our backs, and comment on how good we were looking. The sight of Siggurd prompted lots of snide comments and tossed rocks and rotting fruit but we held most of the angry people at bay and continued on our way to Tropor’s Manorhouse. Korsdottr, the dwarven caravan master found us on the way and we spoke about House Brinster, the improving fortunes of House Darbeard, the smaller jobs being done, and House Darbeard had joined up with another benefactor to carry them through this difficult time.
She was pleased as hell to see Siggurd captured and reminded the very quiet gambler and caravaneer that he owes a debt in this life and the next. At this point Tropor came out of the Manorhouse, trailed by his Controller Saravia and another younger dwarf identified as Banders. Tropor gave everyone a massive hug, lots of back slapping, and wished Barb the best with the party, “As they are the best group of people we’ve had working for us for a few years.”
He wanted to bring Siggurd in and talked about how weird and auspicious it was that the group had arrived. It seems that some people from the Kingdom of Lord Emberwyne, a benefactor that Tropor has been dealing with to combat the loss of Fingelt’s Mine for now, had arrived YESTERDAY, and they had come at the urgings of a seer that was referred to as The Ambassador.
It seems that Siggurd had stolen something of value from the Darbeards and Lord Emberwyne and they were going to question him now. We had a strong suspicion of what it was, but said nothing.
We entered the Manor House and made out way to the back of the main hall where a spiral stairs took us up slowly to the 4th floor of the tower where the donjon and treasury was located. Saravia went to the treasury door and began counting out silver to pay us for our bounty, while Siggurd opened the other door and revealed a torture chamber and three figures within.
There was a dusky skinned woman with very white teeth and purply/black hair – named Rhenna Dracothrall. There was a dusky skinned mountain dwarf as well, reddish hair, wide broken nose – named Olaff Olaffson. And there was a hooded figure wearing a wooden mask painted faded olive green, robes a motley mix of assorted colors, and hands and arms wrapped in loose folds of bandages (like a leper) – referred to as “The Ambassador”. Introductions were made; Rhenna was inviting and easy to speak with, Olaff seemed crude, cursey, and abrupt, and the Ambassador said nothing – merely stared at everyone.
Without much of a by-your-leave, Siggurd was strapped down and foot and thumb racks and bolted in place. Olaff kept looking at Siggurd from the corner of his eye and walking around him. Rhenna is asking the party how they managed to capture Siggurd who by all accounts is a skilled swordsman. Tropor is gleefully rubbing his fingers while Saravia is in the hall with a scale and stacks of silver, making sure the group is getting the right amount. The Ambassador merely seemed to be watching Siggurd from behind his mask – eerily quiet.
There was a faint subsonic hum in the air and Siggurd leaned forward groaning. He blinked his eyes and shook his head. Olaff got pissed and snatching a hot pincher from the brazier held it in front of Siggurd’s face screaming, “Where the Fonging Hell in Frigga’s Frozen Asscheeks is it, ya lackabout fuckwit?!” The faint subsonic hum seemed to fill the air again and Siggurd groaned again, his left eye looks bloodshot now and there is a trickle of blood under his left nostril. The Ambassador continues to stand there unmoving and silent while Rhenna chats up a storm and Olaff blusters and stomps about. Tropor tightens two of the screws on the foot rack and Siggurd now hisses in pain. “That’s for Nuggle, you fucking scumbag,” he says.
“Just give up what you’ve stolen and we can end this swiftly.” The party is looking ill and wants to get out of here, asking Saravia to hurry it up. The Controller is going as fast as he could and even Rhenna makes her way to the landing to avoid seeing the torture going on.
After a lull we heard Siggurd croak out, “Lo, there do I see my father…” before groaning as the subsonic hum grows and he shakes for almost 5 seconds. After some time he manages to get his breath back and Tropor now has his hands on the thumb screws. “You were saying?” he asks. “Give it up murderer and thief and die without shatting up your drawers and some dignity.”
“Lo, there do I see my mother, my sisters, and my brothers…” and more subsonic humming and Olaff is practically drooling as he watches the spectacle. Blood is oozing down Siggurd’s ears and out his left eye now. Saravia comes in and lays his hand on the party’s shoulder and Rhenna, telling them to come with him to the parlor and leave Tropor, Olaff, and the Ambassador to this. The group follows as the groans turn to shrieks and then there is the hissing sound of burning flesh and Olaff shouting, “Fucking talk, ya fornicating assbag! Thor take ya and use yer face fer an ashtray!” and then more groaning and screaming and dull sounding subsonics.
At the base of the donjon tower, Saravia closes the door and the sounds are gone and the group goes to the parlor with him and Rhenna where some brandy cordials have been laid out along with a tray of candied meats and dried sugared fruits. The group talks to Saravia and Rhenna for a bit. Rhenna is very smart and watches the group asking again on how they fought Siggurd, his skills, anything weird happen during the fights.
However, not even a half hour later Tropor, Olaff, and the Ambassador come in frustrated. “Did you get what you needed from him,” Rhenna asks and Olaff loses his crap and says, “Fucker went and dropped dead! Dead! Ain’t no Hel-blasted reason for him to be up and dead like that!”
Tropor suggests that he was questioned too hard and Olaff agrees and the Ambassador replies in a watery voice, “For all his vaunted skills and strengths, he had neither the stamina nor the life force that you had led our Lord to believe. He was questioned EXACTLY as deeply as he needed to be. You should have withheld the physical torture until I had finished questioning him.”
Olaff and the Ambassador go back a forth a bit until Tropor shakes his head and slams his hand down. “Siggurd was many things, and hid his lies and thievery deep under my good will and trusting nature. But as of now I have no idea where to find my…”At a clearing of Rhenna’s throat he back pedals, “where to find our missing goods.”
“What about a Death Speaker? There are some in Sorton I’ve heard, pretty skilled ones at that.” Rhenna asked
The Ambassador replied, “It doesn’t work like that. If it did we’d have had the stolen goods in our hands 5 years earlier.” He then sounds like he clears his throat, however Barb stiffens a bit as she can understand the throat clearing through the Ravenstone as the Ambassador saying, “By Yogsothoth, you hairless apes are so stupid it’s amazing that you can even speak.” And it was in Illithyd. Fuck.
At this point and at Barb’s urging we want to leave and thank Tropor and Saravia for the 900 nobles, foregoing the option to stay the night, saying that we have a room “at an inn in town”. It was here that Avulstein then asked if Siggurd was dead, could he have the body for necromantic research since he was a wizard. The Ambassador looked at him strangely and replied negatively as they had other ways to hopefully question the passed on Siggurd. So we left, the Ambassador watching the party, Avulstein the most.
We went to a local tavern and got a room for all of us, made sure it was secured, and then talked about what happened. We feel that we threw off suspicion since they were surprised we were able to beat Siggurd in a fight, and expressed often that he was the not the most skilled of the fighters, the dwarven woman was. Barb told us about the Illithyd/Ambassador and Avulstein filled in some knowledge he had on the matter. Race of beings from another world or dimension who came here and saw all other races as food and/or below them.
And Rhenna Dracothrall? Lord Emberwyne was a dragon? Maybe, who knows. But it fits the narrative since Siggurd’s father took the Ravenstone from a dragon and sought to keep it from them for 15 years before passing it to his son. This dragon and Tropor Darbeard have to be aligned together and the presence of a mind flayer needlessly complicates the entire thing. Also, the thought from Darius is that Rhenna might actually be a drow and subtly disguised as a human.
We wanted to stay out of the Common Room so we ordered food and beer and hid in the chamber. It was a good thing because Olaff Olaffson did walk in, drinking and looking around for a minute (missed the 2 members at the bar) before grumbling and leaving. What did he want? No one cares, just keep out of his way.
The next morning we are up early, eat, load everything on the wagon, and hit the gates of Thak by 7:30 to roll out of here. And on the walls of Thak over the gates is the bandaged and robed figure of the Ambassador, watching the group as they rode off.
The trip from Thak is without issue and they arrive in Sorton a day and a half later, about a day before the caravan is to take them to Base Camp. They are paid by 3rd Reeve Spearo and the group leaves the next noon for the 3 day journey to Base Camp. They arrive on Workmonth the 1st and we hear from first the Bailiff Youngston Illytch as to what’s been going on, then from Bobkins who wants to go back and hire a bunch of people to find his friends.
We discuss how that isn’t going to happen for a while until we hear a single blast and the entire Camp empties out to see the “B” team, laden down and tired, arrive back here and tell their tale of heroism and deeds. The entire team is stunned, did all that happen? Have the underestimated the B team all this time? They team confers with the A team and lets them know what happened before loading up on the caravan and heading BACK to Sorton for their training and to sell off what treasures they discovered. It was now 4:30 in the afternoon on Workmonth the 1st and the party was going to discuss what was to happen next and how to go about it.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Meet 52, Adv 4.2, 6/9/18
When I first mapped out the campaign, I had a twist in the beginning where the clan the party works for and gets fucked over seems to be good and on the up and up. But eventually when the bring the original betrayer in they realize that their benefactors are not actually the good guys, but are the bad guys.
That was revealed at this meeting and I've been sitting on that nugget for a year and a half in real time. It leads right to the larger and true campaign BBG that will dog the party on a going forward.
Write up follows:
It was Firemonth the 23rd and the group knew that today was the day they were going to face Siggurd. They needed to get him out of town from Slagbottom and discussed a few ways to do that, dispensing with boats and rafts since it was a bit outside their skill set. The decision was to head to the Sickly Cat on River Road and check the place over.
It was 20-25 minutes to walk there, River Road was the 7th block between Central Gate and Main Gate off of Main Street, and Hardslope Road was the 4th block from the docks and the Enderlyn River. The entirety of Slagbottom was at a 10 degree angle here, running towards the Enderlyn. An open sewer line ran through parts of the main street where sweepers kept the effluvium running along during operating hours (until 9 PM). The Sickly Cat was surrounded by low rent single and two story buildings for residents, a rat catchers, painters, liquor store, and other such locales. The Cat itself had two main doors but there was a third door that led to the alley, a maze of narrow passages just a bit over 2’ wide with garbage within.
We felt comfortable with the place, knowing that we’d most likely gird him in the alley and would arrange to have the material stacked and blocking key areas. But they didn’t want to hang around the too much now. They also saw no easy way to smuggle his body out of here. The thought was to get a wagon or cart and position it 6 blocks up on River Road and Main Street.
The group went back to House Illytch where they went to speak with 3rd Reeve Spearo. He was happy they had finished their training and they had 5 days to kill before the caravan could bring them back so the time was their own. They made noises about heading back to Thak and Spearo was thrilled to hear it. He had an order of 1,500 lbs. of timber to be sent there for a private buyer and the group would be getting 500 lbs. of metal stuff to bring back. Heck, we’d even get caravan rates of 2 nobles/day (3 for Darius who would be the driver). Basic food would be included (a hammered mess of dried nuts, dried meat, and some sort of course grain called “Meatloaf”) and two oxen would be made available.
We took the job, agreed to leave tonight or so and went to check out the wagon. It was a ton and a quarter Conestoga type heavy axle wagon and the timber load left some space by the buckboard. We grabbed extra tarps; made sure the barrels and supplies were tied down, and then left to look at places.
Darius’ problem was the trip from the Sickly Cat to House Illytch was long, even if he jogged it, a lone man jogging through the streets at night was going to attract attention and we didn’t want to do that – plus the group would be with Siggurd for almost an hour and whatever could go wrong would go wrong. Wanted to limit the time.
We then went to Central Quarter and looked around. A few wheelhouses and garages were just inside the gate – cutting the trip down to 11 minutes or so – much better for the party. At Southern Garage and cart house, Darius arranged for a spot, paid for it in advance, and also made sure that there would be guards on hand to watch it.
We then went back to House Illytch, made sure there was enough food for us, and took the wagon fully laden back to Central Quarter and Southern Garage, drove it in, and left it there. We also dropped off our own bags and backpacks. Avulstein was asked about his goat and chickens if he wanted them fed and was told not to worry. The two young teamsters shrugged and thought it was strange.
As the day passed into evening, we had gone back to the Sickly Cat and moved some boxes and barrels around the alleys, making it a choke point and difficult for someone to run their way free. We then ate and by 9:30, was headed back there to get a lay of the land.
The Crowcatcher was lit at mid-block, giving indistinct light at the end by the gaming house. The moon was waxing but still only about half way. Many of the residential homes had a few lights burning in the windows but as the night wore on, they one by one were snuffed out. Connal went to the liquor store and got a jack of cheapish beer and then took up residence in a corner near the front and had his head down drinking slowly. The rest of the group was in the alleys behind the gaming house – Negan and Barb filling up the larger spot for now while Avulstein and Darius were closer in.
A drunk was looking to sleep in a wide part of the alley nearby but Barb inspired him to move on to another block. A bit later the Rat catcher came out and bid hello to Connal before hitting the alleys with a stout club and a few bags. Later on a prostitute was seen walking the next block over, her circlet coming back to River Road every 10 minutes or so. Darius intercepted her and gave her enough money for three hours if she would just go away for now. Two friends came out of the Sickly Cat talking about the game and the benefits of inside straight or not but Connal didn’t chat with them and they sort of moved on into the dark streets.
Then it was almost half passed 11 when we heard the cries and yells inside. Complaints of “Cheat!” echoed from within followed by complaining and stumbling. The back door to the Cat burst open and Siggurd and two others (human and dwarf, both female) were thrown into the alley and the door slammed closed. They all got up and started hammering on the door when the party ran up to attack.
The dwarven woman was complaining, “Some dog is attacking me!” and Siggurd was shaking his head as Darius launched and attack, Connal joining a moment later with a flying leap. The party was looking to pull their blows, going more for knock out than kill shots.
But that fell apart quickly as Siggurd and his group had no compunctions, convinced they were being mugged. The dwarven female had wickedly heady hand axe in her hand and slammed it down on Avulstein a few times and then took a bullet to the head and the shoulder from Darius. Seeing the wolverine on the floor, she stalked towards Darius who was backing up swiftly. The other female had two knives and held her own as Connal tried to engage her and Siggurd. But Siggurd had short sword and dagger and he wove a shield of glittering blades around him as the group struggled to keep the momentum going.
Barb took shot after shot, Darius tried to sling again but the axe wielder smashed him good and hard, tearing tons of hit points away. Our necromancer was down to single digits when Barb risked her own neck and dragged the wolverine out of the fight and down the alley behind her, spear back to the front as she fought Siggurd barely in place. Avulstein ran around to the front of the building and wove his arcanic power – animating one of the big rats from the back before he smashed through the front window of the rat catcher’s shop.
Negan stood with Darius, short handled battle axe swinging left and right with the intent to drive the dwarven woman back. The party was just hanging on but losing hit points when finally, the dwarf dropped. With now 5 on 2, Siggurd realized who he was fighting and wanted to escape. He charged Barb, engaging her directly with a mass of cuts and scrapes, twisting and wrestling the half-orc until he managed to appear behind her and in the alley.
Negan threw his AC to the wind and charged AROUND the lone shanty, slipping in the filth to come about the opposite of the long alley and before Siggurd could run, he cocked his arm back and HURLED the 12# battle axe through the air where it slammed Siggurd in the back and sent him smashing into a nearby building.
The lone fighter with the daggers was losing ground at two on one and Avulstein was in the Rat Catcher’s shop…but did not open the back door, was instead scooping up dead rats and tossing them into his bag. As the fight continued and Siggurd was running out of options, he was struck AGAIN…and instead of Siggurd, the drunk that had been chased away by Barb was hit! From the next block over, we heard a smash of a body falling and Siggurd’s confused voice.
The last fighter was dropped as Connal hit the streets hard, running to Siggurd who was struggling to get to his feet. The group gave chase and the monk hit Siggurd, once in the chest, and then again…but his 2nd blow hit the Rat Catcher instead and we heard ANOTHER smashing sound from Siggurd from another block over! The group all hit the block together (Avulstein finally coming out of the shop and was robbing the two women on the floor).
The watch was being called and the group all surrounded Siggurd and knocked him out at long last. Negan hoisted the unconscious Siggurd on his shoulders and Darius RAN for the Main Street and eventually South Garage, telling the group to head UP River Road and wait for him in the alley just before Main Street.
The group abandoned the area and made their way north two blocks before they were stopped by some watch running to the area. They questioned Negan and Barb both wearing stars, telling them to patrol the Randari Quarter instead and to leave Slagbottom to them. We thanked them and kept going.
Meanwhile Darius, bleeding badly, drank a healing draught and stopped at a local bar where he asked for a mug of beer. He was watched strangely as he took the beer, and washed his face and shirt with it, blood and dirt running off. The proprietor asked him if he was ok, and Darius replied, “No! And thanks for the beer, it was good.” Before leaving.
At the gate he was let through after some questioning and then went to Southern Garage. The guards there let him in, helped him get ready to go, and informed him that they fed the goats and chickens because they felt bad for the animals’ obvious neglect. He drove the heavy wagon towards Main Street, through the gate, and towards the exit to Sorton. He stopped at River Road and the group brought the unconscious Siggurd to the wagon and shoved him under the buckboard, stacking barrels and tarps around him. We then all got on board and drove to the main gate where a group of 6 guards checked us out, insulted Barb, and let us pass.
We drove away for two hours, hitting Siggurd again and again in the head to keep him out until after 1:30 and far enough away, pulled over and made to rest. Siggurd was roused and we tried to get the Ravenstone off his neck – unable to even see it except out of the corner of our eye. It refused every option to come off even hanging him upside down.
We then felt we were far enough away from the city to talk to Siggurd. The conversation did NOT go in the direction we expected. Once he learned he was being brought back to Tropor Darbeard in Thak he got quiet and said little except staring at the sky.
Eventually he shrugged his shoulders and sighed. Tells the group that they are right and he is sorry. Sorry for lots of things. “Made some real fucked up choices in my life and abused a gift that he should have been honored to receive and treated properly.”
He then dropped onto us that we, everyone, was mistaken about the Darbeards. When it comes to the Nuggle thing (selling him out and to the kobolds) he grimaces and apologizes. “My beef wasn’t with you, just the fucking Darbeards. You were just in the way and witnesses.” If he could have done it without putting anyone else in danger, he would have but all he was thinking was getting out of fucking Thak as fast as possible with as much of a grubstake as he could get. House Brinster had the money, House Darbeard was delving into some fucked up stuff, and Tropor isn’t as much of a fucking saint as he pretends to be.
He fingers the Ravenstone and says that his father gave it to his about 5 years ago, and that his father managed to get it 15 years before that. The Darbeards are working with some draconic that had it before Siggurd and have been looking for it for all this time. They got close but Siggurd’s father threw off the scent by passing it on to his son. The holder of the Ravenstone cannot be augured, divined, or scried to see if he has it – and even past scrying is muddied up to 24 hours. But, the only way to give it up is to either take it off his corpse or for him to relinquish it to another. Since you’re going to Thak, he does NOT want any of the Darbeard’s to get it – no matter what.
He accepts that he wasted and squandered his gift, but he won’t let the Darbeards get the stone now, not after keeping it from them for the last 20 years. He is willing to give it to someone in the party if they swear 2 things – don’t tell the Darbeards they have it, and keep it safe from whatever forces are looking for it.
We talked about it and decided that as we get closer to Thak, we’ll make that decision. Connal used his headband of discerning and assured that that Siggurd was telling the absolute truth. We rested and then rode on the 24th and arrived just outside of Thak in the early morning of the 25th. The call was to give the Ravenstone to Barb – it has to go to someone not tainted by the Weave and who is not a person of nobility.
Making sure that she knows not to give it to the Darbeards, he told her “There is no way I want the fucking Darbeards to get their hands on this, I’d rather give it up to you. He then grabbed the plaque it was on and with some difficulty, lifted it free of his chest and intoned: “I hereby pass on this oculus of my own free as it was passed on to me. May the Thoughts and Memories that guide the All Father do the same for its new holder through the tangled roots of Yggdrasil.”
The Ravenstone lifted free and was pulsing a black and brown color before Barb lifted he hand as if drawn to the gem…and it snapped to her grip along with a faint inrushing of air. She blinked rapidly as she saw a ghostly image wavering in front of her as if from the stone’s point of view, looking at Siggurd as he says, “There’s no way I want the fucking Darbeards to get their hands on this, I’d rather give it up to you.”
Then the image faded and another ghost glimpse from the stone looking at another man, older, similar looking to Siggurd and says, “There’s not a chance they won’t come after me now that they’ve found me, son. It’s safer in your hands from this point on.”
Then another flash and a ghost glimpse of a black dragon screaming in agony as a younger version of the last man has a sword in the dragon’s heart and is twisting the blade as the dragon hisses out, “A pox on you and yours! You fucking hairless Ape! My father will avenge my death!”
Then a fainter ghostly glimpse of a dwarven female flayed with her guts strewn all over, acid scoring on her face and hands, feebly holding up the Ravenstone and sobbing, “Alright! Alright! For the love of Odin I’ll do it just please spare my family.”
And then even fainter an orcish fighter with a pair of dwarven crossbow bolts in his chest hunched over a young frightened orc, blood everywhere looking up at a dwarven female flatbower sobbing, “Alright! It’s yours, but in the All Father’s Name, please don’t hurt my son.”
And finally even older and fainter, an old tusked matronly orc handing the stone over and saying, “This has helped guide our Famyr and Clannar for centuries, my son. May its wisdom guide you as it has done me.”
There are some residual orcish ghostly shapes but no more words to be heard.
Siggurd let Barb know that she can’t ever not have the stone, it will always appear upon her person. It also cannot be scried for, just not showing up. The longer she has it, the more skills and powers that opens up for her. However, in the beginning the stone gives everyone who possess it to understand just about any spoken language and speak the same language back in return.
That was revealed at this meeting and I've been sitting on that nugget for a year and a half in real time. It leads right to the larger and true campaign BBG that will dog the party on a going forward.
Write up follows:
It was Firemonth the 23rd and the group knew that today was the day they were going to face Siggurd. They needed to get him out of town from Slagbottom and discussed a few ways to do that, dispensing with boats and rafts since it was a bit outside their skill set. The decision was to head to the Sickly Cat on River Road and check the place over.
It was 20-25 minutes to walk there, River Road was the 7th block between Central Gate and Main Gate off of Main Street, and Hardslope Road was the 4th block from the docks and the Enderlyn River. The entirety of Slagbottom was at a 10 degree angle here, running towards the Enderlyn. An open sewer line ran through parts of the main street where sweepers kept the effluvium running along during operating hours (until 9 PM). The Sickly Cat was surrounded by low rent single and two story buildings for residents, a rat catchers, painters, liquor store, and other such locales. The Cat itself had two main doors but there was a third door that led to the alley, a maze of narrow passages just a bit over 2’ wide with garbage within.
We felt comfortable with the place, knowing that we’d most likely gird him in the alley and would arrange to have the material stacked and blocking key areas. But they didn’t want to hang around the too much now. They also saw no easy way to smuggle his body out of here. The thought was to get a wagon or cart and position it 6 blocks up on River Road and Main Street.
The group went back to House Illytch where they went to speak with 3rd Reeve Spearo. He was happy they had finished their training and they had 5 days to kill before the caravan could bring them back so the time was their own. They made noises about heading back to Thak and Spearo was thrilled to hear it. He had an order of 1,500 lbs. of timber to be sent there for a private buyer and the group would be getting 500 lbs. of metal stuff to bring back. Heck, we’d even get caravan rates of 2 nobles/day (3 for Darius who would be the driver). Basic food would be included (a hammered mess of dried nuts, dried meat, and some sort of course grain called “Meatloaf”) and two oxen would be made available.
We took the job, agreed to leave tonight or so and went to check out the wagon. It was a ton and a quarter Conestoga type heavy axle wagon and the timber load left some space by the buckboard. We grabbed extra tarps; made sure the barrels and supplies were tied down, and then left to look at places.
Darius’ problem was the trip from the Sickly Cat to House Illytch was long, even if he jogged it, a lone man jogging through the streets at night was going to attract attention and we didn’t want to do that – plus the group would be with Siggurd for almost an hour and whatever could go wrong would go wrong. Wanted to limit the time.
We then went to Central Quarter and looked around. A few wheelhouses and garages were just inside the gate – cutting the trip down to 11 minutes or so – much better for the party. At Southern Garage and cart house, Darius arranged for a spot, paid for it in advance, and also made sure that there would be guards on hand to watch it.
We then went back to House Illytch, made sure there was enough food for us, and took the wagon fully laden back to Central Quarter and Southern Garage, drove it in, and left it there. We also dropped off our own bags and backpacks. Avulstein was asked about his goat and chickens if he wanted them fed and was told not to worry. The two young teamsters shrugged and thought it was strange.
As the day passed into evening, we had gone back to the Sickly Cat and moved some boxes and barrels around the alleys, making it a choke point and difficult for someone to run their way free. We then ate and by 9:30, was headed back there to get a lay of the land.
The Crowcatcher was lit at mid-block, giving indistinct light at the end by the gaming house. The moon was waxing but still only about half way. Many of the residential homes had a few lights burning in the windows but as the night wore on, they one by one were snuffed out. Connal went to the liquor store and got a jack of cheapish beer and then took up residence in a corner near the front and had his head down drinking slowly. The rest of the group was in the alleys behind the gaming house – Negan and Barb filling up the larger spot for now while Avulstein and Darius were closer in.
A drunk was looking to sleep in a wide part of the alley nearby but Barb inspired him to move on to another block. A bit later the Rat catcher came out and bid hello to Connal before hitting the alleys with a stout club and a few bags. Later on a prostitute was seen walking the next block over, her circlet coming back to River Road every 10 minutes or so. Darius intercepted her and gave her enough money for three hours if she would just go away for now. Two friends came out of the Sickly Cat talking about the game and the benefits of inside straight or not but Connal didn’t chat with them and they sort of moved on into the dark streets.
Then it was almost half passed 11 when we heard the cries and yells inside. Complaints of “Cheat!” echoed from within followed by complaining and stumbling. The back door to the Cat burst open and Siggurd and two others (human and dwarf, both female) were thrown into the alley and the door slammed closed. They all got up and started hammering on the door when the party ran up to attack.
The dwarven woman was complaining, “Some dog is attacking me!” and Siggurd was shaking his head as Darius launched and attack, Connal joining a moment later with a flying leap. The party was looking to pull their blows, going more for knock out than kill shots.
But that fell apart quickly as Siggurd and his group had no compunctions, convinced they were being mugged. The dwarven female had wickedly heady hand axe in her hand and slammed it down on Avulstein a few times and then took a bullet to the head and the shoulder from Darius. Seeing the wolverine on the floor, she stalked towards Darius who was backing up swiftly. The other female had two knives and held her own as Connal tried to engage her and Siggurd. But Siggurd had short sword and dagger and he wove a shield of glittering blades around him as the group struggled to keep the momentum going.
Barb took shot after shot, Darius tried to sling again but the axe wielder smashed him good and hard, tearing tons of hit points away. Our necromancer was down to single digits when Barb risked her own neck and dragged the wolverine out of the fight and down the alley behind her, spear back to the front as she fought Siggurd barely in place. Avulstein ran around to the front of the building and wove his arcanic power – animating one of the big rats from the back before he smashed through the front window of the rat catcher’s shop.
Negan stood with Darius, short handled battle axe swinging left and right with the intent to drive the dwarven woman back. The party was just hanging on but losing hit points when finally, the dwarf dropped. With now 5 on 2, Siggurd realized who he was fighting and wanted to escape. He charged Barb, engaging her directly with a mass of cuts and scrapes, twisting and wrestling the half-orc until he managed to appear behind her and in the alley.
Negan threw his AC to the wind and charged AROUND the lone shanty, slipping in the filth to come about the opposite of the long alley and before Siggurd could run, he cocked his arm back and HURLED the 12# battle axe through the air where it slammed Siggurd in the back and sent him smashing into a nearby building.
The lone fighter with the daggers was losing ground at two on one and Avulstein was in the Rat Catcher’s shop…but did not open the back door, was instead scooping up dead rats and tossing them into his bag. As the fight continued and Siggurd was running out of options, he was struck AGAIN…and instead of Siggurd, the drunk that had been chased away by Barb was hit! From the next block over, we heard a smash of a body falling and Siggurd’s confused voice.
The last fighter was dropped as Connal hit the streets hard, running to Siggurd who was struggling to get to his feet. The group gave chase and the monk hit Siggurd, once in the chest, and then again…but his 2nd blow hit the Rat Catcher instead and we heard ANOTHER smashing sound from Siggurd from another block over! The group all hit the block together (Avulstein finally coming out of the shop and was robbing the two women on the floor).
The watch was being called and the group all surrounded Siggurd and knocked him out at long last. Negan hoisted the unconscious Siggurd on his shoulders and Darius RAN for the Main Street and eventually South Garage, telling the group to head UP River Road and wait for him in the alley just before Main Street.
The group abandoned the area and made their way north two blocks before they were stopped by some watch running to the area. They questioned Negan and Barb both wearing stars, telling them to patrol the Randari Quarter instead and to leave Slagbottom to them. We thanked them and kept going.
Meanwhile Darius, bleeding badly, drank a healing draught and stopped at a local bar where he asked for a mug of beer. He was watched strangely as he took the beer, and washed his face and shirt with it, blood and dirt running off. The proprietor asked him if he was ok, and Darius replied, “No! And thanks for the beer, it was good.” Before leaving.
At the gate he was let through after some questioning and then went to Southern Garage. The guards there let him in, helped him get ready to go, and informed him that they fed the goats and chickens because they felt bad for the animals’ obvious neglect. He drove the heavy wagon towards Main Street, through the gate, and towards the exit to Sorton. He stopped at River Road and the group brought the unconscious Siggurd to the wagon and shoved him under the buckboard, stacking barrels and tarps around him. We then all got on board and drove to the main gate where a group of 6 guards checked us out, insulted Barb, and let us pass.
We drove away for two hours, hitting Siggurd again and again in the head to keep him out until after 1:30 and far enough away, pulled over and made to rest. Siggurd was roused and we tried to get the Ravenstone off his neck – unable to even see it except out of the corner of our eye. It refused every option to come off even hanging him upside down.
We then felt we were far enough away from the city to talk to Siggurd. The conversation did NOT go in the direction we expected. Once he learned he was being brought back to Tropor Darbeard in Thak he got quiet and said little except staring at the sky.
Eventually he shrugged his shoulders and sighed. Tells the group that they are right and he is sorry. Sorry for lots of things. “Made some real fucked up choices in my life and abused a gift that he should have been honored to receive and treated properly.”
He then dropped onto us that we, everyone, was mistaken about the Darbeards. When it comes to the Nuggle thing (selling him out and to the kobolds) he grimaces and apologizes. “My beef wasn’t with you, just the fucking Darbeards. You were just in the way and witnesses.” If he could have done it without putting anyone else in danger, he would have but all he was thinking was getting out of fucking Thak as fast as possible with as much of a grubstake as he could get. House Brinster had the money, House Darbeard was delving into some fucked up stuff, and Tropor isn’t as much of a fucking saint as he pretends to be.
He fingers the Ravenstone and says that his father gave it to his about 5 years ago, and that his father managed to get it 15 years before that. The Darbeards are working with some draconic that had it before Siggurd and have been looking for it for all this time. They got close but Siggurd’s father threw off the scent by passing it on to his son. The holder of the Ravenstone cannot be augured, divined, or scried to see if he has it – and even past scrying is muddied up to 24 hours. But, the only way to give it up is to either take it off his corpse or for him to relinquish it to another. Since you’re going to Thak, he does NOT want any of the Darbeard’s to get it – no matter what.
He accepts that he wasted and squandered his gift, but he won’t let the Darbeards get the stone now, not after keeping it from them for the last 20 years. He is willing to give it to someone in the party if they swear 2 things – don’t tell the Darbeards they have it, and keep it safe from whatever forces are looking for it.
We talked about it and decided that as we get closer to Thak, we’ll make that decision. Connal used his headband of discerning and assured that that Siggurd was telling the absolute truth. We rested and then rode on the 24th and arrived just outside of Thak in the early morning of the 25th. The call was to give the Ravenstone to Barb – it has to go to someone not tainted by the Weave and who is not a person of nobility.
Making sure that she knows not to give it to the Darbeards, he told her “There is no way I want the fucking Darbeards to get their hands on this, I’d rather give it up to you. He then grabbed the plaque it was on and with some difficulty, lifted it free of his chest and intoned: “I hereby pass on this oculus of my own free as it was passed on to me. May the Thoughts and Memories that guide the All Father do the same for its new holder through the tangled roots of Yggdrasil.”
The Ravenstone lifted free and was pulsing a black and brown color before Barb lifted he hand as if drawn to the gem…and it snapped to her grip along with a faint inrushing of air. She blinked rapidly as she saw a ghostly image wavering in front of her as if from the stone’s point of view, looking at Siggurd as he says, “There’s no way I want the fucking Darbeards to get their hands on this, I’d rather give it up to you.”
Then the image faded and another ghost glimpse from the stone looking at another man, older, similar looking to Siggurd and says, “There’s not a chance they won’t come after me now that they’ve found me, son. It’s safer in your hands from this point on.”
Then another flash and a ghost glimpse of a black dragon screaming in agony as a younger version of the last man has a sword in the dragon’s heart and is twisting the blade as the dragon hisses out, “A pox on you and yours! You fucking hairless Ape! My father will avenge my death!”
Then a fainter ghostly glimpse of a dwarven female flayed with her guts strewn all over, acid scoring on her face and hands, feebly holding up the Ravenstone and sobbing, “Alright! Alright! For the love of Odin I’ll do it just please spare my family.”
And then even fainter an orcish fighter with a pair of dwarven crossbow bolts in his chest hunched over a young frightened orc, blood everywhere looking up at a dwarven female flatbower sobbing, “Alright! It’s yours, but in the All Father’s Name, please don’t hurt my son.”
And finally even older and fainter, an old tusked matronly orc handing the stone over and saying, “This has helped guide our Famyr and Clannar for centuries, my son. May its wisdom guide you as it has done me.”
There are some residual orcish ghostly shapes but no more words to be heard.
Siggurd let Barb know that she can’t ever not have the stone, it will always appear upon her person. It also cannot be scried for, just not showing up. The longer she has it, the more skills and powers that opens up for her. However, in the beginning the stone gives everyone who possess it to understand just about any spoken language and speak the same language back in return.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Youth Meet 15, Adv 2, 6/8/18
The youth group had taken 7 or 8 weeks off due to some issues with my daughter, but they have been resolved and the party got back together. There was the obligatory slow build reminder of where we were and what was going on – which accounted for about a half hour of the session, but then it was back to world building and set up for the Sea Ghost portion of the adventure path. Plus they got to see Sanbalat swing – so that was a plus!
Write up follows:
The group reconvened just west of the warehouse district and short of the Lost Children of Tyr Orphanage. They spent a few minutes catching each other up with what they had learned and discovered before heading off to pay their respects and then go visit the Regurin Demesne and hopefully have some answers from the smuggler in captivity.
The Orphanage had seen better days and was in need of some repair but the children were well fed, dressed comfortably, and seemed in good spirits. The Matron of the LCoT was a rotund woman named Amade and she was cheerful and appreciative to the group’s presence. There were about 15 kids ranging between 4 and 9 that came out to meet the group, of which the majority of them were human, with a few Halfling and half-orc children in tow.
Valarie spent some time with the half-orc children who were impressed with the Half-orcish Druid, asking her tons of questions about her tusks, skin color, hair, and just how big she was. The rest of the group talked to Amade who let it be known that any donations go to “food and clothing for the children first”, followed by sundry items, repairs, and then placement costs and fees if there is anything left over to help give the orphans a trade to learn or a family to place with. There were 3 others at the LCoT, the head cook, and two adjuncts. Everyone worked hard but it was a labor of love.
After taking the tour, Magnus wanted to make a tithe and donation to the Orphanage and offered Matron Amade 10 golden crowns. She literally had to stop she was crying so much at the generous amount. This spurred on Deja to match Magnus’ offer. And then Between Talion and Val, their combined offering matched Magnus’ again!
And Veldryn gave 7 nobles.
Effectively, the party gave the equivalent of 3,000 days of common labor costs to the Orphanage. More money than they typically would see in 3 months. The kids were thrilled, the staff was pumping hands in thanks, and Matron Amade could not stop her tears of gratitude. We left eventually after 45 minutes, promising to return, and feeling good, headed off to see Sir Archibald.
Eventually the elder landholder and Councilman met with us and seemed pretty excited. The Justicar and Inquisitor had been working on Sanbalat for 17 hours and had gotten most information they were going to get from the rude smuggler. The group was brought down to the basement, and then the sub-basement where we were then led to a large chamber outfitted for torture. Sanbalat was suspended over a Judas’ Cradle, arms bound, legs bound, fingers twisted. He had pincer marks and burns on his body but still managed to sneer at the group before they even began getting information.
The boat that would load the material from Saltmarsh was a merchant vessel called the Sea Ghost. It would sit far off shore and flash a signal to know if there was to be a pick up. Long and short flashes would answer from here and the Sea Ghost would either wait, prepare to be loaded, or waved off for a few days. Then it would go to the Haunted Mansion where it would unload the stolen goods to Sanbalat and his people, and eventually a third party would come and get the supplies from the smugglers and continue on their way to Dunwater.
The Sea Ghost’s Captain is a man named Siggurd Snake-eyes, a brutish cutthroat, and his command staff was his first mate and Bosun. He had a crew of 8 more smugglers and had been known to consort with some feral Lizardmen, having a few on board to help keep order. This meant 14 people on the Ghost. Our party was 5, 6 if you included Magnus’s new squire and former smuggler, Darveig.
Sir Regurin was willing to have a jolly boat at our disposal if the Sea Ghost came back…and two men along with it to pilot the vessel and aid the group should they want some help on board. The captain of the boat was a man named Will Stoutly, a former marine and fighter during the Usurper’s War, and the other would be Ned Shakeshaft who asked for the chance to help. This would bring us to 8…vs 14. Better odds, especially if we had the luxury of surprise.
Sanbalat was then led out of the dungeon, taken outside where the Regurin Demesne came to act as witness as the Inquisitor carried out his sentence and Sanbalat was strung up on a prepared rope, sentence as announced, and he was hung from the neck until dead. He was to stay there until the evening and then taken down and buried in the potters grave at the cemetery.
The Council offered us a reward for taking out the Sea Ghost and were allowed to keep anything we found on the vessel but the vessel and any contraband must be returned to Saltmarsh. We agreed and left.
From here we went off to the cemetery so Veldryn could talk to Hjarlod, the town Speaker, but also to get permission to look at Grabbi Ogansdottr’s grave – the leader of the Order of the Kraken who was captured and tried two years earlier and then buried here. Hjarlod was not sure about digging up the body but Talion managed to sway the intoxicated undertaker and the group joined him in the cemetery where they all started to dig. In a short time they had hit wood and managed to dig the coffin free. Then ropes were attached and it was lifted out of the ground. The cover seal was still in place and it was busted free and the cover lifted.
Inside was Grabbi’s clothing (Boots, breeches, silk shirt, headband) all sitting on top of heavy stones – but no body. Crap?! Where was she? The group was trying to figure out the mystery and Hjarlod was pissed since he was duped in the matter. But eventually they discovered the head of the coffin wall was not pegged in place – 5 of the 6 wooden pegs had been drilled free, leaving on which could be knocked out and knocked back into place.
The feeling was that after she was taken down, placed in the coffin, and it sealed up, Hjarlod remembered it suddenly started raining that night and the burial was put off until the next morning – where the coffin was then placed in the ground and covered over. Someone most likely drilled the pegs free and took the body, closing the coffin back up and leaving the seals in place to throw off any sense of tampering.
Was she alive at that time? No one knows, it’s been two years. The group did have the thought that perhaps Siggurd Snake-eyes and Grabbi were one in the same, or maybe related? Using the Bifrost Crystal, Veldryn meditated over the stone until she could hear the sound of Hel speaking to her. She asked if there was a relation and got a resounding no.
The rest of the group was heading back to the Regurin Demesne to let Sir Archibald know about Grabbi not being here while Veldryn stayed and got Hjarlod’s commitment to helping her raise the bones of the dead alchemist she had taken from the mansion as a skeletal servant tonight before the group was planning to board the Sea Ghost.
As for Sir Archibald, he took the news of Grabbi poorly, wondering did the Undertaker have something to do with it? The group assured the Councilman that it wasn’t the case and there was thought that she had faked her death. Spells? Maybe. The town’s notary, Pinelaquin, “Lack” could better answer that. The party picked up Veldryn and went to the notary. The half-elf sage and sorcerer did comment that there were some spells that allow the person to feign death, and it could last for some time, many hours even.
We deduced that Grabbi had either cast it or had it cast upon her, and then after being interred in the coffin, either was spring by one of her followers or managed to drill her way out and escape. It also explains how the Order of the Kraken continued to function almost as a whole even though it had been supposedly attacked and disbanded earlier.
The group was to head back to the Wench and rest before seeing about going to the docks this evening and keeping an eye out for the Sea Ghost if it’s going to actually come tonight.
Write up follows:
The group reconvened just west of the warehouse district and short of the Lost Children of Tyr Orphanage. They spent a few minutes catching each other up with what they had learned and discovered before heading off to pay their respects and then go visit the Regurin Demesne and hopefully have some answers from the smuggler in captivity.
The Orphanage had seen better days and was in need of some repair but the children were well fed, dressed comfortably, and seemed in good spirits. The Matron of the LCoT was a rotund woman named Amade and she was cheerful and appreciative to the group’s presence. There were about 15 kids ranging between 4 and 9 that came out to meet the group, of which the majority of them were human, with a few Halfling and half-orc children in tow.
Valarie spent some time with the half-orc children who were impressed with the Half-orcish Druid, asking her tons of questions about her tusks, skin color, hair, and just how big she was. The rest of the group talked to Amade who let it be known that any donations go to “food and clothing for the children first”, followed by sundry items, repairs, and then placement costs and fees if there is anything left over to help give the orphans a trade to learn or a family to place with. There were 3 others at the LCoT, the head cook, and two adjuncts. Everyone worked hard but it was a labor of love.
After taking the tour, Magnus wanted to make a tithe and donation to the Orphanage and offered Matron Amade 10 golden crowns. She literally had to stop she was crying so much at the generous amount. This spurred on Deja to match Magnus’ offer. And then Between Talion and Val, their combined offering matched Magnus’ again!
And Veldryn gave 7 nobles.
Effectively, the party gave the equivalent of 3,000 days of common labor costs to the Orphanage. More money than they typically would see in 3 months. The kids were thrilled, the staff was pumping hands in thanks, and Matron Amade could not stop her tears of gratitude. We left eventually after 45 minutes, promising to return, and feeling good, headed off to see Sir Archibald.
Eventually the elder landholder and Councilman met with us and seemed pretty excited. The Justicar and Inquisitor had been working on Sanbalat for 17 hours and had gotten most information they were going to get from the rude smuggler. The group was brought down to the basement, and then the sub-basement where we were then led to a large chamber outfitted for torture. Sanbalat was suspended over a Judas’ Cradle, arms bound, legs bound, fingers twisted. He had pincer marks and burns on his body but still managed to sneer at the group before they even began getting information.
The boat that would load the material from Saltmarsh was a merchant vessel called the Sea Ghost. It would sit far off shore and flash a signal to know if there was to be a pick up. Long and short flashes would answer from here and the Sea Ghost would either wait, prepare to be loaded, or waved off for a few days. Then it would go to the Haunted Mansion where it would unload the stolen goods to Sanbalat and his people, and eventually a third party would come and get the supplies from the smugglers and continue on their way to Dunwater.
The Sea Ghost’s Captain is a man named Siggurd Snake-eyes, a brutish cutthroat, and his command staff was his first mate and Bosun. He had a crew of 8 more smugglers and had been known to consort with some feral Lizardmen, having a few on board to help keep order. This meant 14 people on the Ghost. Our party was 5, 6 if you included Magnus’s new squire and former smuggler, Darveig.
Sir Regurin was willing to have a jolly boat at our disposal if the Sea Ghost came back…and two men along with it to pilot the vessel and aid the group should they want some help on board. The captain of the boat was a man named Will Stoutly, a former marine and fighter during the Usurper’s War, and the other would be Ned Shakeshaft who asked for the chance to help. This would bring us to 8…vs 14. Better odds, especially if we had the luxury of surprise.

The Council offered us a reward for taking out the Sea Ghost and were allowed to keep anything we found on the vessel but the vessel and any contraband must be returned to Saltmarsh. We agreed and left.
From here we went off to the cemetery so Veldryn could talk to Hjarlod, the town Speaker, but also to get permission to look at Grabbi Ogansdottr’s grave – the leader of the Order of the Kraken who was captured and tried two years earlier and then buried here. Hjarlod was not sure about digging up the body but Talion managed to sway the intoxicated undertaker and the group joined him in the cemetery where they all started to dig. In a short time they had hit wood and managed to dig the coffin free. Then ropes were attached and it was lifted out of the ground. The cover seal was still in place and it was busted free and the cover lifted.
Inside was Grabbi’s clothing (Boots, breeches, silk shirt, headband) all sitting on top of heavy stones – but no body. Crap?! Where was she? The group was trying to figure out the mystery and Hjarlod was pissed since he was duped in the matter. But eventually they discovered the head of the coffin wall was not pegged in place – 5 of the 6 wooden pegs had been drilled free, leaving on which could be knocked out and knocked back into place.
The feeling was that after she was taken down, placed in the coffin, and it sealed up, Hjarlod remembered it suddenly started raining that night and the burial was put off until the next morning – where the coffin was then placed in the ground and covered over. Someone most likely drilled the pegs free and took the body, closing the coffin back up and leaving the seals in place to throw off any sense of tampering.
Was she alive at that time? No one knows, it’s been two years. The group did have the thought that perhaps Siggurd Snake-eyes and Grabbi were one in the same, or maybe related? Using the Bifrost Crystal, Veldryn meditated over the stone until she could hear the sound of Hel speaking to her. She asked if there was a relation and got a resounding no.
The rest of the group was heading back to the Regurin Demesne to let Sir Archibald know about Grabbi not being here while Veldryn stayed and got Hjarlod’s commitment to helping her raise the bones of the dead alchemist she had taken from the mansion as a skeletal servant tonight before the group was planning to board the Sea Ghost.
As for Sir Archibald, he took the news of Grabbi poorly, wondering did the Undertaker have something to do with it? The group assured the Councilman that it wasn’t the case and there was thought that she had faked her death. Spells? Maybe. The town’s notary, Pinelaquin, “Lack” could better answer that. The party picked up Veldryn and went to the notary. The half-elf sage and sorcerer did comment that there were some spells that allow the person to feign death, and it could last for some time, many hours even.
We deduced that Grabbi had either cast it or had it cast upon her, and then after being interred in the coffin, either was spring by one of her followers or managed to drill her way out and escape. It also explains how the Order of the Kraken continued to function almost as a whole even though it had been supposedly attacked and disbanded earlier.
The group was to head back to the Wench and rest before seeing about going to the docks this evening and keeping an eye out for the Sea Ghost if it’s going to actually come tonight.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Meet 51, Adv 4.2, 6/2/18
This was the last of the vignettes during the training that lead the party through the town adventure and eventually and hopefully at long last to the confrontation with Siggurd. I've said it before, I like these types of world-building at my table and look forward to when they come up in play.
Write up follows:
Throughout the County of Rand, the celebration of Odin, the All-Father is an important time and this week was usually referred to as the All Father’s Feast, the last major holiday signaling the ending weeks of Summer and the start of the Harvest season. In Sorton, the upper class section of town throws what is referred to as the All Father’s Ball on the 1st day of the feast; and it is a highly sought after affair that people sign up for weeks in advance in hopes of getting a vaunted ticket.
Darius’ family, the Diamondcutters, have been staples to the Ball for generation and his youngest sister, Twilaine, made sure to include Darius on the invitation listing even though the young slinger had a falling out with his father weeks earlier. But on the night of the 21st, Darius made sure that he was decked out in his newest clothing, doublets and jerkins in black, green, and red, cut in the latest style and fashion. He made his way through the Jarl Heorot, a massive meeting and banquet hall located in Overcliff, until he found his seat at the table his family was already at.
His eldest brother, Gordon, was here, along with his youngest sister, Twilaine. Twilaine was betrothed to a man 12 years her senior, Isilwine Goldsmith, a shallow chinned jewelry maker whose family had been working with the Diamondcutter’s for years. Isilwine and Gordon have been friends for some time and were deep in their cups, talking and laughing. The seats for Darius’ mother and father were empty and there were other members of the Darblewythe mines here as well.
Darius’ arrival was met with surprise and skepticism by Gordon but naked appreciation from Twilaine. Isilwine was big on making sure Twilaine had enough to eat and was plying her with ham as he joked about “fattening her up” so she can squeeze out some kids soon while patting her on her slim hips. Darius didn’t like it and Isilwine kept joking Darius off.
The conversation drifted around the various mines and jobs that had been coming and going for some time until Gordson touched upon the crème de la crème they had just done – a signature piece for Siggurd Eindaud. Buh-wha?? Seems he had a piece of gem, called it a Ravenstone, and wanted it mounted on some gaudy piece of gold and silver plaque worn around his neck.
Darius listened to his brother and Isilwine talk about the piece for a bit and the difficulty in getting the stone mounted – was multi-faceted but was immune to further cuts no matter what Gordon did – so he had to figure out how to mount the translucent brownish gem offset in place without cutting a holding groove on its face. At this point they noticed Siggurd was at the Ball and was walking the crowd. Darius noted how everyone seemed to like Siggurd no matter what and there was even talk that the League picked up some of his gambling markers on their own.
The former teamster, murderer and colluder with kobolds, current mid-level and rising functionary with the League of Odin made his way over and gave Isilwine and Gordson a hug and noticeable thanks. He was introduced to Darius (who dressed very neat, shaved, haircut, and out of place – Siggurd didn’t place him) and Twilaine and spend a little time talking and showing off his chest jewelry. He left to mingle more and the group was just gushing over Siggurd – again, except for Darius.
Now earlier there had been note that a Matron priestess was going to be at the table as well but was running late. There was the herald call of Matriarch Marsha Jarlborrin-Strake, Speaker for the Dead announced and Darius and the rest of the table beheld the pale dwarven high priestess gliding across the chamber until she arrived at the table. She gave everyone a piercing glance and then centered it on Isilwine and said, “You’re in my seat. Leave.” The shallow chinned burst from his chair, apologized, and left the table, hovering nearby but close enough to hear the quiet conversations.
She sat there in uncomfortable silence after bidding her hellos and then asked Darius if he liked the goat? She hated it. How about the music? She thought it was terrible. She hated these things and had been the face for the Vault of the Heorot for the last 10 years since Paduntosis had been to one and there was…a problem that Ball. And Parylis always had some leprous growth of problem at these times that would “surprisingly” clear up a few days after the fact.
She talked to the Diamondcutter siblings for some time. Gordon and his kowtowing to his father’s whims and wishes, Twilaine living in the shadow of her elder sister’s death and middle sister’s shame, and Darius’ escape from his family dynamic. She then pointed out Siggurd and said that his ownership of the Ravenstone was an affront and someone should remove it from him before he grows to become a larger problem.
Ravenstone? She went on to explain that there were 8 of them according to myth, and they were the rocks that Hugnin and Munin had eaten to aid in their digestion as they watched over Odin while he hung for 9 days on Yggdrasil. After they regurgitated them they made their way to Midgard where they have drifted around in and out of possession of various people. They cannot be claimed by a spell caster, and a person of nobility would not be able to see their value and also pass the stones by. But to others they would appear to be valuable and their ownership over time would impart different gifts. What kind of gifts? It’s different for everyone, but the first and main one is the ability to speak and be understood by any race the wielder can’t normally speak to.
How or where he got it she doesn’t know, but the longer he has it, the more it becomes attuned to him and the greater his mastery of it becomes. It might be why everyone seems to like Siggurd without question, and maybe why the League is picking up his gambling debts. As to why now he is wearing it like a medallion, Marsh wasn’t sure, but equated it to why a peacock’s feathers get ruffled or why the less endowed would stuff a rock or two in their codpiece – merely for show.
Marsh eventually left and the three siblings talked for a bit longer. Twilaine was going to take a trip to the Vault of the Heorot and see the Speakers there, amazed at Marsha’s insight. Gordson was going to take small steps to assert himself and make his father’s influence superfluous – over time. Darius gave them both heartfelt goodbyes and eventually took 2 jugs of alcohol and made his way to Meg’s Flower Shoppe. He met Flora at the door, and then made his way upstairs to Meg where they shared some drink and then eventually her bed.
He awoke the next day, enjoyed her again, they shared breakfast and she gave him 5 small vials of distilled flower oil from the deadly plants he was looking for. She asked if he was going to the bar that night, and if so she’d like to go to see his friends. Darius nodded and said, “we’ll see” and then left, heading back to the Illytch Demesne and filled the rest of the group in on last night’s activity and today’s bounty which he gave to Avulstein.
Today was the 22nd and the final day of training. The League of Odin had invited the other guilds over to train and show off some of their student at some exhibition matches. There were three planned and Connal was selected for the 2nd heat. Each match was 3 on 3, with points for 1st blood, maximum damage, and knocking down the opponent. Connal, a dwarven fighter named Fenthil, and a Firvin barbarian named Gungar were squared off against 3 Leaguers: Jeros a swordsman, Beznor Coinhorn a dwarven warrior, and Dorf Dorfson a dwarven brawler.
Gungar eschewed armor and charged across the field, two handed sword slamming down and the three Leaguers were engaged. Fenthil was doing his best to catch up and Connal came up faster. The combat was short and intense, with one by one, the party members loosing HP before it was down to just Jeros and Connal and our monk won. Money was dispensed and the group was happy.
The third heat was 3 Leaguers vs 3 Storm Ravens and Siggurd was in the middle of the pack, doing his best to not look like he was doing his best. Barb picked up on his feinting and posturing during the combat and commented on it to the rest of the group. But the fight got nasty and dirt was thrown in Siggurd’s face. He stumbled back, tried to clear his vision, and what seemed to be a hiccup, suddenly had his legs planted and miraculously recovered his stance, hitting his opponent had and taking him down. He placed 2nd in points and the bouts were over.
It was in the post-fight that the group was with Connal as he and the other Grim Gauntlet fighters were being debriefed. The Midfather from the Red House, church of Loki and who was responsible for the gambling and odds making, were commenting that the runes and portents before the fight showed Siggurd with a 7 to 2 odds of winning; but the post-fight odds had instead read 4 to 3. An over 200% loss on potential earnings. The Red House was “out” over 2,700 commons since they would have booked his odds as different if they had been read as they currently were before the fight. Do odds ever change? Sometime yes, maybe by 10 or 20% swing, not as much as it did for Siggurd. A curious thing was that no one from the Church of Loki or the Red House seemed enamored from Siggurd – a sign that his “likeableness” did not affect those touched by Loki.
The group discussed the situation that evening and the fact that Siggurd or his Ravenstone was able to change the outcome of something and we should be aware of it during the apprehension tomorrow. We then went off to the butcher to see about getting some chickens and goats for Avulstein and ended the day at House Illytch getting wind that the “B” team was overdue by over a week and there has been no sign of them. Bobkins was talking about using some of the funds we had earned to hire some mercs back in Sorton and get his friends back.
We told the 3rd Reeve Spearo to hold that for now as we expected to be back at Base Camp in 6 days give or take. But tomorrow night, we were going to finally confront and take down Siggurd after almost 6 months of his being free from the crimes he committed against House Darbeard and the party.
Write up follows:
Throughout the County of Rand, the celebration of Odin, the All-Father is an important time and this week was usually referred to as the All Father’s Feast, the last major holiday signaling the ending weeks of Summer and the start of the Harvest season. In Sorton, the upper class section of town throws what is referred to as the All Father’s Ball on the 1st day of the feast; and it is a highly sought after affair that people sign up for weeks in advance in hopes of getting a vaunted ticket.
Darius’ family, the Diamondcutters, have been staples to the Ball for generation and his youngest sister, Twilaine, made sure to include Darius on the invitation listing even though the young slinger had a falling out with his father weeks earlier. But on the night of the 21st, Darius made sure that he was decked out in his newest clothing, doublets and jerkins in black, green, and red, cut in the latest style and fashion. He made his way through the Jarl Heorot, a massive meeting and banquet hall located in Overcliff, until he found his seat at the table his family was already at.
His eldest brother, Gordon, was here, along with his youngest sister, Twilaine. Twilaine was betrothed to a man 12 years her senior, Isilwine Goldsmith, a shallow chinned jewelry maker whose family had been working with the Diamondcutter’s for years. Isilwine and Gordon have been friends for some time and were deep in their cups, talking and laughing. The seats for Darius’ mother and father were empty and there were other members of the Darblewythe mines here as well.
Darius’ arrival was met with surprise and skepticism by Gordon but naked appreciation from Twilaine. Isilwine was big on making sure Twilaine had enough to eat and was plying her with ham as he joked about “fattening her up” so she can squeeze out some kids soon while patting her on her slim hips. Darius didn’t like it and Isilwine kept joking Darius off.
The conversation drifted around the various mines and jobs that had been coming and going for some time until Gordson touched upon the crème de la crème they had just done – a signature piece for Siggurd Eindaud. Buh-wha?? Seems he had a piece of gem, called it a Ravenstone, and wanted it mounted on some gaudy piece of gold and silver plaque worn around his neck.
Darius listened to his brother and Isilwine talk about the piece for a bit and the difficulty in getting the stone mounted – was multi-faceted but was immune to further cuts no matter what Gordon did – so he had to figure out how to mount the translucent brownish gem offset in place without cutting a holding groove on its face. At this point they noticed Siggurd was at the Ball and was walking the crowd. Darius noted how everyone seemed to like Siggurd no matter what and there was even talk that the League picked up some of his gambling markers on their own.
The former teamster, murderer and colluder with kobolds, current mid-level and rising functionary with the League of Odin made his way over and gave Isilwine and Gordson a hug and noticeable thanks. He was introduced to Darius (who dressed very neat, shaved, haircut, and out of place – Siggurd didn’t place him) and Twilaine and spend a little time talking and showing off his chest jewelry. He left to mingle more and the group was just gushing over Siggurd – again, except for Darius.
Now earlier there had been note that a Matron priestess was going to be at the table as well but was running late. There was the herald call of Matriarch Marsha Jarlborrin-Strake, Speaker for the Dead announced and Darius and the rest of the table beheld the pale dwarven high priestess gliding across the chamber until she arrived at the table. She gave everyone a piercing glance and then centered it on Isilwine and said, “You’re in my seat. Leave.” The shallow chinned burst from his chair, apologized, and left the table, hovering nearby but close enough to hear the quiet conversations.
She sat there in uncomfortable silence after bidding her hellos and then asked Darius if he liked the goat? She hated it. How about the music? She thought it was terrible. She hated these things and had been the face for the Vault of the Heorot for the last 10 years since Paduntosis had been to one and there was…a problem that Ball. And Parylis always had some leprous growth of problem at these times that would “surprisingly” clear up a few days after the fact.
She talked to the Diamondcutter siblings for some time. Gordon and his kowtowing to his father’s whims and wishes, Twilaine living in the shadow of her elder sister’s death and middle sister’s shame, and Darius’ escape from his family dynamic. She then pointed out Siggurd and said that his ownership of the Ravenstone was an affront and someone should remove it from him before he grows to become a larger problem.
Ravenstone? She went on to explain that there were 8 of them according to myth, and they were the rocks that Hugnin and Munin had eaten to aid in their digestion as they watched over Odin while he hung for 9 days on Yggdrasil. After they regurgitated them they made their way to Midgard where they have drifted around in and out of possession of various people. They cannot be claimed by a spell caster, and a person of nobility would not be able to see their value and also pass the stones by. But to others they would appear to be valuable and their ownership over time would impart different gifts. What kind of gifts? It’s different for everyone, but the first and main one is the ability to speak and be understood by any race the wielder can’t normally speak to.
How or where he got it she doesn’t know, but the longer he has it, the more it becomes attuned to him and the greater his mastery of it becomes. It might be why everyone seems to like Siggurd without question, and maybe why the League is picking up his gambling debts. As to why now he is wearing it like a medallion, Marsh wasn’t sure, but equated it to why a peacock’s feathers get ruffled or why the less endowed would stuff a rock or two in their codpiece – merely for show.
Marsh eventually left and the three siblings talked for a bit longer. Twilaine was going to take a trip to the Vault of the Heorot and see the Speakers there, amazed at Marsha’s insight. Gordson was going to take small steps to assert himself and make his father’s influence superfluous – over time. Darius gave them both heartfelt goodbyes and eventually took 2 jugs of alcohol and made his way to Meg’s Flower Shoppe. He met Flora at the door, and then made his way upstairs to Meg where they shared some drink and then eventually her bed.
He awoke the next day, enjoyed her again, they shared breakfast and she gave him 5 small vials of distilled flower oil from the deadly plants he was looking for. She asked if he was going to the bar that night, and if so she’d like to go to see his friends. Darius nodded and said, “we’ll see” and then left, heading back to the Illytch Demesne and filled the rest of the group in on last night’s activity and today’s bounty which he gave to Avulstein.
Today was the 22nd and the final day of training. The League of Odin had invited the other guilds over to train and show off some of their student at some exhibition matches. There were three planned and Connal was selected for the 2nd heat. Each match was 3 on 3, with points for 1st blood, maximum damage, and knocking down the opponent. Connal, a dwarven fighter named Fenthil, and a Firvin barbarian named Gungar were squared off against 3 Leaguers: Jeros a swordsman, Beznor Coinhorn a dwarven warrior, and Dorf Dorfson a dwarven brawler.
Gungar eschewed armor and charged across the field, two handed sword slamming down and the three Leaguers were engaged. Fenthil was doing his best to catch up and Connal came up faster. The combat was short and intense, with one by one, the party members loosing HP before it was down to just Jeros and Connal and our monk won. Money was dispensed and the group was happy.
The third heat was 3 Leaguers vs 3 Storm Ravens and Siggurd was in the middle of the pack, doing his best to not look like he was doing his best. Barb picked up on his feinting and posturing during the combat and commented on it to the rest of the group. But the fight got nasty and dirt was thrown in Siggurd’s face. He stumbled back, tried to clear his vision, and what seemed to be a hiccup, suddenly had his legs planted and miraculously recovered his stance, hitting his opponent had and taking him down. He placed 2nd in points and the bouts were over.
It was in the post-fight that the group was with Connal as he and the other Grim Gauntlet fighters were being debriefed. The Midfather from the Red House, church of Loki and who was responsible for the gambling and odds making, were commenting that the runes and portents before the fight showed Siggurd with a 7 to 2 odds of winning; but the post-fight odds had instead read 4 to 3. An over 200% loss on potential earnings. The Red House was “out” over 2,700 commons since they would have booked his odds as different if they had been read as they currently were before the fight. Do odds ever change? Sometime yes, maybe by 10 or 20% swing, not as much as it did for Siggurd. A curious thing was that no one from the Church of Loki or the Red House seemed enamored from Siggurd – a sign that his “likeableness” did not affect those touched by Loki.
The group discussed the situation that evening and the fact that Siggurd or his Ravenstone was able to change the outcome of something and we should be aware of it during the apprehension tomorrow. We then went off to the butcher to see about getting some chickens and goats for Avulstein and ended the day at House Illytch getting wind that the “B” team was overdue by over a week and there has been no sign of them. Bobkins was talking about using some of the funds we had earned to hire some mercs back in Sorton and get his friends back.
We told the 3rd Reeve Spearo to hold that for now as we expected to be back at Base Camp in 6 days give or take. But tomorrow night, we were going to finally confront and take down Siggurd after almost 6 months of his being free from the crimes he committed against House Darbeard and the party.
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